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Defining Document-type Attributes

The Oracle Workflow Guide and online help describe support for the new PL/SQL document attribute type. Specifically, it states that when you define the attribute as type Document, you must specify the following syntax in the Default Value field:


To clarify the above syntax, <procedure> should be replaced with the Pl/SQL package and procedure name in the form of package.procedure. The phrase <document_identifier> should be replaced with the PL/SQL argument string that you want to pass directly to the procedure. The argument string should identify the document. For example:


If you wish to generate the PL/SQL argument string value dynamically, create another item attribute, and reference that item attribute as "&item_attribute" in place of the PL/SQL argument string. Then before any activity that references this other item attribute gets executed, call the WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttribute API to dynamically set the PL/SQL argument string value. For example:


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