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Overwrite Options

When you launch the planning process, you generate new planned orders and suggested repetitive schedules to meet your net requirements. Since you can firm a DRP, MPS, or MRP planned order, you may not want the planning process to overwrite any firm planned orders. You can use the Overwrite and Append plan level options to limit how the planning process reacts to firm planned orders and to stabilize the short term material plan.


When you enter All in the Overwrite field, the planning process overwrites all entries, planned and firm planned, from the current material plan.

When you enter None in the Overwrite field, the planning process does not overwrite any firm planned orders. It does, however, overwrite any suggested planned orders that are not firm.

When you enter Outside planning time fence in the Overwrite field, the planning process overwrites all entries from the current plan, planned and firm planned, outside the planning time fence, and overwrites only planned orders inside the planning time fence. It does not overwrite any firm planned orders within the planning time fence. The planning time fence can be different for each item, so the planning process looks at the planning time fence for each item when choosing what to delete.

Append Planned Orders

When you enter No in the Append Planned Orders field, the planning process does not append any planned orders to the current plan. Additional demand does not cause planned order recommendations. Instead, the projected quantity on hand may go negative in response to demand that was not met by a suggested planned order.

When you enter Yes in the Append Planned Orders field, the planning process appends additional planned orders after the last entry on the current material plan to meet any additional demand.

The overwrite and append options work in combinations, as described below.

Overwrite All, Append Planned Orders

This option allows you to create a new material requirements plan for the plan name you specify, deleting all previous planned and firm planned entries while regenerating new planned orders. You can use this combination the first time you run your plan or if you want your plan to reflect all sources of new demand.

For example, if an existing material plan has the following orders for an item:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
01-FEB 100 Planned
08-FEB 200 MRP firm planned
15-FEB 300 Planned

And the following MDS is used to plan the material plan using All in the Overwrite field and Yes in the Append Planned Orders field:

Schedule Date Quantity
02-FEB 110
09-FEB 220
16-FEB 330

Then the resulting material plan would have the following suggestions for planned orders:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
02-FEB 110 Planned
09-FEB 220 Planned
16-FEB 330 Planned

The planning process always suggests planned orders. You can change planned orders to a firm status using the Items window in the Planner Workbench.

Overwrite Outside Planning Time Fence, Append Planned Orders

This option allows you to create an extension to the material requirements plan for the plan name you specify, deleting planned and firm planned orders outside the planning time fence and deleting all planned entries inside the planning time fence for each item. The planning process creates (appends) new planned orders after the planning time fence date. In this case, since you are overwriting after the planning time fence, you are also appending new planned orders after that date. You can use this combination to stabilize the short-term plan and allow the long-term plan to react to new sources of demand.

Attention: If an item has no time fence specified and this option is chosen, all planned and firm planned orders are overwritten.

For example, if an existing MRP has the following orders for an item:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
01-FEB 100 Planned
08-FEB 200 MRP firm planned
15-FEB 300 Planned

And the following MDS is used to plan the MRP using Outside Planning Time Fence in the Overwrite field and Yes in the Append Planned Orders field:

Schedule Date Quantity
02-FEB 110
09-FEB 220
16-FEB 330

Then the resulting material plan would have the following suggestions for planned orders, assuming the planning time fence is 05-FEB:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
05-FEB 110 Planned
09-FEB 220 Planned
16-FEB 330 Planned

Since the entry on 01-FEB is not firmed, the MRP planning process overwrites this entry. If it was firmed, the process would not overwrite the entry. The additional demand from the MDS of 110 on 02-FEB was appended on the planning time fence date of 05-FEB. The MRP firm planned order on 08-FEB was deleted because it falls outside the planning time fence of 05-FEB.

The planning process always suggests planned orders. You can change planned orders to a MRP firm status using the Items window in the Planner Workbench.

Overwrite None, Append Planned Orders

When you choose not to overwrite an existing plan, the planning process does not overwrite existing firm planned orders, but deletes any suggested planned orders. The planning process then creates (appends) new planned orders after the planning time fence date. This is analogous to firming sections of your short-term material requirements plan. You can extend the plan horizon without altering existing firm planned orders.

For example, if an existing MRP has the following suggested planned orders for an item:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
01-FEB 100 Planned
08-FEB 200 MRP firm planned
15-FEB 300 Planned

And the following MDS is used to plan the MRP using None in the Overwrite field and Yes in the Append Planned Orders field:

Schedule Date Quantity
02-FEB 110
09-FEB 220
16-FEB 330

Then the resulting material plan would have the following suggestions for planned orders assuming the planning time fence is 05-FEB:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
05-FEB 110 Planned
08-FEB 200 MRP firm planned
09-FEB 20 Planned
16-FEB 330 Planned

The firm order on 08-FEB remains on the MRP since the overwrite is None. However, the planned entries are deleted. Although additional demand exists on the MDS, no planned orders are suggested until the planning time fence (on 05-FEB). The MDS demand of 110 on 02-FEB was satisfied by a new planned order for 110 on 05-FEB. The demand for 220 on 09-FEB was partially met by the firm MRP planned order on 08-FEB. Thus an additional planned order was suggested on 09-FEB for 20 to meet the MDS demand of 220. A suggested planned order was created on 16-FEB for 330 to meet the demand from the MDS on 16-FEB.

Overwrite None, Do Not Append Planned Orders

In this case, the planning process does not overwrite existing firm planned entries, but deletes any suggested planned orders. In addition, it does not append additional demand to the end of the plan. Instead, it reports the instances where the material requirements plan is out of balance with the master demand schedule, and allows you to solve these problems by manipulating the plan manually. This gives maximum control to the material planner.

For example, if an existing material plan has the following orders:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
01-FEB 100 Planned
08-FEB 200 MRP firm planned
15-FEB 300 Planned

And the following MDS is used to plan the MRP using None in the Overwrite field and No in the Append Planned Orders field:

Schedule Date Quantity
02-FEB 110
09-FEB 220
16-FEB 330

Then the resulting MRP would have the following suggestions for planned orders:

Schedule Date Quantity Order Status
08-FEB 200 MRP firm planned

The reason the additional demand from 02-FEB, 09-FEB, and 16-FEB was not planned for is because with the Overwrite None and Do Not Append Planned Orders, you choose not to overwrite firm planned orders nor create new planned orders to meet additional demand. In this case, the projected quantity on hand would go negative since no planned orders were suggested to meet the additional demand. The material planner can use on-line inquiries and reports with exception messages to identify material shortages.

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