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Supply and Demand Fields


Recommendation from the planning engine for a specific record, such as Reschedule In, Reschedule Out, Cancel, and Release.

Alternate BOM

Used for net change replanning.

Alternate Routing

Used for net change replanning.

BOM Item Type

Type of item, such as: Model, Option class, Planning Standard, and Product Family.

Build Sequence

Displays the build sequence used in releasing planned orders.


Item category.

Compression Days

The number of days that the planning process suggests you compress the order. (In other words, reduce the time between the start date and due date.)

Days from Today

Displays demand or supply entries that are due within the specified number of days from the current date.


Indicates if a supply order was firmed or not.

Implemented Quantity

The quantity of a supply order which has been implemented as a discrete job or purchase requisition.


The part number.

Last Unit Completion Data (LUCD)

The last unit completion date of a repetitive or aggregate repetitive schedule.

Last Unit Start Date (LUSD)

The last unit start date of a repetitive or aggregate repetitive schedule.


Used for net change replanning.

New Date

The due date of a firmed supply order. This defaults to the suggested due date of the order; however, you can manually override this value.

New Quantity

The order quantity of a firmed order. This defaults to the suggested quantity of the order; however, you can manually override this value.

Old Due Date

The original due date of a rescheduled order.

Old Order Quantity

The original order quantity of a discrete job or repetitive schedule.

Order Number

The order number of a purchase order, purchase requisition, discrete job, or sales order.

Order Type

The order type of the supply or demand entry. The supply types are Purchase order, Purchase requisition, Discrete job, Suggested aggregate repetitive schedule, Planned order, Non-standard job, PO in receiving, Intransit shipment, Intransit receipt, Suggested repetitive schedule, Discrete job by-product, Nonstandard job by-product, Repetitive schedule by-product, and Planned order by-product. The demand types are: Planned order, Non-standard job, Discrete job, Repetitive schedule, Expired lot, Sales order MDS, Forecast MDS, Manual MDS, Other independent demand, Hard reservation, MDS independent demand, MPS compiled demand, Copied schedule demand, Planned order scrap, Discrete job scrap, Purchase order scrap, Purchase requisition scrap, PO in receiving scrap, Repetitive schedule scrap, Model/option class/product family demand, Intransit shipment scrap, and Interorganization order.


The organization short code. Use this criteria to display supply or demand entries within the specified organization.


The planner associated with an item. Use this criteria to display items or supply/demand entries for items that belong to the specified planner.

Project Number

The project number associated with an order. Use this criteria to display supply/demand associated with the specified project.


The required quantity of a demand entry or the order quantity of a supply entry. For repetitive demand, this field displays the daily demand quantity. For repetitive supply, this field displays the daily production rate.


Indicates if an item is repetitively planned. Use this criteria to display repetitive supply or demand entries.


Indicates if a supply order has been rescheduled.

Schedule Group

You can select a schedule group for a planned order and release.

Selected for Release

Indicates if a supply order has been selected for release.

Source Organization

Organization from which a specified supply order is sourced.

Source Supplier

The vendor associated with an item. Used as the default supplier for an order.

Source Supplier Site

The location of the source vendor.

Suggested Dock Date

The date that the planning process suggests you receive the supply order.

Suggested Due Date

Supply: The date the planning process recommends the item should be available to use in manufacturing. This is typically when you deliver the item to inventory. This is calculated by adding any postprocessing lead times for the item to the new dock date.

Demand: The date the using assembly requires the item. If the demand is rate-based, the start date of the rate of the demand is displayed.

Suggested Order Date

The date the planning process recommends to begin an order so that it is completed by the suggested due date, based on fixed and variable lead time.

Suggested Start Date

Start date of the supply order.


The task number of an order. Use this criteria to display supply/demand associated with the specified task.

Using Assembly

The parent assembly of an item.


The vendor of a purchase order.

See Also

Creating Firm Planned Orders

Implementing Planned Orders

Implementing Planned Orders

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