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Vehicle Load Sheet Summary

The Vehicle Load Sheet Summary report prints a list of all deliveries assigned to a specific departure. This report prints the following header information: organization from which the report is running, date the report is created, location from which the items are shipped, and name of the report. This report contains the following departure information: departure date, whether or not the departure follows another departure, freight carrier, vehicle type, gross weight and net weight of the departure, and vehicle number. The report contains the following delivery information within the departure: order in which the deliveries are to be loaded in the departure (load sequence), delivery name, gross weight and net weight of each delivery, waybill number, and customer name.


In the Shipping Reports and Documents window, select Vehicle Load Sheet Summary from the list of values for the Name field.


When you request a Vehicle Load Sheet Summary, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameters.

Departure Name

Select the departure you want printed in this report. If you select a Departure Name, you do not need to define the remaining parameters.

Departure Date (Low and High)

Define the range of Departure Dates you want to be used to print this report. All departures that have planned departure dates within this range are printed in the report. If you specify this parameter, you do not need to specify any other parameters. You can specify a Freight Carrier, but you do not need to specify a Departure Name.

Freight Carrier

Select the freight carrier you want to be used to print this report. You must define a range of departure dates to use this parameter. All departures using this freight carrier (within the range of departure dates you define) are printed in this report.

See Also

Overview of Delivery-based Ship Confirm

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