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Item Type Definition Web Page

The Web-based Item Type Definition page provides you with distributed access to workflow definitions stored in your Oracle Workflow database. The page provides a detailed view of the attributes, processes, notifications, functions, messages, and lookup types that are associated with a given item type, allowing you to present or do a design review of your workflow process.

To display an item type definition, you use the Find Item Type web page to first query for an item type. You can query for an item type based on an effective date and time.

The Item Type Definition page then appears. The information is displayed in two frames, modeled like the Oracle Workflow Builder, so that you can review the contents easily and effectively. The left frame lists all the objects in your item type definition in an expandable navigator tree. The right frame displays the details of the object you select in the navigator tree. You can also select either frame at any time and use your web browser to print all the information in that frame.

   To Query an Item Type


Note: You can also access the Find Item Type web page from the Oracle Workflow home page. See: Accessing the Oracle Workflow Home Page.

Note: If you are accessing this URL for the first time in your web browser session, Oracle WebServer prompts you for a valid username and password to log on, as this URL is protected. See: Secure the Workflow Database Connection Descriptor (DCD).

   To Review an Item Type Definition

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