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Manage Locators in Project Manufacturing

Locator Flexfield

Oracle Project Manufacturing reserves segment19 and segment20 of the Stock Locator key flexfield to store the project and task numbers. Users should not attempt to modify these two segments.

If you are installing Oracle Project Manufacturing the first time, when you create the first inventory organization and check the Project Reference Enabled checkbox, the system automatically enables segment19 and segment20 of the Stock Locator key flexfield. You can then enable additional segments (e.g. Segment1, segment2) to reflect your physical stock location layout.

If you are installing Oracle Project Manufacturing in an existing Oracle Applications installation and are currently using segment19 and segment20 of the Stock Locator key flexfield, you need to change your current flexfield schema and use other segments instead. The system does not support automatic conversion for this.


Project Locator

A Project Locator is a locator with a project or project and task reference. A Project Locator is a logical partition of a physical location.

Project Inventory needs to be stocked in a Project Locator and needs to be transacted in and out of a Project Locator. Since Locators can be dynamically created, it is not necessary to pre- define Project Locators.

Common Locator

A Common Locator is a locator without a project or project and task reference. A Common Locator is a real, physical location.

Note: Although a Project Locator is a logical partition, the system still regards it as a physical locator for physical and cycle counting.


Project Locators differ from Common Locators by the existence of values in the Project and Task segments in the flexfield definition of the Locator. If the structure of the physical location is Row/Rack/Bin, the structure of the Locator flexfield would be Row/Rack/Bin/Project/Task. For example, the concatenated value for a common item in Row 1, Rack 4, Bin 2 would be 1/4/2// while the concatenated value for a project item in Row 1, Rack 4, Bin 2, Project C4501, Task 2.1 would be 1/4/2/C4501/2.1.

Use of Locator

Project Locator is a mechanism to track inventory by project. If an inventory item needs to be identified by project, you need to turn on "Locator Control" for the item.

Since locators can be dynamically created (Locator Control = 'Dynamic Entry Allowed' at item level), you do not need to pre- define all Project Locators. Oracle Project Manufacturing provides defaulting and validation logic in order to keep the use of project locators transparent to the user.

The following paragraphs describe the defaulting and validation logic for locators within various products.

Common Validation

The system validates the project and task segments of a locator based on the value of the Project Control Level parameter you setup in Organization Parameter. The following table describes the validation logic:

Project Control Level Project Segment Task Segment
Null Cannot enter any value. Cannot enter any value.
Project Optional. If Project is entered, Task is optional.
If Project is not entered, Task cannot be entered.
Task Optional. If Project is entered, Task is mandatory.
If Project is not entered, Task cannot be entered.

Use of Locator in Purchasing

Purchase Order Delivery Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Delivery Transaction for a project purchase order, the system defaults the project and task from the distribution line of the PO to the receiving locator.

If you define Item Transaction Defaults for receiving locators for specific items in Inventory Setup (assuming these are physical locators), the system concatenates the default locator with the project and task references from the PO distribution line at the time of receiving into Inventory destination.

If you update the project and task on the receiving locator, , they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the distribution line of the PO.

Purchase Order Return Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Return Transaction, the system defaults the project and task from the PO distribution line to the from locator.

If you update the project and task segments of the from locator on a PO return, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the PO distribution line.

Purchase Order Adjustment Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Adjustment Transaction, the system defaults the project and task from the PO distribution line to the locator.

If you update the project and task segments of the locator on a PO Adjustment, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the Purchase Order distribution line.

Note: You can not use a project locator for all the above transactions if the PO distribution does not have project and task.

Use of Locator in Inventory

The system applies the Common Validation logic to the following transactions:

Use of Locator in WIP

Project Discrete Job Completion Locator

When you create a project discrete job (either manually or from the Planner Workbench), the system defaults the project and task from the project discrete job to the project and task segments of the completion locator. If you have assigned a completion locator (common locator) to the routing, the system concatenates the common locator segments with the project and task to create a project locator.

When you update the project and task on the Project Discrete Job, the system re-defaults the project and task segments of the Completion Locator.

If you update the project and task segments of the Completion Locator, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the Project Discrete Job. They cannot be null.

Project Discrete Job Completion Transaction

When you perform a Completion Transaction, the system defaults the Completion Locator from the Project Discrete Job.

If you update the project and task segments of the Completion Locator, they are validated against and must exactly match the project and task on the project discrete job. They cannot be null.

Project Discrete Job Material Requirements

When you define a project discrete job for an item that has a bill of material, the bill is copied to the project discrete job. If the components are hard pegged ( their Pegging attribute is set to either Hard Pegging or End Assembly/Hard Pegging ), then the system defaults the project and task from the project discrete job header to their supply locator. If you have assigned supply locators (common locator) on the bills of material, the system concatenates the supply locators with the project and task to create a project locator.

If you update the project and task on the project discrete job, the system re-defaults the project and task segments of any hard pegged components.

If you update the project and task segments of the supply locator for any components of a project discrete job, they are validated against and must either match the project and task on the project discrete job or be null.

If the components are Soft Pegged, ( their Pegging attribute is set to either Soft Pegging or End Assembly/Soft Pegging) the system does not default the project and task segments to the supply locators. You can optionally override this and assign the project and task to the supply locator. The system validates the project and task against the project and task from the project discrete job header.

Project Discrete Job Component Issue Transaction

The system validates the supply locator for a Component Issue Transaction for a project discrete job. The supply locator must satisfy one of the following criteria:

Project Discrete Job Return Assembly to WIP Transaction

If you enter or updates the project and task segments of the completion locator on a Return Assembly to WIP Transaction, they are validated against and must exactly match, the project and task on the project discrete job.

Project Discrete Job Component Return Transaction

If you enter or update the project and task segments of the supply locator on a Component Return, they are validated and must satisfy one of the following criteria:

Project Work Order-less Completion

When you perform a project work order-less completion, you must specify the assembly, quantity, project and/or task and other information. If you have setup a default completion locator on the routing, the system defaults it in for the transaction. If you have not setup a default completion locator, you can specify one for the transaction.. When the transaction is saved, the system defaults the project and task from the transaction to the completion locator.

Work order-less completion automatically backflushes all Operation Pull, Assembly Pull, and Push components. The system builds the supply locators for the components by concatenating the supply locator from the item and the project and/or task you specify.

Note: You can not use a project locator as completion locator or supply locator for all the above transactions against a non-project (common) discrete job.

Use of Locator in Shipping

Pick Release

When you perform Pick Release for a project sales order, the system ensures that you can only pick release from the project locators that have the same project and task as the sales order line.

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