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Oracle Quality Documentation Update

This section contains important information. Please read this section for the latest updates and additions to your user's guide.

Overview of Collection Import

The information in this section concerns Oracle Quality's Collection Import feature.

Transaction Type Field

A new field called Transaction Type now appears when you launch the Collection Import Manager. This field can take one of two possible values: Update Transaction or Insert Transaction. If you select 'Update Transaction', Oracle Quality will update existing records in the Quality data repository. If you select 'Insert Transaction', Oracle Quality will insert multiple records into the Quality data repository.

See: Updating Collection Import., Overview of Collection Import.

Multiple Update Rows Allowed

There is an error in this section's documentation about the Collection Import Manager's Update Transaction feature. The documentation states that if you choose to update existing records in the Quality data repository, the Collection Import Manager will allow you to update only a single record. This restriction has been relaxed. The Collection Import Manager now allows you to specify both the Insert and Update type rows in the Collection Import Interface table. When you run the Collection Import Manager, specify either 'Insert Transaction' or 'Update Transaction.' The following matrix illustrates how the Collection Import Manager inserts and / or updates records into the Collection Import Interface table:

Collection Import Interface Table Row Quality Data Repository Matching Rows Records Allowed?
One One Yes
Many One Order indeterminate. This option is not recommended.
One Many No

See: Overview of Collection Import.

Update Rows Need to Point to Distinct Records

When you update records in the quality data repository through a single Collection Import transaction, you must specify which records are to be updated. This is done by specifying appropriate values in the MATCHING_ELEMENTS column in the Collection Import Interface table. Each row in the Collection Import Interface table should match only one distinct record in the Quality data repository. Conversely, multiple rows in the Collection Import Interface table cannot reference the same record in the Quality data repository.

See: Overview of Collection Import and review the table immediately above on multiple update rows.

Exporting Quality Results

The information in this section concerns Oracle Quality's Export feature. The section below is only applicable if you are using the SmartClient (client-server) version of Oracle Quality. If you are using the web-deployed (NCA) version of Quality, set up the Applications Web Agent profile option. See:

Applications Web Agent

To export results if you are using the Oracle Quality statistics engine

Step 2 of of this section currently reads:

Instead, this should read:

See: Exporting Quality Results.

To export results if you are using the Statit Statistics Engine

Please append this section:

Before you use the Statit Statistics Engine or export results to Statit, set up your web browser with a new MIME type as follows:

MIME type application/statit
Extension stc
Action Launch the application
Specify the absolute path of the Statit executable (WINSTATIT.EXE) as the application that handles this MIME type.

When Statit integration is started or when Quality results are exported to Statit, a browser window appears and starts Statit with the exported Quality data.

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