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Purge Demand Interface Data

The Purge Demand Interface Data process deletes existing requirement information from the Oracle Automotive Demand Interface table. You can purge the following types of data:

You should run this process after your requirement data has been interfaced to Oracle Order Entry / Shipping and Oracle Master Scheduling / MRP.


Submit this process by selecting Demand Transactions on the menu, navigating to the Submit Requests window, and selecting Purge Demand Interface Data in the Name field.


External Customer Name

Select an external customer name to purge data associated with an external customer. If you leave this parameter blank, all data will be purged.

External Ship To

Select the ship to address for the external customer you selected above if you want to purge information for a specific external customer at a specific ship to address.

Transmission Name

Define the name of the transmission containing the requirement data that you want to delete.

Creation Date (From and To)

Enter a range of dates to delete only those requirements that were interfaced on specific dates.

Purge Error/Processed Data

Select the type of data you want to be deleted. You can select from the following:

ALL all data
ERROR data that has failed validation
INTERMEDIATE data that has passed validation but has not yet been updated in the Demand Interface table
PROCESSED data that has been validated and updated in the Demand Interface table
UNPROCESSED data that has not been processed by the Demand Stream Pre-Processor

See Also

Submitting a Request

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