Oracle8i Replication Management API Reference
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Conflict Resolution, 6 of 6

Audit Successful Conflict Resolution

Whenever Oracle detects and successfully resolves an update, delete, or uniqueness conflict, you can view information about what method was used to resolve the conflict by querying the DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS data dictionary view. This view is updated only if you have chosen to turn on conflict resolution statistics gathering for the table involved in the conflict.

See Also:

The ALL_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS for more information. 

Gathering Conflict Resolution Statistics

Use the REGISTER_STATISTICS procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package to collect information about the successful resolution of update, delete, and uniqueness conflicts for a table. The following example gathers statistics for the EMP table in the ACCT_REC schema:

DBMS_REPCAT.REGISTER_STATISTICS(sname    =>   'acct_rec',
                                oname    =>   'emp');

See Also:

The REGISTER_STATISTICS procedure for more information. 

Viewing Conflict Resolution Statistics

After you call REGISTER_STATISTICS for a table, each conflict that is successfully resolved for that table is logged in the DBA_REPRESOLUTION_ STATISTICS view. Information about unresolved conflicts is always logged to the DEFERROR view, whether the object is registered or not.

See Also:


Canceling Conflict Resolution Statistics

Use the CANCEL_STATISTICS procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package if you no longer want to collect information about the successful resolution of update, delete, and uniqueness conflicts for a table. The following example cancels statistics gathering on the EMP table in the ACCT_REC schema:

DBMS_REPCAT.CANCEL_STATISTICS(sname    => '  acct_rec',
                              oname    =>   'emp');

See Also:

The CANCEL_STATISTICS procedure for more information. 

Deleting Statistics Information

If you registered a table to log information about the successful resolution of update, delete, and uniqueness conflicts, you can remove this information from the DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS view by calling the PURGE_STATISTICS procedure in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

The following example purges the statistics gathered about conflicts resolved due to inserts, updates, and deletes on the EMP table between January 1 and March 31:

DBMS_REPCAT.PURGE_STATISTICS(sname      =>   'acct_rec', 
                             oname      =>   'emp', 
                             start_date =>   '01-JAN-99',
                             end_date   =>   '31-MAR-99);

See Also:

The PURGE_STATISTICS procedure for more information. 

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