Oracle(R) Enterprise Manager Getting Started with the Oracle(R) Standard Management Pack
Release 2.1







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1 Overview

Oracle Performance Manager
Oracle Index Tuning Wizard
Oracle Baseline Viewer
Oracle Change Manager
Oracle DB Capture
Oracle DB Diff
Oracle TopSessions

2 Post-Installation Configuration

Setting Up Performance Manager
Configuring Oracle Data Gatherer to Collect Data
Enabling Disk Statistics Collection for Performance Manager on Windows NT
Converting User-Defined Charts From Previous Releases of Performance Manager
Converting Performance Manager Release 1.5.0 User-Defined Charts
Converting Performance Manager Release 1.6.0 User-Defined Charts
Setting Up TopSessions

3 Introduction to Oracle Performance Manager

Accessing Performance Data Through an Intermediate Host
Usage Scenarios for Oracle Performance Manager
Starting Oracle Performance Manager
Starting Oracle Performance Manager from the Console
Starting Oracle Performance Manager from the Start Menu
Running Performance Manager in Repository Mode
Running Performance Manager in Standalone Mode
Using the Oracle Performance Manager Main Window
Connecting to a Discovered Service in Repository Mode
Manually Connecting to a Service
Viewing Performance Manager Charts
Monitoring Multiple Services Concurrently
Viewing Chart Groups
Selecting Collected Data and Data Sources
Using the Chart Display Window
Selecting a Chart Format
Setting the Chart Refresh Rate
Pausing and Restarting a Chart
Selecting Chart Options
Chart-Specific Commands
Drilling Down from One Chart to Another
Displaying Alternate Chart Orientations
Sorting Data in a Table Chart
Saving Your Changes to a Chart
Obtaining Help for a Class, Chart, or Data Item
Printing a Chart
Generating a Report for a Chart
Recording Chart Data
Starting a Recording
Stopping a Recording
Playing a Recording
Removing a Recording
Creating a User-Defined Chart
Modifying an Existing User-Defined Chart
Modifying the Data Items for a User-Defined Chart
Copying a User-Defined Chart
Converting Old Performance Manager User-Defined Charts

4 Introduction to Oracle Index Tuning Wizard

When to Use the Index Tuning Wizard
Accessing the Index Tuning Wizard
Index Tuning Wizard Interface
Application Type
Schema Selection
Index Recommendations
Analysis Report and Script

5 Overview of the Change Management Applications

New Features for the Change Management Applications
Database Objects Supported by the Change Management Applications
Understanding Change Management Objects
Change Management Applications
Overview of DB Capture
Capturing a Baseline from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console or
DBA Studio
Overview of Baseline Viewer
Overview of DB Diff
Performing a Comparison from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console or
DBA Studio
Overview of Change Manager
Sample Uses for the Change Management Applications
Using Help
Displaying the Contents Page for Help
Displaying a Help Topic for Your Current Context in an Application
Finding a Particular Type of Help Topic

6 Using Change Manager

Starting Change Manager
Using the Change Manager Main Window
Starting Change Management Applications from Change Manager
Starting DBA Studio from Change Manager
Working with Baselines
Working with Comparisons
Viewing History Entries for Tasks
Viewing Completed Tasks
Working With a Particular Version of a Baseline or Comparison
Exporting and Importing Baselines and Comparisons

7 Using Oracle TopSessions

Before You Start Oracle TopSessions
Starting Oracle TopSessions
Oracle TopSessions Main Window
Title Bar
Status Bar
Oracle TopSessions Menu Bar
File Menu
View Menu
Sessions Menu
Help Menu
Obtaining an Overview of Session Activity
Using the Right Mouse Button on the Main Display
Sorting the Order of Entries in the Main Display
Viewing Details About a Given Session
Session Details Pages
Session Details General Page
Session Details Statistics Page
Choose Statistics for Display Dialog Box
Session Details Cursors Page
Displaying an Explain Plan for a User Session
Session Details Locks Page
Session Details Display Refresh Time
Viewing Session Details for Multiple Sessions
Customizing the Session Information You Display
Options Sort Page
Options Refresh Page
Options Count Page
Exiting Oracle TopSessions

A Troubleshooting Appendix

Using Environment Variables When Running Change Manager from the
Command Line
Enabling Tracing and Debugging for Change Management Applications


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