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Setting Up Document Approval and Security

Human Resources with Purchasing

Human Resources and Purchasing share job and position information if they are installed together. You should consider your requirements from both perspectives before deciding on an approval/security structure.

Human Resources uses jobs to classify categories of personnel in your organization, and associates information like the exempt/non-exempt code and EEO code with individual jobs. Examples of a typical job include Vice President, Buyer, and Manager. Positions represent specific functions within these job categories. Examples of typical positions associated with the Vice President job include Vice President of Manufacturing, Vice President of Engineering, and Vice President of Sales.

Human Resources uses position hierarchies to define management line reporting and control access to employee information.

Review your Personnel department's system requirements before you decide how you want to use positions, jobs, and position hierarchies in Purchasing.

Using Approval Hierarchies

If you choose to use approval hierarchies, you must set up both jobs and positions, and you must define position approval hierarchies.

If you choose to use employee/supervisor relationships, you define your approval routing structures as you enter employees using the Enter Person window. In this case, Purchasing does not require that you set up positions.

While positions and position hierarchies require more initial effort to set up, they are easy to maintain and allow you to define approval routing structures that remain stable regardless of how frequently individual employees leave your organization or relocate within it.

Using Security Hierarchies

If you want to specify a Security Level of Hierarchy for any of your document types, you must first define all positions which should have access to the documents you want to restrict in this manner. (Even if you are using jobs to route documents for approval, you must define positions before you can enable this Security Level). You then define a security position hierarchy, and specify it in the Purchasing Options window.

Approval Workflow

Purchasing uses Oracle Workflow technology to handle approvals. Workflow works in the background, using the approval controls and hierarchies you define in the setup steps below to route documents for approval. Because Workflow handles your approval process in the background, you can use Oracle Workflow Builder's easy interface to modify your approval process. For more information about the approval workflow in Purchasing, see: Approval Workflows.

Approval and Security Setup Steps

Approval and Security Setup Matrix

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