Oracle 8i Data Cartridge Developer's Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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SBTREE: An Example of Extensible Indexing, 6 of 8

The C Code

General Notes

The C structs for mapping the ODCI types are all defined in the file "odci.h". For example, the C struct ODCIIndexInfo is the mapping for the corresponding ODCI object type. Further, the C struct ODCIIndexInfo_ind is the mapping for null object.

Common Error Processing Routine

This function is used to check and process the return code from all OCI routines. It checks the status code and raises an exception in case of errors.

static int qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, status)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
OCIError *errhp;
sword status;
  text errbuf[512];
  sb4 errcode = 0;
  int errnum = 29400;  /* choose some oracle error number */
  int rc = 0;
  switch (status)
  case OCI_SUCCESS: 
    rc = 0;
  case OCI_ERROR:
    (void) OCIErrorGet((dvoid *)errhp, (ub4)1, (text *)NULL, &errcode,
                       errbuf, (ub4)sizeof(errbuf), OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
    /* Raise exception */
    OCIExtProcRaiseExcpWithMsg(ctx, errnum, errbuf, strlen((char *)errbuf));
    rc = 1;
    (void) sprintf((char *)errbuf, "Warning - some error\n");
    /* Raise exception */
    OCIExtProcRaiseExcpWithMsg(ctx, errnum, errbuf, strlen((char *)errbuf));
    rc = 1;
  return (rc);

Implementation Of The ODCIIndexInsert Routine

The insert routine parses and executes a statement that inserts a new row into the index table. The new row consists of the new value of the indexed column and the rowid that have been passed in as parameters.

OCINumber *qxiqtbi(ctx, ix, ix_ind, rid, rid_ind,
                   newval, newval_ind)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
ODCIIndexInfo     *ix;
ODCIIndexInfo_ind *ix_ind;
char              *rid;
short             rid_ind;
char              *newval;
short             newval_ind;
  OCIEnv *envhp = (OCIEnv *) 0;                /* env. handle */
  OCISvcCtx *svchp = (OCISvcCtx *) 0;          /* service handle */
  OCIError *errhp = (OCIError *) 0;            /* error handle */
  OCIStmt *stmthp = (OCIStmt *) 0;             /* statement handle */
  OCIBind *bndp = (OCIBind *) 0;               /* bind handle */
  OCIBind *bndp1 = (OCIBind *) 0;              /* bind handle */

  int retval = (int)ODCI_SUCCESS;              /* return from this function */
  OCINumber *rval = (OCINumber *)0;
  ub4 key;                                     /* key value set in "self" */

  char insstmt[2000];                          /* sql insert statement */

  /* allocate memory for OCINumber first */
  rval = (OCINumber *)OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(ctx, sizeof(OCINumber));

  /* Get oci handles */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIExtProcGetEnv(ctx, &envhp, &svchp, &errhp)))

  /* set up return code */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberFromInt(errhp, (dvoid *)&retval,
                                           OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, rval)))

   * Construct insert Statement *

                  "INSERT into %s.%s_sbtree values (:newval, :mrid)", 
                  OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexSchema),
                  OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexName));

   * Parse and Execute Create Statement   *

  /* allocate stmt handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp,
                                         (dvoid **)&stmthp,
                                         (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t)0,
                                         (dvoid **)0)))

  /* prepare the statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, (text *)insstmt,
                                         (ub4)strlen(insstmt), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,

  /* Set up bind for newval */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndp, errhp, (ub4)1,
                                       (dvoid *)newval,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,

  /* Set up bind for rid */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndp, errhp, (ub4)2,
                                       (dvoid *)rid,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,

  /* Execute statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4)1,
                                         (ub4)0, (OCISnapshot *)NULL,
                                         (OCISnapshot *)NULL,


Implementation of the ODCIIndexDelete Routine

The delete routine constructs a SQL statement to delete a row from the index table corresponding to the row being deleted from the base table. The row in the index table is identified by the value of rowid that is passed in as a parameter to this routine.

OCINumber *qxiqtbd(ctx, ix, ix_ind, rid, rid_ind,
                   oldval, oldval_ind)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
ODCIIndexInfo     *ix;
ODCIIndexInfo_ind *ix_ind;
char              *rid;
short             rid_ind;
char              *oldval;
short             oldval_ind;
  OCIEnv *envhp = (OCIEnv *) 0;                /* env. handle */
  OCISvcCtx *svchp = (OCISvcCtx *) 0;          /* service handle */
  OCIError *errhp = (OCIError *) 0;            /* error handle */
  OCIStmt *stmthp = (OCIStmt *) 0;             /* statement handle */
  OCIBind *bndp = (OCIBind *) 0;               /* bind handle */
  OCIBind *bndp1 = (OCIBind *) 0;              /* bind handle */

  int retval = (int)ODCI_SUCCESS;              /* return from this function */
  OCINumber *rval = (OCINumber *)0;
  ub4 key;                                     /* key value set in "self" */

  char delstmt[2000];                          /* sql insert statement */

  /* Get oci handles */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIExtProcGetEnv(ctx, &envhp, &svchp, &errhp)))

  /* set up return code */
  rval = (OCINumber *)OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(ctx, sizeof(OCINumber));
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberFromInt(errhp, (dvoid *)&retval,
                                           OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, rval)))

   * Construct delete Statement *

                  "DELETE FROM %s.%s_sbtree WHERE f2 = :rr", 
                  OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexSchema),
                  OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexName));

   * Parse and Execute delete Statement   *

  /* allocate stmt handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp,
                                         (dvoid **)&stmthp,
                                         (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t)0,
                                         (dvoid **)0)))

  /* prepare the statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, (text *)delstmt,
                                         (ub4)strlen(delstmt), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,

  /* Set up bind for rid */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndp, errhp, (ub4)1,
                                       (dvoid *)rid,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,

  /* Execute statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4)1,
                                         (ub4)0, (OCISnapshot *)NULL,
                                         (OCISnapshot *)NULL,


Implementation of the ODCIIndexUpdate Routine

The update routine constructs a SQL statement to update a row in the index table corresponding to the row being updated in the base table. The row in the index table is identified by the value of rowid that is passed in as a parameter to this routine. The old column value (oldval) is replaced by the new value (newval).

OCINumber *qxiqtbu(ctx, ix, ix_ind, rid, rid_ind,
                   oldval, oldval_ind, newval, newval_ind)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
ODCIIndexInfo     *ix;
ODCIIndexInfo_ind *ix_ind;
char              *rid;
short             rid_ind;
char              *oldval;
short             oldval_ind;
char              *newval;
short             newval_ind;
  OCIEnv *envhp = (OCIEnv *) 0;                /* env. handle */
  OCISvcCtx *svchp = (OCISvcCtx *) 0;          /* service handle */
  OCIError *errhp = (OCIError *) 0;            /* error handle */
  OCIStmt *stmthp = (OCIStmt *) 0;             /* statement handle */
  OCIBind *bndp = (OCIBind *) 0;               /* bind handle */
  OCIBind *bndp1 = (OCIBind *) 0;              /* bind handle */

  int retval = (int)ODCI_SUCCESS;              /* return from this function */
  OCINumber *rval = (OCINumber *)0;
  ub4 key;                                     /* key value set in "self" */

  char updstmt[2000];                          /* sql insert statement */

  /* Get oci handles */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIExtProcGetEnv(ctx, &envhp, &svchp, &errhp)))

  /* set up return code */
  rval = (OCINumber *)OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(ctx, sizeof(OCINumber));
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberFromInt(errhp, (dvoid *)&retval,
                                           OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, rval)))

   * Construct update Statement *

      "UPDATE %s.%s_sbtree SET f1 = :newval, f2 = :rr WHERE f1 = :oldval",
      OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexSchema),
      OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexName));

   * Parse and Execute Create Statement   *

  /* allocate stmt handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp,
                                         (dvoid **)&stmthp,
                                         (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t)0,
                                         (dvoid **)0)))

  /* prepare the statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, (text *)updstmt,
                                         (ub4)strlen(updstmt), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,

  /* Set up bind for newval */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndp, errhp, (ub4)1,
                                       (dvoid *)newval,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,

  /* Set up bind for rid */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndp, errhp, (ub4)2,
                                       (dvoid *)rid,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,

  /* Set up bind for oldval */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndp, errhp, (ub4)3,
                                       (dvoid *)oldval,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,

  /* Execute statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4)1,
                                         (ub4)0, (OCISnapshot *)NULL,
                                         (OCISnapshot *)NULL,


Implementation of the ODCIIndexStart Routine

The start routine performs the setup for an sbtree index scan. The query information in terms of the operator predicate, its arguments and the bounds on return values are passed in as parameters to this function. The scan context that is shared amongst the index scan routines is an instance of the type sbtree_im. We have defined a C struct (qxiqtim) as a mapping for the object type. In addition, there is a C struct (qxiqtin) for the corresponding null object. Note that the C structs for the object type and its null object can be generated by using the Object Type Translator (OTT).

/* The index implementation type is an object type with a single RAW attribute
 * which will be used to store the context key value.
 * C mapping of the implementation type :
struct qxiqtim
   OCIRaw *sctx_qxiqtim;
typedef struct qxiqtim qxiqtim;

struct qxiqtin
  short atomic_qxiqtin;
  short scind_qxiqtin;
typedef struct qxiqtin qxiqtin;

This function sets up a cursor that scans the index table. The scan retrieves the stored rowids for the rows in the index table that satisfy the specified predicate. The predicate for the index table is generated based on the operator predicate information that is passed in as parameters. For example, if the operator predicate is of the form:

eq(col, 'joe') = 1

the predicate on the index table is set up to be

f1 = 'joe'

There are a set of OCI handles that need to be cached away and retrieved on the next fetch call. A C struct qxiqtcx is defined to hold all the necessary scan state. This structure is allocated out of OCI_DURATION_STATEMENT memory to ensure that it persists till the end of fetch. After populating the structure with the required info, a pointer to the structure is saved in OCI context. The context is identified by a 4-byte key that is generated by calling an OCI routine. The 4-byte key is stashed away in the scan context - exiting. This object is returned back to the Oracle server and will be passed in as a parameter to the next fetch call.

/* The index scan context - should be stored in "statement" duration memory
 * and used by start, fetch and close routines.
struct qxiqtcx
  OCIStmt *stmthp;
  OCIDefine *defnp;
  OCIBind *bndp;
  char ridp[19];

typedef struct qxiqtcx qxiqtcx;

OCINumber *qxiqtbs(ctx, sctx, sctx_ind, ix, ix_ind, pr, pr_ind, qy, qy_ind,
                   strt, strt_ind, stop, stop_ind, cmpval, cmpval_ind)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
qxiqtim           *sctx;
qxiqtin           *sctx_ind;
ODCIIndexInfo     *ix;
dvoid             *ix_ind;
ODCIPredInfo      *pr;
dvoid             *pr_ind;
ODCIQueryInfo     *qy;
dvoid             *qy_ind;
OCINumber         *strt;
short             strt_ind;
OCINumber         *stop;
short             stop_ind;
char              *cmpval;
short             cmpval_ind;
  sword status;
  OCIEnv *envhp; /* env. handle */
  OCISvcCtx *svchp; /* service handle */
  OCIError *errhp;  /* error handle */
  OCISession *usrhp; /* user handle */
  qxiqtcx *icx; /* state to be saved for later calls */

  int strtval; /* start bound */
  int stopval;  /* stop bound */

  int errnum = 29400; /* choose some oracle error number */
  char errmsg[512];  /* error message buffer */
  size_t errmsglen;  /* Length of error message */
  char relop[3]; /* relational operator used in sql stmt */
  char selstmt[2000]; /* sql select statement */

  int retval = (int)ODCI_SUCCESS; /* return from this function */
  OCINumber *rval = (OCINumber *)0;
  ub4 key;  /* key value set in "sctx" */

  /* Get oci handles */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIExtProcGetEnv(ctx, &envhp, &svchp, &errhp)))

  /* set up return code */
  rval = (OCINumber *)OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(ctx, sizeof(OCINumber));
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberFromInt(errhp, (dvoid *)&retval,
                                           OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, rval)))
  /* get the user handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)svchp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                                     (dvoid *)&usrhp, (ub4 *)0,
  /* Allocate memory to hold index scan context */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIMemoryAlloc((dvoid *)usrhp, errhp,
                                         (dvoid **)&icx, 

  icx->stmthp = (OCIStmt *)0;
  icx->defnp = (OCIDefine *)0;
  icx->bndp = (OCIBind *)0;

  /* Check that the bounds are valid */
  /* convert from oci numbers to native numbers */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberToInt(errhp, strt,
                                         sizeof(strtval), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED,
                                         (dvoid *)&strtval)))
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberToInt(errhp, stop,
                (dvoid *)&stopval)))
  /* verify that strtval/stopval are both either 0 or 1 */
  if (!(((strtval == 0) && (stopval == 0)) || 
        ((strtval == 1) && (stopval == 1))))
      strcpy(errmsg, "Incorrect predicate for sbtree operator");
      errmsglen = (size_t)strlen(errmsg);
      if (OCIExtProcRaiseExcpWithMsg(ctx, errnum, (text *)errmsg, errmsglen) 
        /* Use cartridge error services here */;

  /* Generate the SQL statement to be executed */
  if (memcmp((dvoid *)OCIStringPtr(envhp, pr->ObjectName), "EQ", 2)
      == 0)
    if (strtval == 1)
      strcpy(relop, "=");
      strcpy(relop, "!=");
  else if (memcmp((dvoid *)OCIStringPtr(envhp, pr->ObjectName), "LT",
                  2) == 0)
    if (strtval == 1)
      strcpy(relop, "<");
      strcpy(relop, ">=");
    if (strtval == 1)
      strcpy(relop, ">");
      strcpy(relop, "<=");

  sprintf(selstmt, "select f2 from %s.%s_sbtree where f1 %s :val", 
                  OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexSchema),
                  OCIStringPtr(envhp, ix->IndexName), relop);

  /* Parse, bind, define and execute */
  /* allocate stmt handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp, (dvoid **) 
                                         (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (size_t)0,
                                         (dvoid **)0)))
  /* prepare the statement */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtPrepare(icx->stmthp, errhp, (text *)selstmt,
                                         (ub4)strlen(selstmt), OCI_NTV_SYNTAX,
  /* Set up bind */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIBindByPos(icx->stmthp, &(icx->bndp), errhp, (ub4)1,
                                       (dvoid *)cmpval,
                                       (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                       (ub2 *)0, (ub4)0, (ub4 *)0,
  /* Set up define */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIDefineByPos(icx->stmthp, &(icx->defnp), errhp,
                                         (ub4)1, (dvoid *)(icx->ridp),
                                         (sb4) sizeof(icx->ridp),
                                         (ub2)SQLT_STR, (dvoid *)0, (ub2 *)0,
                                         (ub2 *)0, (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT)))
  /* execute */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStmtExecute(svchp, icx->stmthp, errhp, (ub4)0,
                                         (ub4)0, (OCISnapshot *)NULL,
                                         (OCISnapshot *)NULL,

  /* Set index context to be returned */
  /* generate a key */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIContextGenerateKey((dvoid *)usrhp, errhp, &key)))

  /* set the memory address of the struct to be saved in the context */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIContextSetValue((dvoid *)usrhp, errhp,
                                             (ub1 *)&key, (ub1)sizeof(key),
                                             (dvoid *)icx)))
  /* set the key as the member of "sctx" */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIRawAssignBytes(envhp, errhp, (ub1 *)&key,

  sctx_ind->atomic_qxiqtin = OCI_IND_NOTNULL;
  sctx_ind->scind_qxiqtin = OCI_IND_NOTNULL;


Implementation of the ODCIIndexFetch Routine

The scan context set up by the start routine is passed in as a parameter to the fetch routine. This function first retrieves the 4-byte key from the scan context. The C mapping for the scan context is qxiqtim. Next, the OCI context is looked up based on the key. This gives the memory address of the structure that holds the OCI handles - the qxiqtcx structure.

This function returns the next batch of rowids that satisfy the operator predicate. It uses the value of the nrows parameter as the size of the batch. It repeatedly fetches rowids from the open cursor and populates the rowid list with them. When the batch is full or when there are no more rowids left, the function returns them back to the Oracle server.

OCINumber *qxiqtbf(ctx, self, self_ind, nrows, nrows_ind, rids, rids_ind)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
qxiqtim           *self;
qxiqtin           *self_ind;
OCINumber         *nrows;
short             nrows_ind;
OCIArray          **rids;
short             *rids_ind;
  sword status;
  OCIEnv *envhp;
  OCISvcCtx *svchp;
  OCIError *errhp;
  OCISession *usrhp;  /* user handle */
  qxiqtcx *icx;

  int idx = 1;
  int nrowsval;
  OCIArray *ridarrp = *rids;   /* rowid collection */
  OCIString *ridstr = (OCIString *)0;

  int done = 0;
  int retval = (int)ODCI_SUCCESS;
  OCINumber *rval = (OCINumber *)0;

  ub1 *key;  /* key to retrieve context */
  ub4 keylen;  /* length of key */
  /* Get OCI handles */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIExtProcGetEnv(ctx, &envhp, &svchp, &errhp)))

  /* set up return code */
  rval = (OCINumber *)OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(ctx, sizeof(OCINumber));
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberFromInt(errhp, (dvoid *)&retval, 
                                           OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, rval)))

  /* get the user handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)svchp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                                     (dvoid *)&usrhp, (ub4 *)0,
                                     (ub4)OCI_ATTR_SESSION, errhp)))
  /* Retrieve context from key    */
  key = OCIRawPtr(envhp, self->sctx_qxiqtim);
  keylen = OCIRawSize(envhp, self->sctx_qxiqtim);
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIContextGetValue((dvoid *)usrhp, errhp,
                                             key, (ub1)keylen,
                                             (dvoid **)&(icx))))

  /* get value of nrows */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberToInt(errhp, nrows, sizeof(nrowsval),
                                         OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, (dvoid 
  /* Fetch rowids */
  while (!done)
    if (idx > nrowsval)
      done = 1;
      status = OCIStmtFetch(icx->stmthp, errhp, (ub4)1, (ub2) 0,
      if (status == OCI_NO_DATA)
        short col_ind = OCI_IND_NULL;
        /* have to create dummy oci string */
        OCIStringAssignText(envhp, errhp, (text *)"dummy",
                            (ub2)5, &ridstr);
        /* append null element to collection */
        if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCICollAppend(envhp, errhp,(dvoid *)ridstr,
                                              (dvoid *)&col_ind,
                                              (OCIColl *)ridarrp)))
        done = 1;
      else if (status == OCI_SUCCESS)
        OCIStringAssignText(envhp, errhp, (text *)icx->ridp,
                            (ub2)18, (OCIString **)&ridstr);
        /* append rowid to collection */
        if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCICollAppend(envhp, errhp, (dvoid *)ridstr,
                                              (dvoid *)0, (OCIColl *)ridarrp)))
      else if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, status))

  /* free ridstr finally */
  if (ridstr &&
      (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIStringResize(envhp, errhp, (ub4)0,
  *rids_ind = OCI_IND_NOTNULL;

Implementation of the ODCIIndexClose Routine

The scan context set up by the start routine is passed in as a parameter to the close routine. This function first retrieves the 4-byte key from the scan context. The C mapping for the scan context is qxiqtim. Next, the OCI context is looked up based on the key. This gives the memory address of the structure that holds the OCI handles - the qxiqtcx structure.

The function closes and frees all the OCI handles. It also frees the memory that was allocated in the start routine.

OCINumber *qxiqtbc(ctx, self, self_ind)
OCIExtProcContext *ctx;
qxiqtim           *self;
qxiqtin           *self_ind;
  sword status;
  OCIEnv *envhp;
  OCISvcCtx *svchp;
  OCIError *errhp;
  OCISession *usrhp;   /* user handle */

  qxiqtcx *icx;
  int retval = (int) ODCI_SUCCESS;
  OCINumber *rval = (OCINumber *)0;

  ub1 *key; /* key to retrieve context */
  ub4 keylen; /* length of key */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIExtProcGetEnv(ctx, &envhp, &svchp, &errhp)))

  /* set up return code */
  rval = (OCINumber *)OCIExtProcAllocCallMemory(ctx, sizeof(OCINumber));
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCINumberFromInt(errhp, (dvoid *)&retval,
                                           OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, rval)))

  /* get the user handle */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIAttrGet((dvoid *)svchp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
                                     (dvoid *)&usrhp, (ub4 *)0,
                                     (ub4)OCI_ATTR_SESSION, errhp)))
  /* Retrieve context using key   */
  key = OCIRawPtr(envhp, self->sctx_qxiqtim);
  keylen = OCIRawSize(envhp, self->sctx_qxiqtim);
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIContextGetValue((dvoid *)usrhp, errhp,
                                             key, (ub1)keylen,
                                             (dvoid **)&(icx))))

  /* Free handles and memory */
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIHandleFree((dvoid *)icx->stmthp,
  if (qxiqtce(ctx, errhp, OCIMemoryFree((dvoid *)usrhp, errhp, (dvoid *)icx)))

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