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Minimum Order Entry / Shipping Setup for Internal Requisitions

You use standard sales order functionality to define the order cycle, defaulting rules, and order type for internal sales orders. You also need to set up a special OrderImport source for internal sales orders. Use the Purchasing Options window to specify the order type and OrderImport source you use for internal requisitions. See: Defining Internal Requisition Options.

You must perform the following setups in Order Entry / Shipping to use the internal requisition features. You may choose to take advantage of other Order Entry / Shipping features which require additional setups. See Setting Up Order Entry / Shipping in the Oracle Financials Implementation Manual.

Define Your Order Entry / Shipping Profile Options

You need to set the following profile options:

See: Order Entry / Shipping Profile Options

Suggestion: You set the OE: Item Validation Organization profile option to the same Item Master organization as your purchasing reference organization (set in the Financials Options window). See: About Financials Options.

Define an Order Cycle For Internal Requisitions

Define order cycles to control the steps that an order must take from entry to completion. See: Assigning Cycle Action Results See: Defining Order Cycles See: Defining Cycle Actions See: Defining Cycle Results.

You may want to include approval actions as part of your order cycles, or see how holds can affect internal sales orders.

Define an Order Entry / Shipping Number Source For Internal Requisitions

Define order number sources to automatically number internal sales orders as you import them. You can use a single order number source to assign unique numbers to all your orders, or you can use a different order number source within each order type. See: Defining Order Number Sources

Define an OrderImport Source For Internal Requisition

Define OrderImport sources to import internal sales order information from Purchasing. Define an import source specifically for use with importing internal requisitions. You choose the OrderImport source as a setup option when you run the OrderImport process from the Run Concurrent Programs form in Order Entry / Shipping.

Suggestion: Define a unique OrderImport source for internal sales orders and set the Use IDs field to Yes. See: Defining OrderImport Sources

Define a Price List For Internal Requisition

Although internal requisitions use the item's cost as the price, Order Entry / Shipping requires price lists to process all sales orders. Define a price list for use with the internal requisition order type. You do not need to add any lines to the price list. See: Defining a Price List

Update Standard Value Rule Set

Standard value rules define the defaulting that occurs as orders are entered or imported. Order Entry / Shipping supplies a predefined rule template for internal sales order called the Internal Sales Order Template. Copy and rename this template and update at least the following fields to ensure that internal requisitions import correctly:

Additional fields are available to help you manage orders but are not required. See: Defining Standard Value Rule Sets

Define Order Type for internal sales order

Define order types to classify orders for greater operational efficiency and control. Order types lend consistency to Order Entry / Shipping operations by letting you assign standard price lists, navigation preference sets, standard value rule sets, pricing override policies, approval cycles, payment terms, and freight terms to each type of order.

Assign the order cycle, price list and standard value rule set you created for internal sales orders to the order type. See: Defining Order Types

Define Inventory Accounting (Account Generator)

Order Entry / Shipping can dynamically create the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Account for each shipped or returned item based on rules you define. Order Entry / Shipping provides a default Account Generator process to be used in determining the COGS Account during the Inventory Interface process.

You can either accept the default COGS Account Generator process or customize it to suit your business needs. For more information on how to accept or customize this feature, see: Using the Account Generator in Order Entry / Shipping.

Internal Sales Orders Security (Optional)

Order Entry / Shipping security rules apply to all your sales orders, including internal sales orders imported from Purchasing. Security rules prevent users from adding, updating, deleting and cancelling order information beyond certain points in the order cycles. You can use the System rules Order Entry / Shipping provides, which prevent data integrity violations, or define your own, stricter, rules. See: Defining Security Rules

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