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Work in Process Setup for Quality

Operations and routings are defined in Oracle Bills of Material and can be assigned to the discrete jobs and repetitive schedules that you define in Oracle Work in Process. Routings can be changed in Oracle Work in Process by adding, updating, and deleting operations as required. For example, you can add an inspection or material disposition operation to a standard routing if a quality problem arises during the production process.

You can collect quality results as you enter move transactions in Work in Process. Results values for WIP-specific reference information collection elements (context elements) that are associated with move transactions are automatically saved in Oracle Quality.

You can define actions in Oracle Quality that can be executed in Oracle Work in Process. Specifically, you can assign a shop floor status to a intraoperation step, you can place a job on hold, or you can hold all schedules on a production line based on the quality results that are collected. Shop floor statuses must be defined in Oracle Work in Process before they can be used to define actions in Oracle Quality.

See Also

Quality Collection Transactions

Application Specific Actions

Adding and Updating Operations

Setting up Routings for Quality Data Collection

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