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(Supply Chain) Master Schedule Status Report

The (Supply Chain) Master Schedule Status Report displays shipping activity against a master demand schedule or multi-org plan, or production activity against a master production schedule. You can group the items on the report by category set or inventory item. You can report the original schedule entries, the current schedule entries, or the entries you last submitted to a DRP, MPS, or MRP plan.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Master Schedule Status Report in the Name field. Supply Chain Planning users should enter Supply Chain Schedule Status Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Schedule Name

Select a schedule name.

Organization Selection SUPPLY CHAIN PLANNING

Select the planned organization (all or current) if this is a supply chain report. You can select All Organizations for a multi-org plan if you are working in the organization that owns the plan; otherwise, you can select only the current organization and report shipping/production activity pertaining to the current organization.

Schedule Version

Select one of the following options:

Current Report the current version of the master demand or master production schedule.

Last submitted to MPS/MRP Report the version of the schedule you last submitted to the MRP or MPS.

Original Report the original version of the schedule. As noted, Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning only updates this version when you add new entries to the schedule. Updates to existing scheduling entries do not affect this version.

Start Date

Enter a past or the current date to report activity for the schedule name, for the day, week, and month, beginning on this date.


Select one of the following options:

12 Report the forecast for 12 periods.
24 Report the forecast for 24 periods.
36 Report the forecast for 36 periods.
48 Report the forecast for 48 periods.


Enter the number of weeks. The number of Weeks you choose, together with the number of Periods you choose, determines how many weeks and how many months that display in the horizontal time-phased plan.

For example, if you choose 24 as the time Period and 10 as the number of Weeks, 10 of these periods display as weeks, the remaining 14 as months.


Select one of the following options:

Category Report activity by category and then by inventory item within the category.
Inventory item Report activity by inventory item.

Items From/To

To restrict the report to a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Category Set

Select a category set. Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning reports forecast entries associated with this category set.

Categories From/To

To restrict the report to a range of categories, enter the beginning and ending category names.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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