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Overview of Discrete Manufacturing

You can use Oracle Work in Process to produce assemblies in discrete batches, also known as discrete jobs.

Standard Versus Non-Standard Jobs

Standard discrete jobs control the material, resources, and operations required to build an assembly and collect its manufacturing cost.

Non-standard discrete jobs control material and collect costs for miscellaneous manufacturing activity. They may or may not build an assembly. This type of activity can include rework, field service repair, upgrade, disassembly, maintenance, engineering prototypes, and other projects.

Shop Floor Control

Shop floor control helps you manage the flow of production inside the plant. Routings can be used to schedule job production activities and create requirements. You can use reports and views to help you control these activities.

Material Control

Material control helps you manage the flow of component material from inventory to jobs. Bills of material can be used to create job material requirements. You can use reports and views to help you control material activities.

Non-Standard Job Bills of Material and Routings

You can assign a predefined bill of material or routing to a non-standard job or create one manually. You may use any bill or routing for the job, including one that does not match the assembly item of the job.

Engineering Bills and ECOs

You can build released as well as unreleased revisions and engineering items. You can also add engineering items as material requirements. The system can automatically update your jobs following an engineering change order (ECO).

Processing Options

When you define discrete jobs, you can create discrete job operations, resource requirements, and material requirements either concurrently or interactively. Interactive processing loads all bill of material and routing information while you wait, returning control to you after the process is complete. Concurrent processing spawns a background process that loads all bill of material and routing information and returns control to you immediately.

Lot and Serial Control

You can build jobs for assemblies under lot control, serial control, or both lot and serial control. There is a complete set of job lot composition inquiries and reports within Work in Process.

Planning Standard Discrete Jobs

Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning plans standard discrete jobs and their material requirements. You can automatically create standard jobs from these planned orders. Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning can also reschedule standard jobs.

Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning does not plan non-standard discrete jobs. However, Master Scheduling/MRP and Supply Chain Planning nets non-standard jobs if you choose.

Open Job and Schedule Interface

You can import planned order and planned order update recommendations for discrete jobs from external systems into Work in Process.

Requirements and Assembly Netting

You can specify whether a job's material requirements are included as demand in the MRP netting process. You can also specify whether the assemblies you build on a job are included as supply.

MPS Relief

When you build an MPS-Planned item using a job, the master schedule for the quantity you define is automatically updated (relieved).

Simulate Discrete Jobs

You can simulate a standard job to determine what materials, operations, and operation resources are required to support that job. You can convert your simulated job into an actual job. See: Simulating and Saving Simulated Jobs.

Available-to-Promise Materials

You can view component available-to-promise (ATP) information as you define, simulate, and view discrete jobs.

Final Assembly Orders

You can manually or automatically define jobs (final assembly orders) to build custom configurations for assemble-to-order products. You can allocate your discrete production by sales channel using demand classes. You can retain as-built configuration histories for quality and customer service tracking.

Job Close

You can close several standard and non-standard discrete jobs simultaneously. You can also close individual discrete jobs. See: Overview of Discrete Job Close.

Job Costs

You can cost standard and non-standard asset discrete production by job. You can report job cost on a period-to-date and cumulative-to-date basis.

Job Purge

You can purge all information associated with discrete jobs including job header records and job detail and transaction information. You can also selectively purge some or all of the following job related information: job details (material requirements, resource requirements, and operations), ATO configurations, move transactions, and resource cost transactions.

See Also

Overview of Non-Standard Discrete Jobs

Comparison of Manufacturing Methods

Overview of Work in Process Scheduling

Discrete Job and Repetitive Schedule Costs

Open Job and Repetitive Schedule Interface, Oracle Manufacturing Open Interfaces Manual, R11

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