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How Forecasted Repetitive Items Appear in the Master Schedule

When you load a forecast entry with no end date into the master schedule for a repetitively planned item, the schedule entry consists of a:

If the forecast is in daily buckets, the schedule date and the rate end date are the same. If the forecast is bucketed in weeks or periods, the schedule date is the first day of the week or period, and the schedule end date is the end of that week or period. The daily rate is what was forecasted for that week or period divided by the number of days in that time frame. For example:

Bucket Forecast Date Rate End Date Forecast Quantity
Days 04-JAN   100
Weeks 17-JAN   200
Periods 31-JAN   400

Schedule Date Rate End Date Quantity Daily Rate
04-JAN 04-JAN   100
17-JAN 21-JAN   40 (assuming 5 workdays)
31-JAN 26-FEB   20 (assuming 20 workdays)

When you load a forecast entry with an end date into the master schedule for a repetitively planned item, the schedule entry consists of a schedule date, a rate end date, and a daily rate. If the forecast is in daily buckets, the schedule date is the same as the forecast date, and the rate end date is the same as the forecast end date. The forecasted quantity becomes the daily rate. If the forecast is in weekly or periodic buckets, the schedule date is the first day of the week or period, and the schedule end date is the end of that week or period. The daily rate is what was forecast for that week or period divided by the number of days in that time frame.

For example:

Bucket Forecast Date Rate End Date Forecast Quantity
Days 04-JAN 06-JAN 100
Weeks 17-JAN 24-JAN 200
Periods 31-JAN 28-FEB 400

Schedule Date Rate End Date Quantity Daily Rate
04-JAN 06-JAN   100
17-JAN 21-JAN   40 (assuming 5 workdays)
24-JAN 28-JAN   40
31-JAN 26-FEB   20 (assuming 20 workdays)
28-FEB 26-MAR   20

If you specify rounding control for an item, the load process does round up any fractional quantities. The load process considers any additional quantity calculated due to rounding as excess when calculating future time buckets.

For example:

Bucket Forecast Date Rate End Date Forecast Quantity
Days 08-FEB 11-FEB 100
Weeks 14-FEB 11-MAR 518

Schedule Date Rate End Date Quantity Daily Rate
08-FEB 11-FEB   100
14-FEB 18-FEB   104
21-FEB 25-FEB   104
28-FEB 04-MAR   103
07-MAR 11-MAR   104

Note the period from 28-FEB through 04-MAR only requires 103 a day since the previous periods spanning 14-FEB through 25-FEB are overestimates due to rounding.

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