Oracle(R) Enterprise Manager Oracle Change Management Pack Readme
Release 2.1.0




Oracle® Change Management Pack



February 2000

Part No. A76920-01

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Configuration and Compatibility

3. Documentation and Help

4. General Oracle Change Management Pack

5. Script Generation and Execution

6. Plan Editor

7. DB Diff

8. DB Capture

9. Command Line Interface

10. Currently Unsupported Database Features and Attributes

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this Document

This document notes differences between the delivered Oracle Change Management Pack product and its documented functionality. It also includes information on the Oracle Change Management Pack documentation, and late-breaking information concerning this production release.

1.2 License Restrictions and Warranty Disclaimer

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information of Oracle Corporation; they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Programs is prohibited.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. Oracle Corporation does not warrant that this document is error free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Oracle Corporation.

1.3 Restricted Rights Notice

If the Programs are delivered to the US Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of the US Government, the following notice is applicable:

Programs delivered subject to the DOD FAR Supplement are 'commercial computer software' and use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs including documentation, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement. Otherwise, Programs delivered subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations are 'restricted computer software' and use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs shall be subject to the restrictions in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights (June, 1987). Oracle Corporation, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

1.4 Hazardous Applications

The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications. It shall be licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, back up, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and Oracle disclaims liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs.

1.5 Trademark Notice

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. All other company or product names mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

2. Configuration and Compatibility

2.1 Configuration

DBA privileges are required for the account with preferred credentials which you use to execute the scripts generated from any of the Oracle Change Management Pack applications.

2.2 Compatibility

Oracle Database Compatibility Matrix

The following matrix lists the compatibility of the Oracle Change Management Pack Release with specific releases of the Oracle Server. If a component is certified to run with a specific server release, then a "yes" is placed for that entry.






Oracle Change Management Pack  




3. Documentation and Help

3.1 The Oracle Enterprise Manager products provide online documentation in HTML format.

3.2 The Oracle Enterprise Manager products provide online context-sensitive help. You can access online help for a product in multiple ways:

4. General Oracle Change Management Pack

This section discusses items that may be found in multiple Oracle Change Management Pack applications.

4.1 When displaying changed or different SQL or PL/SQL text (as in views, functions, and trigger definitions), Plan Manager, DB Alter, DB Quick Change, and DB Diff initially display only a single line of text. You can enlarge the display row vertically to display all the text.

4.2 If an Oracle Change Management Pack application is hung or has not started, you can stop the process jre.exe (see caution), from the NT Task Manager.


There may be several processes named jre.exe. The Enterprise Manager Console, the Management Server, and other Enterprise Manager applications might also create processes running jre.exe.  

4.3 Unpredictable results may occur if multiple Oracle Change Management Pack applications edit the same change plan or generate and execute scripts simultaneously.

4.4 When you propagate a tablespace to a different database, Change Manager does not verify the existence of the directory specified for the tablespace's datafile(s), nor does it check if any datafile in the tablespace is already in use by another tablespace. If the directory does not exist, the script will fail. If a specified datafile is already in use by another database, including the destination database, the script may corrupt that database. Therefore use extreme caution when propagating tablespaces. There is no way to change a datafile specification in a tablespace exemplar. (630,628 and 643,516)

4.5 Multiple execution log windows open on the same script execution are not refreshed when the script is executed, kept, or undone from a different window. For example, you might execute a script in Plan Editor (so that both Keep and Undo buttons are active), then launch a window on the same script from a pending tasks viewer. If you then Keep the execution results in one of the windows, the other window is not updated, so that you could Undo the execution there. Results are unpredictable. (1,105,764)

4.6 The "Drop Column" operation available in Oracle 8i has no effect when creating a directive. The table column context menu contains both a "Drop Column" and a "Delete" entry when editing a table directive. Only the "Delete" choice is effective. The Oracle Change Manager operation, which deletes the column by dropping and re-creating the table, should not be confused with the Drop Column operation, which hides the column and marks it for later clean-up. (1,140,157)

4.7 On the right-hand side of the Change Manager view, there is a pane that contains icons and links to browse information about the available applications and launch them if needed. This pane appears only in English. (1,142,552)

4.8 A table that has both a PRIMARY and a UNIQUE constraint on the same column(s) generates an incorrect script if it is propagated to another schema, or if it is modified in such a way that it is dropped and re-created. The workaround is to edit the change script to remove the UNIQUE constraint (which is redundant) from the table. (1,172,386)

4.9 If you install Enterprise Manager version 2.1 and then subsequently install Oracle Server version 8.1.5 on the same machine, the 8.1.5 installation will downgrade the installed version of your JRE. This may cause the Oracle Change Management Pack to behave incorrectly. To double-check this, make sure you are running JRE version (1,160,500)

4.10 If you are on a dual boot system and have already installed products using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) in one environment, then in the second environment when asked where to write the OUI inventory provide a different location than the default. The second environment inventory will then be independent of the first, products can be installed/deinstalled separately on both systems.

4.11 If after installing Enterprise Manager or Management Packs Release 2.1 you install Enterprise Manager or Management Packs Release 2.0, the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed as part of Release 2.1 will be downgraded automatically; no error messages will appear. This downgrade from JRE Release to JRE Release will cause problems for Enterprise Manager Release 2.1. Consequently, do no install Enterprise Manager Release 2.0 after installing Enterprise Manager Release 2.1. However, if you run into this situation, you can workaround the problem by re-installing JRE Release from the CD-ROM you installed Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 (most likely from a Release 8.1.6 CD-ROM). Re-install the JRE by re-installing Oracle Universal Installer; as the Installer has a dependency on the JRE.

5. Script Generation and Execution

5.1 Schema mapping is not applied to SQL or PL/SQL definitions of views, check constraints, triggers and so on. For example, if a schema mapping XXX->YYY exists, references to schema XXX in a view definition are not changed to YYY.

5.2 When using a database link exemplar for which a password is specified, the Oracle Change Management Pack has no way of determining the actual password. Instead the pack substitutes a password of "********". If your change plan contains an exemplar for such a database link, you must edit the generated script to use the password of your choice.

5.3 If you propagate a snapshot from a V7.x database to a V8.x database, the resulting script tries to create a primary key snapshot (the default for V8 snapshots) instead of a ROWID snapshot (the only type available for V7 snapshots). Not only does the refresh method change unexpectedly, but the propagation will fail unless the snapshot's master table has a primary key. (790,579)

5.4 Snapshots will be removed from the source refresh group as they are inserted in the destination refresh group, if you propagate a refresh group from one schema to another within a database. Snapshots can exist in at most one refresh group, so this is the correct behavior, however it may be unexpected, and no warning is issued. To avoid this situation, propagate the snapshots along with the refresh group if that is your intention. (790,574)

5.5 If you generate a script, then change a script option (such as mapping or temporary tablespace), then execute the script, the application does not prompt you to regenerate the script. This means you could run the script without realizing the script option changes you requested were not in effect. Be sure to regenerate the script after changing script options. (685,123)

5.6 Script generation does not check for the ARCHIVELOG mode when the RECOVERABLE keyword is specified. The generation will not report an error but the script will fail unless the destination is in ARCHIVELOG mode. To fix the problem, turn on ARCHIVELOG mode (if available) or edit the script to remove the RECOVERABLE keyword. (789,258)

5.7 During script execution, if the destination database crashes or the user interrupts execution at just the wrong time, Change Manager may lose track of the last step completed. If this occurs, an attempt to Undo the execution will not start with the last completed step. Should this occur, the following procedure will correct the problem:

  1. Obtain the script ID from the script by editing the script and copying the long number in the line "set SCRIPTID nnnnnnnn".

  2. At the destination database, in the schema of the user executing the script (that is, the user in the destination's preferred credentials), find the table VBZ$JOB_TABLE_SID and examine the row whose script_id equals the script ID obtained above.

  3. If the problem occurred while executing in the forward direction, decrement the value of last_step by 1. If the problem occurred while executing in the reverse direction (Undo) then increment last_step by 1. Commit the change. It should now be possible to continue with script execution or Undo. (782,142)

5.8 Propagating tables with constraints compared by body may sometimes result in an extra constraint whose definition is "UNIQUE( )" and the script will not execute. This may occur when the tables at the source and destination have a constraint with the same name but a different body. To fix the problem, modify the propagation options to compare by name rather than by body, or edit the script to remove the extra constraint. (989,693)

6. Plan Editor

6.1 If Plan Editor is running a long script and you leave the Run page and then return to it, you do not see the progress of the script execution until the script finishes, and the state of the execution control buttons is incorrect. (687,631)

7. DB Diff

7.1 To compare the characteristics of two users having different names, you can use a schema map to equate the two users. To do this, you must specify at least one schema object type to compare, then filter out all schemas from the comparison. This method avoids comparing schema objects in addition to the users.

7.2 The title on the right-hand side of the Textual Diff Viewer is incorrect (it is always the same as the left-hand side title).

7.3 In the Textual Diff Viewer, text that is present in the left-hand side but not in the right-hand side is marked as "deleted" (colored blue in the viewer), whereas text that is present in the right-hand side but not the left-hand side is marked as "inserted" (colored green).

7.4 The Synchronization Wizard will not start up if a comparison is made between a database and a baseline with the database being on the left and the baseline being on the right. When comparing a database and a baseline, always select the baseline as the left hand source and the database as the right hand source.

8. DB Capture

8.1 If you specify "Generate SQL" in DB Capture, but also specify to capture the baseline "later," the SQL will not be generated when you later capture the baseline. You can generate the SQL in the Baseline Viewer once the baseline has been captured. (1,041,775)

8.2 If you specify "Generate SQL" and the baseline is very large, the "Close" button on the Capture Progress window becomes active before the SQL script has been fully generated and stored. If you immediately click "Close" a message box with a Fatal Error message may appear. If you dismiss this message box, the Baseline Viewer will launch. The capture of the baseline is not affected by this situation, and the generated SQL script is complete. (1,105,176)

8.3 You cannot capture baselines against a version 7.3.4 Oracle database, whose characterset is something other than ASCII. The capture will fail with error ORA-01026. (1,171,762)

9. Command Line Interface (CLI)

9.1 The command line interface does not support multi-byte character set command arguments, such as plan, comparison or baseline names. (1,148,801)

9.2 In Windows95/98, you should increase the environment variable space in the DOS window from which you are running CLI commands. From the DOS window, launch the properties page, and increase the initial environment value on the memory tab. (1,154,171)

9.3 In Windows95/98, the command line interface may not work if the path name of your ORACLE_HOME is too long or if the OMS login credentials are too long. Symptoms of this problem include a "Class not found" error or an unexpected "Usage" display even though a correct command has been entered (1,219,008)

10. Currently Unsupported Database Features and Attributes


The "Database Objects Supported by Oracle Change Management Pack Applications" section of the Getting Started with the Oracle Change Management Pack manual lists the database objects supported in this release of the Oracle Change Management Pack. All features for the listed database object types are supported except as described in this section.  

This section describes:

Future releases will provide support for these Oracle features and attributes.

10.1 Unsupported Database Features

The database features that are currently not supported are listed below.

Unsupported object-oriented features:

Snapshots that are not read-only are not currently supported.

Consumer groups (belonging to users and to roles) are not currently supported.

Hash partitions and subpartitions are not currently supported.

Partitioned tables that contain a LOB column are not currently supported when the plan drops, then creates an existing table.

The FLOAT datatype is currently not supported (but its equivalent, NUMBER(n,n), is supported).


If you create a change plan that references an object with unsupported features, a diagnostic message will be displayed when you generate a script to alert you to the unsupported feature.  

An object with unsupported features can become part of a plan when you:

DB Capture and DB Diff will capture objects and compare them, but some attributes of the unsupported features, such as nested tables, are ignored.

10.2 Partially Supported Database Attributes

Some attributes are supported except that you cannot compose a directive that refers to these attributes. Thus, you can use DB Capture and DB Diff to capture and compare these attributes and you can use exemplars to reproduce these attributes elsewhere. However, you cannot modify these attributes using a directive.

Partially supported database attributes:

10.3 Unsupported Database Attributes

Some database attributes are unsupported in this release of Oracle Change Management Pack, which means:

The unsupported database attributes are:

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