Oracle8i Error Messages
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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ORA-12700 to ORA-19399

ORA-12700 invalid NLS parameter value (string)

Cause: An invalid NLS initialization parameter was specified.

Action: Check the syntax and spelling of the parameter. Enter the correct parameter into the initialization parameter file.

ORA-12701 CREATE DATABASE character set is not known

Cause: The character set specified in the CREATE DATABASE command does not exist on the system.

Action: Refer to your Oracle operating system-specific documentation for more information about character sets on the system. Use a valid character set in the CREATE DATABASE command.

ORA-12702 invalid NLS parameter string used in SQL function

Cause: An invalid parameter or value was entered in the NLS parameter string in a SQL function.

Action: Check the syntax of the function and the parameters. Enter the command again using the correct syntax and valid values.

ORA-12703 this character set conversion is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to use the CONVERT function to convert between two character sets, and the requested conversion is not possible due to unavailability of one or both character sets.

Action: Use character sets available on the system in the CONVERT function.

ORA-12704 character set mismatch

Cause: One of the following:

  • The string operands (other than an NLSPARAMS argument) to an operator or built-in function do not have the same character set.

  • An NLSPARAMS operand is not in the database character set.

  • String data with character set other than the database character set is passed to a built-in function not expecting it.

  • The second argument to CHR() or CSCONVERT() is not CHAR_CS or NCHAR_CS.

  • A string expression in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement, or the SET clause of an UPDATE statement, does not have the same character set as the column into which the value would be inserted.

  • A value provided in a DEFAULT clause when creating a table does not have the same character set as declared for the column.

  • An argument to a PL/SQL function does not conform to the character set requirements of the corresponding parameter.

Action: Strings declared with NCHAR or NCHAR VARYING do not interoperate with strings declared with CHAR or VARCHAR2. Use TRANSLATE() function to explicitly convert one to the other.

ORA-12705 invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified

Cause: There are two possible causes: Either an attempt was made to issue an ALTER SESSION statement with an invalid NLS parameter or value; or the NLS_LANG environment variable contains an invalid language, territory, or character set.

Action: Check the syntax of the ALTER SESSION command and the NLS parameter, correct the syntax and retry the statement, or specify correct values in the NLS_LANG environment variable. For more information about the syntax of the ALTER SESSION command, see Oracle8i SQL Reference.

ORA-12706 this CREATE DATABASE character set is not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to create a database on an ASCII-based machine using an EBCDIC-based character set or vice versa. This is not permitted.

Action: Create the database using either ASCII-based or EBCDIC-based character sets, depending on what is supported by the hardware. Refer to your Oracle operating system-specific documentation for more information about the type of character set supported.

ORA-12707 error while getting create database NLS parameter string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12708 error while loading create database NLS parameter string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12709 error while loading create database character set

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12710 CREATE CONTROLFILE character set is not known

Cause: The character set specified when creating the control file is unknown.

Action: Specify a known character set.

ORA-12711 this CREATE CONTROLFILE character set is not allowed

Cause: It is not allowed to create a control file on a native ASCII-based machine using an EBCDIC-based character set, and vice versa.

Action: Create the correct control file for machine and character set.

ORA-12712 new character set must be a superset of old character set

Cause: When you ALTER DATABASE ... CHARACTER SET, the new character set must be a superset of the old character set. For example, WE8ISO8859P1 is not a superset of the WE8DEC.

Action: Specify a superset character set.

ORA-12800 system appears too busy for parallel query execution

Cause: Load on the system is too high to perform parallel queries.

Action: Re-execute serially or wait until the system load is reduced.

ORA-12801 error signaled in parallel query server string

Cause: A parallel query server reached an exception condition.

Action: Check the following error message for the cause.

ORA-12802 parallel query server lost contact with coordinator

Cause: A parallel query server lost contact with the foreground (coordinator) process/thread.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12803 parallel query server lost contact with another server

Cause: A parallel query server lost contact with another server.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12804 parallel query server appears to have died

Cause: Cannot find process information for a parallel query server thread.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12805 parallel query server died unexpectedly

Cause: A parallel query server died unexpectedly, PMON cleaning up the process.

Action: Check your system for anomalies and reissue the statement. If this error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support. See trace file for more details.

ORA-12806 could not get background process to hold enqueue

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12807 process queue could not receive parallel query message

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: This error should not normally occur. If it persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-12808 cannot set string_INSTANCES greater than number of instances string

Cause: An attempt was made to set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES using the ALTER SYSTEM command to a value larger than the number of available instances.

Action: See the accompanying message for the current allowable maximum value, or set SCAN_INSTANCES / CACHE_INSTANCES to ALL.

ORA-12809 cannot set string_INSTANCES when mounted in exclusive mode

Cause: An attempt was made to set SCAN_INSTANCES or CACHE_INSTANCES using the ALTER SYSTEM command while the database was mounted in exclusive mode.

Action: SCAN_INSTANCES / CACHE_INSTANCES may not be set unless running Oracle parallel server mounted in SHARED or PARALLEL mode.

ORA-12810 PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS must be less than or equal to string

Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than the maximum allowed by the system.

Action: Set PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS to a value less than or equal to the maximum specified in the accompanying message and retry.

ORA-12811 PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS must be less than or equal to PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS, string

Cause: An attempt was made to set the PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS parameter to a value higher than PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS.

Action: Set PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS to a value less than or equal to PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS (indicated in the accompanying message) and retry.

ORA-12812 only one PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clause may be specified

Cause: PARALLEL was specified more than once, NOPARALLEL was specified more than once, or both PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL were specified in a CREATE TABLE, CLUSTER, or INDEX or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement, or in a RECOVER command.

Action: Remove all but one of the PARALLEL or NOPARALLEL clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-12813 value for PARALLEL or DEGREE must be greater than 0

Cause: PARALLEL 0 or DEGREE 0 was specified in a CREATE TABLE, CLUSTER, or INDEX or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement.

Action: Specify a degree of parallelism greater than 0 or specify default parallelism using PARALLEL with no degree or using DEGREE DEFAULT within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12814 only one CACHE or NOCACHE clause may be specified

Cause: CACHE was specified more than once, NOCACHE was specified more than once, or both CACHE and NOCACHE were specified in a CREATE TABLE or CLUSTER, or in an ALTER TABLE or CLUSTER statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the CACHE or NOCACHE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-12815 value for INSTANCES must be greater than 0

Cause: PARALLEL parameter specifying number of instances must be a positive integer or DEFAULT.

Action: specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for INSTANCES if parallelism across instances is desired.

ORA-12816 parallel create index fastpath operation

Cause: The parallel create index fastpath operation event has been set.

Action: Set this event only under the supervision Oracle development.

ORA-12817 parallel query option must be enabled

Cause: A parallel query option feature has been invoked but this option has not been enabled.

Action: Enable the parallel query option.

ORA-12818 invalid option in PARALLEL clause

Cause: An unrecognized option was used within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: specify any combination of DEGREE { n | DEFAULT } and INSTANCES { n | DEFAULT } within the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12819 missing options in PARALLEL clause

Cause: PARALLEL clause cannot be empty.

Action: specify any combination of DEGREE { n | DEFAULT } and INSTANCES { n | DEFAULT } within the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12820 invalid value for DEGREE

Cause: Invalid value for DEGREE was specified within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: Specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for the DEGREE option within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12821 invalid value for INSTANCES

Cause: An invalid value for INSTANCES was specified within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: Specify a positive integer or DEFAULT for the INSTANCES option within a PARALLEL clause.

ORA-12822 duplicate option in PARALLEL clause

Cause: DEGREE or INSTANCES was specified more than once within a PARALLEL clause.

Action: Specify each desired PARALLEL clause option only once.

ORA-12823 default degree of parallelism may not be specified here

Cause: The PARALLEL keyword was used alone or DEGREE DEFAULT was specified in the PARALLEL clause of an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.

Action: Respecify with an explicit degree of parallelism.

ORA-12824 INSTANCES DEFAULT may not be specified here

Cause: INSTANCES DEFAULT was specified in the PARALLEL clause of an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.

Action: Respecify with an explicit value for INSTANCES or omit the INSTANCES option if single instance recovery is desired.

ORA-12825 explicit degree of parallelism must be specified here

Cause: The DEGREE option was omitted from an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command.

Action: Respecify with an explicit degree of parallelism.

ORA-12826 hung parallel query server was killed

Cause: The parallel query server was hung and subsequently killed.

Action: Re-execute the query and report suspicious events in the trace file to Oracle Customer Support if the error persists.

ORA-12827 insufficient parallel query slaves available

Cause: PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT parameter was specified and fewer than minimum slaves were acquired.

Action: Either re-execute query with lower PARALLEL_MIN_PERCENT or wait until some running queries are completed, thus freeing up slaves.

ORA-12828 Can't start parallel transaction - distributed transaction in progress

Cause: PDML transaction cannot be started because a distributed transaction is in progress.

Action: Change the DML statement to exclude updates to remote tables and re-execute the statement.

ORA-12829 Deadlock - itls occupied by siblings at block string of file string

Cause: A parallel statement failed because all ITLS in the current block are occupied by siblings of the same transaction.

Action: Increase the value of MAXTRANS of the block or reduce the degree of parallelism for the statement. Re-execute the statement. Report suspicious events in the trace file to Oracle Customer Support if the error persists.

ORA-12830 Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE

Cause: After executing a parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.

Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12831 Must COMMIT or ROLLBACK after executing INSERT with APPEND hint

Cause: After executing an INSERT statement with an APPEND hint, a command other than COMMIT or ROLLBACK was issued.

Action: Execute COMMIT or ROLLBACK before issuing another SQL command.

ORA-12832 Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances

Cause: After executing a query on a global v$ fixed view, one or more instances failed to allocate a slave to process query.

Action: To allow results to be returned by successfully allocated slaves, execute ALTER SESSION SET ALLOW_PARTIAL_SN_RESULTS=TRUE statement, or check parameters of instances.

ORA-12833 Coordinator's instance not a member of parallel_instance_group

Cause: The coordinator's instance must be a member of the PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP in which this operation will be run.

Action: Either add the coordinator's instance to the current PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP or change PARALLEL_INSTANCE_GROUP.

ORA-12834 Instance group name, 'string', too long, must be less than string characters

Cause: The instance group name is too long.

Action: Either shorten the name or get rid of the instance group.

ORA-12835 No instances are active in the OPS_ADMIN_GROUP

Cause: There must be at least one instance in the OPS_ADMIN_GROUP in order to execute a query on global views.

Action: Change the value of OPS_ADMIN_GROUP.

ORA-12838 cannot read/modify an object after modifying it in parallel

Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to add read or modification statements on a table after it had been modified in parallel or with direct load. This is not permitted.

Action: Rewrite the transaction, or break it up into two transactions: one containing the initial modification and the second containing the parallel modification operation.

ORA-12839 cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it

Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to perform parallel modification operations on a table after it had been modified. This is not permitted.

Action: Rewrite the transaction or break it up into two transactions: one containing the parallel modification and the second containing the initial modification operation.

ORA-12840 cannot access remote table in a parallel transaction

Cause: Within a transaction, an attempt was made to perform distributed access after a PDML or insert direct statement had been issued.

Action: Commit/roll back the PDML transaction first, and then perform the distributed access, or perform the distributed access before the first PDML statement in the transaction.

ORA-12841 Cannot alter the session parallel DML state within a transaction

Cause: Transaction in progress.

Action: Commit or roll back the transaction and then re-execute.

ORA-12842 schema modified during parallel execution

Cause: Schema modified during the parse phase of parallel processing.

Action: No action required.

ORA-12843 pdml lock not held properly on the table

Cause: The coodinator crashed or released the lock on the partition which the slave is trying to aquire.

Action: Check if the coordinator or some of the other slaves died. Also check that the lock has not been corrupted. Issue the PDML again.

ORA-12980 checkpoint option not allowed with SET UNUSED

Cause: An attempt was made to specify checkpoint option with SET UNUSED.

Action: Remove the checkpoint option.

ORA-12981 cannot drop column from an object type table

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from an object type table.

Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12982 cannot drop column from a nested table

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a nested table.

Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12983 cannot drop all columns in a table

Cause: An attempt was made to drop all columns in a table.

Action: Make sure at least one column remains in the table after the drop column operation.

ORA-12984 cannot drop partitioning column

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column used as the partitioning key.

Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12985 tablespace 'string' is read only, cannot drop column

Cause: An attempt was made to drop column from a partition/subpartition on a read-only tablespace.

Action: Set the tablespace to read write and resubmit statement.

ORA-12986 columns in partially dropped state. Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE

Cause: An attempt was made to access a table with columns in partially dropped state (that is, drop column operation was interrupted).

Action: Submit ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE to complete the drop column operation before accessing the table.

ORA-12987 cannot combine drop column with other operations

Cause: An attempt was made to combine drop column with other ALTER TABLE operations.

Action: Ensure that drop column is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE.

ORA-12988 cannot drop column from table owned by SYS

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a system table.

Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12989 invalid value for checkpoint interval

Cause: An invalid checkpoint interval specified in statement. Checkpoint interval must be between 0 and (2^31-1).

Action: Correct checkpoint interval and resubmit statement.

ORA-12990 duplicate option specified

Cause: Duplicate option specified in statement.

Action: Remove the duplicate option and resubmit statement.

ORA-12991 column is referenced in a multi-column constraint

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column referenced by some constraints.

Action: Drop all constraints referencing the dropped column or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS in statement.

ORA-12992 cannot drop parent key column

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a parent key column.

Action: Drop all constraints referencing the parent key column, or specify CASCADE CONSTRAINTS in statement.

ORA-12993 tablespace 'string' is offline, cannot drop column

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a column from a partition/subpartition on an offline tablespace.

Action: Bring the tablespace online and resubmit statement.

ORA-12994 drop column option only allowed once in statement

Cause: An attempt was made to repeat the drop column option in a single statement.

Action: Separate drop column options into different statements and resubmit statements.

ORA-12995 no columns in partially dropped state

Cause: An attempt was made to submit DROP COLUMNS CONTINUE statement while there are no partially dropped columns.

Action: Cannot submit this statement.

ORA-12996 cannot drop system-generated virtual column

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a virtual column generated by the system.

Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-12997 cannot drop primary key column from an index-organized table

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a primary key column from an index- organized table.

Action: This action is not allowed.

ORA-13000 dimension number is out of range

Cause: The specified dimension is either smaller than 1 or greater than the number of dimensions encoded in the HHCODE.

Action: Make sure that the dimension number is between 1 and the maximum number of dimensions encoded in the HHCODE.

ORA-13001 dimensions mismatch error

Cause: The number of dimensions in two HHCODEs involved in a binary HHCODE operation do not match.

Action: Make sure that the number of dimensions in the HHCODEs match.

ORA-13002 specified level is out of range

Cause: The specified level is either smaller than 1 or greater than the maximum level encoded in an HHCODE.

Action: Verify that all levels are between 1 and the maximum number of levels encoded in the HHCODE.

ORA-13003 the specified range for a dimension is invalid

Cause: The specified range for a dimension is invalid.

Action: Make sure that the lower bound (LB) is less than the upper bound (UB).

ORA-13004 the specified buffer size is invalid

Cause: The buffer size for a function is not valid. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13005 recursive HHCODE function error

Cause: An error occurred in a recursively called HHCODE function. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13006 the specified cell number is invalid

Cause: The cell identifier is either less than 0 or greater that (2^ndim - 1).

Action: Make sure that the cell identifier is between 0 and (2^ndim - 1).

ORA-13007 an invalid HEX character was detected

Cause: A character that is not in the range [0-9] or [A-Fa-f] was detected.

Action: Verify that all characters in a string are in [0-9] or [A-Fa-f].

ORA-13008 the specified date format has an invalid component

Cause: Part of specified date format is invalid.

Action: Verify that the date format is valid.

ORA-13009 the specified date string is invalid

Cause: The specified date string has a bad component or does not match the specified format string.

Action: Make sure that the components of the date string are valid and that the date and format strings match.

ORA-13010 an invalid number of arguments has been specified

Cause: An invalid number of arguments was specified for an SDO function.

Action: Verify the syntax of the function call.

ORA-13011 value is out of range

Cause: A specified dimension value is outside the range defined for that dimension.

Action: Make sure that all values to be encoded are within the defined dimension range.

ORA-13012 an invalid window type was specifed

Cause: An invalid window type was specified.

Action: Valid window types are RANGE, PROXIMITY, POLYGON.

ORA-13013 the specified topology was not INTERIOR or BOUNDARY

Cause: A topology was specified that was not INTERIOR or BOUNDARY.

Action: Make sure that INTERIOR or BOUNDARY is used to describe an HHCODE's topology.

ORA-13014 a topology identifier outside the range of 1 to 8 was specified

Cause: A topology identifier outside the range of 1 to 8 was specified.

Action: Specify a topology in the range of 1 to 8.

ORA-13015 the window definition is not valid

Cause: The number of values used to define the window does not correspond to the window type.

Action: Verify that the number of values used to defined the window is correct for the window type and number of dimensions.

ORA-13016 bad partition definition

Cause: The partition common code was not correctly decoded.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support. This is an internal error.

ORA-13017 unrecognized line partition shape

Cause: The shape of a 2-D line partition could not be determined. This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13018 bad distance type

Cause: The specified distance type is invalid.

Action: The only supported distance functions are EUCLID and MANHATTAN.

ORA-13019 coordinates out of bounds

Cause: Vertex coordinates lie outside the valid range for specified dimension.

Action: Re-define vertex coordinates within specified boundaries.

ORA-13020 coordinate is NULL

Cause: A vertex coordinate has a NULL value.

Action: Re-define vertex coordinate to have non-NULL value.

ORA-13021 element not continuous

Cause: The coordinates defining a geometric element are not connected.

Action: Re-define coordinates for the geometric element.

ORA-13022 polygon crosses itself

Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent crossing segments.

Action: Re-define coordinates for the polygon.

ORA-13023 interior element interacts with exterior element

Cause: An interior element of a geometric object interacts with the exterior element of that object.

Action: Re-define coordinates for the geometric elements.

ORA-13024 polygon has less than three segments

Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent less than three segments.

Action: Re-define the coordinates for the polygon.

ORA-13025 polygon does not close

Cause: The coordinates defining a polygonal geometric element represent an open polygon.

Action: Re-define the coordinates of the polygon.

ORA-13026 unknown element type for element string.string.string

Cause: The SDO_ETYPE column in the layer_SDOGEOM table contains an invalid geometric element type value.

Action: Re-define the geometric element type in the layer_SDOGEOM table for the specified geometric element using one of the supported SDO_ETYPE values. See Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for an explanation of SDO_ETYPE and its possible values.

ORA-13027 unable to read dimension definition from string

Cause: There was a problem reading the dimension definition from the layer_SDODIM table.

Action: Verify that the layer_SDODIM table exists and that the appropriate privileges exist on the table. Address any other errors that might appear with the message.

ORA-13039 failed to update spatial index for element string.string.string

Cause: Another error will accompany this message that will indicate the problem.

Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears then contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13040 failed to subdivide tile

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Note any accompanying errors and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13041 failed to compare tile with element string.string.string

Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified element could not be determined. This is an internal error.

Action: Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors then note any errors which accompany ORA-13041 and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13042 invalid SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES combination

Cause: An invalid combination of SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES values was read from the layer_SDOLAYER table. The most likely cause is that the columns are NULL.

Action: Verify the that SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES columns contain valid integer values as described in the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13043 failed to read meta data from the layer_SDOLAYER table

Cause: An error was encountered reading the layer meta data from the layer_SDOLAYER table.

Action: This error is usually the result of an earlier error which should also have been reported. Address this accompanying error and retry the current operation. If no accompanying error was reported contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13044 the specified tile size exceeds the maximum resolution

Cause: The tile size specified for fixed size tessellation exceeds the maximum resolution as computed from the layer meta data.

Action: See the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for an explanation of tiling levels, tile size, and tiling resolution. Ensure that the tiling parameters are set such that any generated tile is always larger than or equal to a tile at the maximum level of resolution. This can be achieved by using a fewer number of tiles per geometric object or specifying a lesser tile size value than the current one.

ORA-13045 invalid compatibility flag

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13046 invalid number of arguments

Cause: An invalid number of arguments were specified for an SDO_GEOM function.

Action: Refer to the Oracle Spatial Cartridge user documentation for a description of the syntax and semantics of the relevant SDO_GEOM function.

ORA-13047 unable to determine ordinate count from table layer_SDOLAYER

Cause: An SDO_GEOM function was unable to determine the number of ordinates for the SDO layer layer.

Action: Verify that the layer_SDOLAYER table has a valid value for the column SDO_ORDCNT. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13048 recursive SQL fetch error

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13049 unable to determine tolerance value from table layer_SDODIM

Cause: An SDO_GEOM function was unable to determine the tolerance value for the SDO layer layer.

Action: Verify that the layer_SDODIM table has a valid value for the column SDO_TOLERANCE.

ORA-13050 unable to construct spatial object

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13051 failed to initialize spatial object

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13052 unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string

Cause: The geometry type for a specific instance in a layer_SDOGEOM table is not among the set of geometry types supported by the Oracle Spatial Cartridge.

Action: Check Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the list of supported geometry types and workarounds that permit the storage and retrieval of non-supported geometric types with the SDO schema.

ORA-13053 maximum number of geometric elements in argument list exceeded

Cause: The maximum number of geometric elements that can be specified in the argument list for an SDO_GEOM function was exceeded.

Action: Check Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the syntax of the SDO_GEOM function and use fewer arguments to describe the geometry or check the description of the SDO_WINDOW package for a workaround that permits storing the object in a table and then using it in as an argument in a call to the SDO_GEOM function.

ORA-13054 recursive SQL parse error

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13055 Oracle object string does not exist in specified table

Cause: The requested object is not present in the specified table.

Action: Verify the syntax of the function or procedure that reported this error and verify that the object does indeed exist in the specified table. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13108 spatial table string not found

Cause: The specified spatial table does not exist.

Action: Check the Spatial Data option data dictionary to make sure that the table is registered.

ORA-13109 spatial table string exists

Cause: The specified spatial table is registered in the Spatial Data data dictionary.

Action: Remove the existing table from the Spatial Data option data dictionary or use a different name.

ORA-13110 spatial table string is not partitioned

Cause: The specified spatial table is not partitioned.

Action: Check the Spatial Data option data dictionary and make sure that a high water mark is set.

ORA-13111 spatial table string has no partition key defined

Cause: The specified spatial table does not have a partition key defined.

Action: Check the Spatial Data option data dictionary and make sure that the table is partitioned.

ORA-13112 invalid count mode string

Cause: The specified count mode is not valid.

Action: Alter the count mode. Valid count modes are ESTIMATE or EXACT.

ORA-13113 Oracle table string does not exist

Cause: The specified Oracle table does not exist.

Action: Check the Oracle data dictionary and make sure that the table exists.

ORA-13114 tablespace string not found

Cause: The specified tablespace does not exist.

Action: Check the Oracle data dictionary and make sure that the specified tablespace exists and that there is a space quota defined on it.

ORA-13115 tablespace string is already allocated

Cause: The specified tablespace is already allocated to the spatial table.

Action: Allocate another tablespace name to the table.

ORA-13116 tablespace string is not allocated to table string

Cause: The specified tablespace is not allocated to the specified spatial table.

Action: Allocate the tablespace to the spatial table.

ORA-13117 partition string not found

Cause: The specified partition does not exist.

Action: Verify the name of the partition by checking the Spatial Data option data dictionary.

ORA-13119 source and target tablespaces are identical

Cause: Identical source and target tablespaces were specified when trying to move partition.

Action: Specify different source and target tablespaces if you wish to move a partition.

ORA-13121 failed to create child partition

Cause: The creation of a child partition failed.

Action: Check for other errors that accompany this error and correct them first.

ORA-13122 child partition string not found

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13123 column string is already defined

Cause: The specified column is already defined for the spatial table.

Action: Use a different column name.

ORA-13124 unable to determine column id for column string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13125 partition key is already set

Cause: A partition key is already set for the spatial table.

Action: Only one partition key can be specified per spatial table.

ORA-13126 unable to determine class for spatial table string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13127 failed to generate target partition

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13128 current tiling level exceeds user specified tiling level

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13129 HHCODE column string not found

Cause: The specified spatial column does not exist.

Action: Verify that the specified column is a spatial column by checking the Spatial Data option data dictionary.

ORA-13135 failed to alter spatial table

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13136 null common code generated

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13137 failed to generate tablespace sequence number

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13138 could not determine name of object string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13139 could not obtain column definition for string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13140 invalid target type

Cause: The specified target type is not valid.

Action: Substitute a valid target type. Valid target types are TABLE or VIEW.

ORA-13141 invalid RANGE window definition

Cause: The RANGE window specified is not correctly defined.

Action: A RANGE window is defined by specifying the lower and upper boundary of each dimension as a pair of values (for example, lower_bound1,upper_bound1,lower_bound2,upper_bound2,...). There should be an even number of values.

ORA-13142 invalid PROXIMITY window definition

Cause: The PROXIMITY window specified is not correctly defined.

Action: A PROXIMITY window is defined by specifying a center point and a radius. The center point is defined by ND values. There should be ND+1 values.

ORA-13143 invalid POLYGON window definition

Cause: The POLYGON window specified is not correctly defined.

Action: A POLYGON window is defined by specifying N pairs of values that represent the vertices of the polygon. There should be an even number of values.

ORA-13144 target table string not found

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13145 failed to generate range list

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13146 could not find table substitution variable string

Cause: The partition name substitution variable string was not found in the SQL filter.

Action: The substitution variable string must be in the SQL filter to indicate where that partition name should be placed.

ORA-13147 failed to generate MBR

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13148 failed to generate SQL filter

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13149 failed to generate next sequence number for spatial table string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Document messages and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13150 failed to insert exception record

Cause: Operation failed to insert a record into the exception table.

Action: Fix any other errors reported.

ORA-13151 failed to remove exception record

Cause: Operation failed to insert a record into the exception table.

Action: Fix any other errors reported.

ORA-13152 invalid HHCODE type

Cause: Specified HHCODE type is not valid.

Action: Substitute a valid HHCODE type. Valid HHCODE types are POINT and LINE.

ORA-13153 invalid high water mark specified

Cause: The highwater mark must be greater than or equal to zero.

Action: Make sure that the highwater mark is an integer greater than or equal to zero.

ORA-13154 invalid precision specified

Cause: The precision specified is out of range.

Action: The precision must be an integer greater than or equal to zero.

ORA-13155 invalid number of dimensions specified

Cause: The number of dimensions specified is out of range.

Action: The number of dimension must be between 1 and 32.

ORA-13156 table to be registered string.string is not empty

Cause: The specified table has rows in it.

Action: Make sure that the table to be registered is empty.

ORA-13157 Oracle error ORAstring encountered while string

Cause: Specified Oracle error was encountered.

Action: Correct the Oracle error.

ORA-13158 Oracle object string does not exist

Cause: The specified object does not exist.

Action: Verify that the specified object exists.

ORA-13159 Oracle table string already exists

Cause: The specified table already exists.

Action: Drop the specified table.

ORA-13181 unable to determine length of column string_SDOINDEX.SDO_CODE

Cause: The length of the SDO_CODE column in the layer_SDOINDEX table could not be determined.

Action: Make sure that the layer_SDOINDEX table exists with the SDO_CODE column. Verify that the appropriate privileges exist on the table. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13182 failed to read element string.string.string

Cause: The specified element could not be read from the layer_SDOGEOM table.

Action: Verify that the specified element exists in the table. Then retry the operation.

ORA-13183 unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string

Cause: The geometry type in the layer_SDOGEOM table is unsupported.

Action: Modify the geometry type to be one of the supported types.

ORA-13184 failed to initialize tessellation package

Cause: Initialization of the tessellation package failed.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13185 failed to generate initial HHCODE

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13186 fixed tile size tessellation failed

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13187 subdivision failed

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13188 cell decode failed

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13189 recursive SQL parse failed

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13190 recursive SQL fetch failed

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13191 failed to read SDO_ORDCNT value

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13192 failed to read number of element rows

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13193 failed to allocate space for geometry

Cause: There was insufficient memory to read the geometry from the database.

Action: Validate the geometry. Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13194 failed to decode supercell

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13195 failed to generate maximum tile value

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Record the error messages that are returned and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13196 failed to compute supercell for element string.string.string

Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding HHCODE or supercell for the geometry.

Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13197 element string.string.string is out of range

Cause: Tessellation did not generate any tiles for this element. This error could be caused if the geometry definition puts the geometry outside the domain defined in the layer_SDODIM table.

Action: Verify that the geometry is valid and within the defined domain.

ORA-13198 Spatial Cartridge error: string

Cause: There was an internal error in some Spatial Cartridge stored procedure.

Action: Record the sequence of procedure calls or events that preceded this error and contact Oracle Customer Support if the error message text does not clearly specify the cause of the error.

ORA-13199 string

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13200 internal error [string] in spatial indexing.

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support with the exact error text.

ORA-13201 invalid parameters supplied in CREATE INDEX statement

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to parse the parameters clause for the spatial CREATE INDEX statement.

Action: Check Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the number, syntax, and semantics of expected parameters for spatial index creation.

ORA-13202 failed to create or insert into the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the SDO_INDEX_METADATA table or insert data into it.

Action: Verify that the current user has CREATE TABLE privilege and that the user has sufficient quota in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13203 failed to read SDO_GEOM_METADATA table

Cause: An error encountered while trying to read SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.

Action: Check that SDO_GEOM_METADATA table exists and there is an entry in the table for the current geometry table.

ORA-13204 failed to create spatial index table

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the spatial index table.

Action: Check that the user has create table privilege in the current schema and that the user has sufficient quota in the default or specified tablespace.

ORA-13205 internal error while parsing spatial index parameters

Cause: An internal error was encountered while parsing the index parameters.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support with the exact error text.

ORA-13206 internal error [string] while creating the spatial index

Cause: An internal error was encountered while creating the spatial index.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support with the exact error text.

ORA-13207 incorrect use of the [string] operator

Cause: An error was encountered while evaluating the specified operator.

Action: Check the parameters and the return type of the specified operator.

ORA-13208 internal error while evaluating [string] operator

Cause: An internal error was encountered.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support with the exact error text.

ORA-13209 internal error while reading SDO_INDEX_METADATA table

Cause: An internal error was encountered while trying to read SDO_INDEX_METADATA table.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support. Note this and accompanying error numbers.

ORA-13210 error inserting data into the index table

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to insert data into the spatial index table. Likely causes are:

  • Insufficient quota in the current tablespace

  • User does not appropriate privileges

Action: Check the accompanying error messages.

ORA-13211 failed to tessellate the window object

Cause: An internal error was encountered while trying to tessellate the window object.

Action: Verify the geometric integrity of the window object using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure.

ORA-13212 failed to compare tile with the window object

Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified window object could not be determined.

Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors then note any accompanying errors and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13213 failed to generate spatial index for window object

Cause: Another error, indicating the real cause of the problem, should accompany this error.

Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears then contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13214 failed to compute supercell for window object

Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding tile or supercell for the geometry.

Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13215 window object is out of range

Cause: Tessellation did not generate any tiles for this geometry. This error could be caused if the geometry definition puts the geometry outside the domain defined in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.

Action: Verify that the geometry is valid and within the defined domain.

ORA-13216 failed to update spatial index

Cause: Another error will accompany this message that will indicate the problem.

Action: Correct any accompanying errors. If no accompanying error message appears then contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13217 invalid parameters supplied in ALTER INDEX statement

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to parse the parameters clause for the spatial ALTER INDEX statement.

Action: Check Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for the number, syntax, and semantics of expected parameters for spatial alter index command.

ORA-13218 max number of supported index tables reached for [string] index

Cause: An ADD_INDEX parameter is passed to ALTER INDEX when the number of existing spatial index tables is already at maximum.

Action: Delete one of the spatial index tables before adding another spatial index table.

ORA-13219 failed to create spatial index table [string]

Cause: An error was encountered while trying to create the spatial index table.

Action: There is a table in the index's schema with the specified name. The create index will try to create a spatial index table with this name. Either rename this table or change the name of the index.

ORA-13220 failed to compare tile with the geometry

Cause: The spatial relationship between a generated tile and the specified geometry could not be determined.

Action: This is an internal error. Verify the geometry using the VALIDATE_GEOMETRY procedure. If the procedure does not return any errors then note any errors which accompany ORA-13220 and contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13221 unknown geometry type in the geometry object

Cause: The SDO_GTYPE attribute in the geometry object contains an invalid value

Action: Re-define the geometric type in the geometry table using one of the supported SDO_GTYPE values. See Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for an explanation of SDO_GTYPE and its possible values.

ORA-13222 failed to compute supercell for geometry in string

Cause: The system was unable to compute the minimum bounding tile or supercell for a geometry in the specified table.

Action: Another error might accompany this error. Correct the accompanying error. Also, validate the geometry for correctness.

ORA-13223 duplicate entry for string in SDO_GEOM_METADATA table

Cause: There are duplicate entries for the given table and column value pair in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.

Action: Check that the specified table and geometry column names are correct. There should be only one entry per table, geometry column pair in the SDO_GEOME_METADATA table.

ORA-13224 specified index name is too long for a spatial index

Cause: An index name is specified which is longer than the supported length of the spatial index name.

Action: Check the supported size of the index name and reduce the size of the index name.

ORA-13225 specified index table name is too long for a spatial index

Cause: A spatial index table name is specified which is longer than the supported length.

Action: Check the supported size of the spatial index table name and reduce the size of the index name.

ORA-13226 interface not supported without a spatial index

Cause: The geometry table does not have a spatial index.

Action: Verify that the geometry table referenced in the spatial operator has a spatial index on it.

ORA-13227 SDO_LEVEL values for the two index tables do not match

Cause: The SDO_LEVEL values for the two spatial index tables used in the spatial join operator do not match.

Action: Verify that two compatible indexes are used for the spatial join operator. Indexes are compatabile if they have the same SDO_LEVEL and SDO_NUMTILES values.

ORA-13249 string

Cause: An internal error was encountered in the extensible spatial index component. The text of the message is obtained from some other server component.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support with the exact error text.

ORA-13250 insufficient privileges to modify metadata table entries

Cause: The user requesting the operation does not have the appropriate privileges on the referenced tables.

Action: Check that the specified feature and geometry table names are correct and then verify that the current user has at least SELECT privilege on those tables.

ORA-13251 duplicate entry string in metadata table

Cause: The specified entry already exists in the metadata table.

Action: Check that the specified feature and geometry table names are correct. A feature-geometry table association should be registered only once.

ORA-13260 layer table string does not exist

Cause: Data migration source table layer_SDOGEOM does not exist.

Action: Ensure that the specified layer name is correct and that the corresponding spatial layer tables exist in the current schema.

ORA-13261 geometry table string does not exist

Cause: The specified geometry table does not exist in the current schema.

Action: Create a table containing a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY and a column of type NUMBER for the GID values.

ORA-13262 geometry column string does not exist in table string

Cause: The specified table does not have a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

Action: Alter or re-create the table such that it includes a column of type SDO_GEOMETRY and a column of type NUMBER.

ORA-13263 column string in table string is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY

Cause: The column intended for storing the geometry is not of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

Action: Alter the column definition to be of type SDO_GEOMETRY.

ORA-13264 geometry identifier column string does not exist in table string

Cause: The specified table does not contain a GID column.

Action: Confirm that the GID column name was correctly specified and that it exists in the specified table.

ORA-13265 geometry identifier column string in table string is not of type NUMBER

Cause: GID column is not of type NUMBER.

Action: Alter the table definition such that the column containing the geometry identifier (GID) is of type NUMBER.

ORA-13266 error inserting data into table string

Cause: An OCI error occurred or the user has insufficient quota in the active tablespace or the rollback segments are too small.

Action: There should be an accompanying error message that indicates the cause of the problem. Take appropriate action to correct the indicated problem.

ORA-13267 error reading data from layer table string

Cause: There was an error reading the geometry data from the layer_SDOGEOM table.

Action: Verify that layer_SDOGEOM and layer_SDODIM exist. If they do then run VALIDATE_GEOMETRY on the specified layer.

ORA-13268 error obtaining dimension information from SDO_GEOM_METADATA

Cause: There is no entry in SDO_GEOM_METADATA for the specified geometry table.

Action: Verify that the table SDO_GEOM_METADATA exists. If it does, insert an entry for the destination geometry table with the dimension information obtained from the source layer_SDODIM table.

ORA-13269 internal error [string] encountered when processing geometry table

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support with the exact error message text.

ORA-13270 OCI error string

Cause: OCI error while processing the layer or geometry tables.

Action: Take the appropriate steps to correct the OCI specific error.

ORA-13271 error allocating memory for geometry object

Cause: There was insufficient memory for the geometry object.

Action: Make more memory available to the current session/process.

ORA-13272 geometric object string in table string is invalid

Cause: The specified object failed the geometric integrity checks performed by VALIDATE_GEOMETRY.

Action: Consult Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for information on the geometric integrity checks performed by VALIDATE_GEOMETRY and correct the geometry definition if required.

ORA-13273 dimension metadata table string does not exist

Cause: The layer_SDODIM table does not exist.

Action: Verify that the specified layer name is correct and that the layer_SDODIM table exists in the current schema.

ORA-13330 invalid MASK

Cause: The MASK you passed to RELATE function is not valid.

Action: Verify that the mask is not NULL. See Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for a list of supported masks.

ORA-13340 a point geometry has more than one coordinate

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a point, has more than one coordinate in its definition.

Action: A point has only one coordinate. If this geometry is intended to represent a point cluster, line, or polygon then set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE value. If this is a single point object then remove the extraneous coordinates from its definition.

ORA-13341 a line geometry has less than two coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a line, has less than two coordinates in its definition.

Action: A line must consist of at least two distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13342 an arc geometry has less than three coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arc, has less than three coordinates in its definition.

Action: An arc must consist of at least three distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13343 a polygon geometry has less than four coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a polygon, has less than four coordinates in its definition.

Action: A polygon must consist of at least four distinct coordinates. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13344 an arcpolygon geometry has less than five coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being an arcpolygon, has less than six coordinates in its definition.

Action: An arcpolygon must consist of at least five coordinates. An arcpolygon consists of an ordered sequence of arcs, each of which must be described using three coordinates. Since arcs are connected, the end-point of the first is the start of the second and does not have to be repeated. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13345 a compound polygon geometry has less than five coordinates

Cause: A geometry, specified as being a compound polygon, has less than five coordinates in its definition.

Action: A compound polygon must contain at least five coordinates. A compound polygon consists of at least one arc and one line each of which must be described using three and at least two distinct coordinates respectively. Correct the geometric definition or set the appropriate SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute for this geometry.

ORA-13346 the coordinates defining an arc are collinear

Cause: Invalid definition of an arc. An arc is defined using three non-collinear coordinates.

Action: Alter the definition or the arc or set the SDO_ETYPE or SDO_GTYPE to the line type.

ORA-13347 the coordinates defining an arc are not distinct

Cause: Two or more of the three points defining an arc are the same.

Action: Alter the definition of the arc ensuring that three distinct coordinate values are used.

ORA-13348 polygon boundary is not closed

Cause: The boundary of a polygon does not close.

Action: Alter the coordinate values or the definition of the SDO_GTYPE or SDO_ETYPE attribute of the geometry.

ORA-13349 polygon boundary crosses itself

Cause: The boundary of a polygon intersects itself.

Action: Correct the geometric definition of the object.

ORA-13350 two or more rings of a complex polygon touch

Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon touch.

Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric description of the object.

ORA-13351 two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap

Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon overlap.

Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric description of the object.

ORA-13352 the coordinates do not describe a circle

Cause: The set of coordinates used to describe a circle are incorrect.

Action: Confirm that the set of coordinates actually represent points on the circumference of a circle.

ORA-13353 ELEM_INFO_ARRAY not grouped in threes

Cause: The ELEM_INFO_ARRAY in SDO_GEOMETRY has more or fewer elements than expected.

Action: Confirm that the number of elements in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY is divisible by 3.

ORA-13354 incorrect offset in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY

Cause: The offset field in ELEM_INFO_ARRAY of SDO_GEOMETRY references an invalid array subscript in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY.

Action: Confirm that the offset is a valid array subscript in SDO_ORINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13355 SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY not grouped by number of dimensions specified

Cause: The number of elements in SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY is not a multiple of the number of dimensions supplied by the user.

Action: Confirm that the number of dimensions is consistent with data representation in SDO_ORINATE_ARRAY.

ORA-13356 adjacent points in a geometry are redundant

Cause: There are repeated points in the sequence of coordinates.

Action: Remove the redundant point.

ORA-13357 extent type does not contain 2 points

Cause: Extent type should be represented by 2 points: lower left and upper right.

Action: Confirm that there are only 2 points for extent type.

ORA-13358 circle type does not contain 3 points

Cause: Circle type should be represented by 3 distinct points on the circumference.

Action: Confirm that there are only 3 points for circle type.

ORA-13359 extent does not have an area

Cause: The 2 points representing the extent are identical.

Action: Confirm that the 2 points describing the extent type are distinct.

ORA-13360 invalid subtype in a compound type

Cause: This subtype is not allowed within the ETYPE specified.

Action: Refer to the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for type definitions.

ORA-13361 not enough sub-elements within a compound ETYPE

Cause: The compound type declare more sub-elements than actually defined.

Action: Confirm that the number of sub-elements is consistent with the compound type declaration.

ORA-13362 disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon

Cause: Compound polygon must describe an enclosed area.

Action: Confirm that all sub-elements are connected.

ORA-13363 no valid ETYPE in the geometry

Cause: None of the ETYPEs within the geometry is supported.

Action: Confirm that there is at least one valid ETYPE.

ORA-13400 Oracle GeoImage internal error, arguments: string, string, string, string, string

Cause: This is an internal Oracle GeoImage error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-13401 unsupported geoimage format

Cause: The GeoImage format is not supported.

Action: Confirm that the GeoImage format is valid and supported.

ORA-13402 NULL destination

Cause: The object specified as the destination is NULL.

Action: Confirm that the object specified as the destination is not NULL.

ORA-13403 NULL source geometry

Cause: The source GeoImage has a NULL geometry.

Action: Verify that the geometry of the source GeoImage is not NULL.

ORA-13404 not a local source

Cause: An attempt has been made to modify a GeoImage which is not stored in the database.

Action: Import the GeoImage in order to modify it.

ORA-13405 NULL source

Cause: The object specified as the source is NULL.

Action: Confirm that the object specified as the source is not NULL.

ORA-13406 unsupported image processing command string

Cause: The image processing command specified is not supported for a GeoImage.

Action: Consult the Oracle interMedia manual to verify which image processing commands are supported within an Oracle GeoImage method.

ORA-13407 unrecognized space type qualifier string

Cause: The GeoImage space type qualifier is invalid.

Action: Use a valid space type qualifier (RASTER or MODEL).

ORA-13408 NULL table name

Cause: The table name parameter is NULL.

Action: Verify that the parameter used for the table name is not NULL.

ORA-13409 Oracle table string does not exist.

Cause: The table specified does not exist.

Action: Verify that the table name used is valid and the table exists.

ORA-13410 NULL column name

Cause: The column name parameter is NULL.

Action: Verify that the parameter used for the column name is not NULL.

ORA-13411 Oracle column string does not exist.

Cause: The column specified does not exist.

Action: Verify that the column name used is valid and the column exists.

ORA-13412 invalid ROWID

Cause: The ROWID value used in not valid.

Action: Verify that the ROWID value used is valid.

ORA-13413 could not select the GeoImage for initialization"

Cause: The GeoImage in the table could not be selected.

Action: Verify that the GeoIMage is present in the table and the supplied parameters are valid.

ORA-13414 could not update the table containing the GeoImage

Cause: The table containing the GeoImage could not be updated.

Action: Verify that the table exists and is valid.

ORA-13415 invalid domain

Cause: The SDO_DIMINFO value used is not valid or the SDO_GEOMETRY supplied is not defined in the domain.

Action: Verify that the SDO_DIMINFO value is valid, and that the SDO_GEOMETRY is defined within the domain specified.

ORA-13416 invalid geometry, arguments string

Cause: The SDO_GEOMETRY value used is not valid.

Action: Verify that the SDO_GEOMETRY is valid, consult the Oracle Spatial User's Guide and Reference for a list of valid geometries.

ORA-13417 undefined raster to model space transformation

Cause: The raster to model space transformation associated with a GeoImage is undefined.

Action: Verify that the GeoImage format is valid and that the particular operation is supported for that format.

ORA-13418 undefined model to raster space transformation

Cause: The model to raster space transformation associated with a GeoImage is undefined.

Action: Verify that the GeoImage format is valid and that the particular operation is supported for that format.

ORA-13419 invalid latitude value

Cause: A latitude value outside the valid range [-90,90] has been used.

Action: Verify that the GeoImage geometry definition is within the domain.

ORA-13420 invalid model to raster space transformation

Cause: The model to raster space transformation associated with a GeoImage is not valid or cannot be calculated.

Action: Verify that the transformation is supported and that the GeoImage format is valid.

ORA-13421 invalid raster to model space transformation

Cause: The raster to model space transformation associated with a GeoImage is not valid or cannot be calculated.

Action: Verify that the transformation is supported and that the GeoImage format is valid.

ORA-13422 uninitialized source

Cause: The LOB used for the source is not initialized.

Action: Verify that the source is properly initialized.

ORA-13423 empty source

Cause: The LOB used for the source is empty.

Action: Verify that the source is properly initialized and data has been imported into it.

ORA-13424 uninitialized destination

Cause: The LOB used for the destination is not initialized.

Action: Verify that the destination is properly initialized.

ORA-13425 empty destination

Cause: The LOB used for the destination is empty.

Action: Verify that the destination is properly initialized and data has been imported into it.

ORA-13426 unsupported raster origin

Cause: The raster origin specified is not supported.

Action: Verify that the origin specified is supported.

ORA-13427 unknown raster origin

Cause: The value specified for the raster origin is invalid.

Action: Verify that the value used to specify the raster origin is valid and supported.

ORA-13428 source does not exist

Cause: The source does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Action: Verify that the source specification is correct and accessible.

ORA-13429 operation string not supported on GeoImage type string

Cause: The specified operation is not supported on the particular GeoImage type.

Action: Verify that the operation is supported.

ORA-13430 model coordinate system not supported

Cause: The model specified for the definition of the coordinate system is not supported.

Action: Verify that the model value is correct.

ORA-13433 NULL crop geometry

Cause: The geometry used to crop a GeoImage is NULL.

Action: Verify that the geometry used for the crop operation is not NULL.

ORA-13442 invalid scaling parameters string string

Cause: The parameters used in the scale operation are invalid.

Action: Verify that the scaling parameters are greater than zero.

ORA-13443 unrecognized scale mode string

Cause: The scale mode used in the scale operation is invalid.

Action: Consult the Oracle8i interMedia Audio, Image, and Video User's Guide and Reference for a list of valid scale mode qualifiers.

ORA-13451 unsupported conversion format string

Cause: The format specified for conversion is invalid or unsupported.

Action: Verify that the conversion format specified is valid.

ORA-13461 invalid tag/key string

Cause: The tag or key is invalid.

Action: Verify that the format version is supported or the format is valid.

ORA-13462 invalid tie point

Cause: One of the tie points is invalid.

Action: Verify that the tie points used are valid (for example all raster tie points are >= 0).

ORA-13463 unsupported GeoTIFF geometry definition

Cause: The combination of keys/tags used to define the geometry footprint of the GeoImage is not supported.

Action: Verify that the GeoTIFF format version is supported and the format is valid.

ORA-13464 unsupported conversion

Cause: The format specified for conversioin is not supported. In GeoTIFF only a limited number of tags/keys combinations are supported for conversion.

Action: Verify that the GeoTIFF format version is supported and conversion to the desired format is available.

ORA-13499 string

Cause: This is an internal Spatial Cartridge error.

Action: Contact Oracle Customer Support.

ORA-14000 only one LOCAL clause may be specified

Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained more than one LOCAL clause.

Action: Specify LOCAL option at most once.

ORA-14001 LOCAL clause contradicts previosly specified GLOBAL clause

Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained a GLOBAL clause and a LOCAL clause.

Action: Specify LOCAL or GLOBAL clause, but not both.

ORA-14002 only one GLOBAL clause may be specified

Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained more than one GLOBAL clause.

Action: Specify GLOBAL option at most once.

ORA-14003 GLOBAL clause contradicts previosly specified LOCAL clause

Cause: CREATE INDEX statement contained a LOCAL clause and a GLOBAL clause.

Action: Specify GLOBAL or LOCAL clause, but not both.

ORA-14004 missing PARTITION keyword

Cause: Keyword PARTITION missing.

Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14005 missing RANGE keyword

Cause: Keyword RANGE missing.

Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14006 invalid partition name

Cause: A partition name of the form identifier is expected but not present.

Action: Enter an appropriate partition name.

ORA-14007 missing LESS keyword

Cause: Keyword LESS missing.

Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14008 missing THAN keyword

Cause: Keyword THAN missing.

Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14009 partition bound may not be specified for a LOCAL index partition

Cause: While parsing a CREATE INDEX statement to create a LOCAL partitioned index, partition_description of one of partitions was found to contain VALUES LESS THAN clause which is illegal since a LOCAL index inherits partition bounds from its base table.

Action: Remove all VALUES LESS THAN clauses from descriptions of LOCAL index partitions.

ORA-14010 this physical attribute may not be specified for an index partition

Cause: Unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of an index partition; valid options for range or composite range partitions are INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLESPACE, STORAGE, PCTFREE; only TABLESPACE may be specified for hash partitions.

Action: Remove invalid option(s) from the list of physical attributes of an index partition.

ORA-14011 names assigned to resulting partitions must be distinct

Cause: Names of partitions resulting from splitting of an existing table or index partition are not distinct.

Action: Rename resulting partition(s) to ensure that their names are distinct and different from those of any other partition of the table or index.

ORA-14012 resulting partition name conflicts with that of an existing partition

Cause: Name of a partition resulting from splitting of an existing table or index partition is identical to that of some other existing partition of that table or index.

Action: Rename resulting partition(s) to ensure that their names are distinct and different from those of any other partition of the table or index.

ORA-14013 duplicate partition name

Cause: Name of a partition of a table or index being created is not unique.

Action: Rename partition(s) to ensure that their names are unique among partitions of the table or index being created.

ORA-14014 maximum number of partitioning columns is 16

Cause: Number of columns in a partitioning column list exceeded the legal limit of 16.

Action: Modify partitioning column list so that it consists of at most 16 columns.

ORA-14015 too many partition descriptions

Cause: CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX contained too many partition descriptions; maximum number of partitions is 65535.

Action: Reduce the number of partitions to not exceed 65535.

ORA-14016 underlying table of a LOCAL partitioned index must be partitioned

Cause: An attempt was made to create a LOCAL partitioned index on a non-partitioned table which is illegal. Only GLOBAL indices (partitioned or otherwise) may be created on a non-partitioned table.

Action: Correct the statement and re-enter it.

ORA-14017 partition bound list contains too many elements

Cause: Partition bound list contained more elements than there are partitioning columns.

Action: Ensure that the number of elements in partition bound list is equal to the number of partitioning columns of the table or index.

ORA-14018 partition bound list contains too few elements

Cause: Partition bound list contained fewer elements than there are partitioning columns.

Action: Ensure that the number of elements in partition bound list is equal to the number of partitioning columns of the table or index.

ORA-14019 partition bound element must be one of: string, datetime or interval literal, number, or MAXVALUE

Cause: Partition bound list contained an element of invalid type (that is, not a number, non-empty string, datetime or interval literal, or MAXVALUE).

Action: Ensure that all elements of partition bound list are of valid type.

ORA-14020 this physical attribute may not be specified for a table partition

Cause: Unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a table partition; valid options for range or composite range partitions are INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLESPACE, STORAGE, PCTFREE, and PCTUSED; only TABLESPACE may be specified for hash partitions.

Action: Remove invalid option(s) from the list of physical attributes of a table partition.

ORA-14021 MAXVALUE must be specified for all columns

Cause: In the VALUES LESS THAN clause for the highest (last) partition of a GLOBAL index, MAXVALUE must be specified for all columns.

Action: Ensure that VALUES LESS THAN clause for the last partition of a GLOBAL index has MAXVALUE specified for all columns.

ORA-14022 creation of LOCAL partitioned cluster indices is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to create a LOCAL partitioned cluster index, which is currently illegal.

Action: Remove LOCAL along with partition_descriptions, if any, from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-14023 creation of GLOBAL partitioned cluster indices is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to create a GLOBAL partitioned cluster index, which is currently illegal.

Action: Remove PARTITION BY RANGE clause along with partition_descriptions from the CREATE INDEX statement.

ORA-14024 number of partitions of LOCAL index must equal that of the underlying table

Cause: An attempt was made to create a LOCAL partitioned index with a number of partitions which is different from that of the underlying table.

Action: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement to specify a correct number of partitions.

ORA-14025 PARTITION may not be specified for a snapshot or a snapshot log

Cause: PARTITION option was encountered while parsing a definition of a snapshot or a snapshot log.

Action: Ensure that a definition of a SNAPSHOT does not include invalid options.

ORA-14026 PARTITION and CLUSTER clauses are mutually exclusive

Cause: Definition of a table contained both PARTITION and CLUSTER clauses which is illegal.

Action: Remove one of the conflicting clauses.

ORA-14027 only one PARTITION clause may be specified

Cause: CREATE TABLE statement contained more than one PARTITION clause.

Action: Specify PARTITION option at most once.

ORA-14028 missing AT keyword

Cause: Keyword AT missing.

Action: Supply missing keyword.

ORA-14029 GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed

Cause: The partitioning columns of a global partitioned index did not contain a prefix of the index's key columns.

Action: Ensure that the GLOBAL partitioned index being created is prefixed and retry the operation.

ORA-14030 non-existent partitioning column in CREATE TABLE statement

Cause: Partitioning column specified in CREATE TABLE statement is not one of columns of the table being created.

Action: Ensure that all columns in the partitioning column list are columns of the table being created.

ORA-14031 partitioning column may not be of type LONG or LONG RAW

Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was of type LONG or LONG RAW, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is of type LONG or LONG RAW.

ORA-14032 partition bound of partition number string is too high

Cause: High bound of the partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message did not collate lower than that of the following partition, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that high bound of every partition (except for the last one) collates lower than that of a following partition.

ORA-14036 partition bound value too large for column

Cause: Length of partition bound value is longer than that of the corresponding partitioning column.

Action: Ensure that lengths of high bound values do not exceed those of corresponding partitioning columns.

ORA-14037 partition bound of partition "string" is too high

Cause: High bound of the partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message did not collate lower than that of the following partition, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that high bound of every partition (except for the last one) collates lower than that of a following partition.

ORA-14038 GLOBAL partitioned index must be prefixed

Cause: An attempt was made to create a GLOBAL non-prefixed partitioned index which is illegal.

Action: If a non-prefixed index is desired, it must be created as LOCAL; otherwise, correct the list of key and/or partitioning columns to ensure that the index is prefixed. Then retry the operation.

ORA-14039 partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a UNIQUE partitioned index whose partitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns which is illegal.

Action: If you want to create an index whose partitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns, it must be created as non-UNIQUE; otherwise, correct the list of key and/or partitioning columns to ensure that the index's partitioning columns form a subset of its key columns.

ORA-14041 partition bound may not be specified for resulting partitions

Cause: While parsing an ALTER {TABLE|INDEX} SPLIT PARTITION statement, partition_description of a resulting partition was found to contain VALUES LESS THAN clause which is illegal.

Action: Remove VALUES LESS THAN clause from the description(s) of partitions resulting from splitting an existing table or index partition.

ORA-14042 partition bound may not be specified for a partition being moved, modified or rebuilt

Cause: While parsing an ALTER {TABLE|INDEX} MODIFY PARTITION, ALTER TABLE MOVE PARTITION, or ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION statement, description of new physical attributes of the partition being moved, modified, or rebuilt was found to contain VALUES LESS THAN clause which is illegal.

Action: Remove VALUES LESS THAN clause from the description of new attributes of the partition being moved, modified, or rebuilt.

ORA-14043 only one partition may be added

Cause: ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION contained descriptions of more than one partition to be added.

Action: Ensure that the statement contains exactly one partition definition and that it does not contain any commas.

ORA-14044 only one partition may be moved

Cause: ALTER TABLE MOVE PARTITION contained descriptions of more than one partition to be moved.

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one partition to be moved and that it does not contain any commas.

ORA-14045 only one partition may be modified

Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX MODIFY PARTITION contained descriptions of more than one partition to be modified.

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one partition to be modified and that it does not contain any commas.

ORA-14046 a partition may be split into exactly two new partitions

Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX SPLIT PARTITION did not contain descriptions of exactly two new partitions into which an existing table or index partition was to be split.

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly two partition into which an existing partition is to be split.

ORA-14047 ALTER TABLE|INDEX RENAME may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a RENAME operation with some other operation which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that RENAME operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement.

ORA-14048 a partition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

Cause: The ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a partition maintenance operation (for example, MOVE PARTITION) with some other operation (for example, ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that a partition maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in an ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices, or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) can be combined.


Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, BACKUP, ALLOCATE EXTENT, or DEALLOCATE UNUSED was specified in an ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION statement for a range or composite range partition.

Action: Specify only legal options.


Cause: An option other than INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, or DEALLOCATE UNUSED was specified in an ALTER INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14051 invalid ALTER SNAPSHOT option

Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, or BACKUP was specified in an ALTER SNAPSHOT statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14052 partition-extended table name syntax is disallowed in this context

Cause: An attempt was made to use partition-extended table name syntax in illegal context (that is, not in FROM-clause or INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement).

Action: Avoid use of partition-extended table name in contexts other those mentioned above.

ORA-14053 illegal attempt to modify string in string statement

Cause: Certain attributes of objects (for example, tables) may be specified at creation time, but may not be modified using ALTER statement. Unfortunately, user specified one of such attributes.

Action: Ensure that ALTER statement specifies new values only for attributes which may be changed once an object has been created.


Cause: Name of the partition to be truncated may be followed by DROP STORAGE or REUSE STORAGE.

Action: Ensure that no options besides DROP STORAGE or REUSE STORAGE are specified with ALTER TABLE TRUNCATE PARTITION.

ORA-14055 keyword REBUILD in ALTER INDEX REBUILD must immediately follow index_name

Cause: ALTER INDEX statement contained REBUILD keyword following some index attributes (for example, INITRANS).

Action: Ensure that keyword REBUILD immediately follows the name of the index being altered.

ORA-14056 partition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

Cause: The sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the partition does not exceed 100.

ORA-14057 partition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

Cause: The sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the partition does not exceed 100.

ORA-14058 partition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that the value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value for the partitioned table or index) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS.

ORA-14059 partition "string": INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

Cause: Value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this partition were not specified explicitly, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for the partitioned table or index were not specified, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that the value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value for the partitioned table or index) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS.

ORA-14060 data type or length of a table partitioning column may not be changed

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to partition the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal.

Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of table partitioning column(s).

ORA-14061 data type or length of an index partitioning column may not be changed

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to partition some index defined on the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal.

Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of index partitioning column(s).

ORA-14062 one or more of table's partitions reside in a read-only tablespace

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify an existing VARCHAR2 (or VARCHAR) column to be of type CHAR (or CHARACTER), increase length of an existing CHAR (or CHARACTER) column, or add a column with user-specified default for a table one or more partitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces, which is illegal.

Action: Avoid performing aforementioned operations on a partitioned table one or more partitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces.

ORA-14063 Unusable index exists on unique/primary constraint key

Cause: An attempt was made to add or enable a primary key/unique constraint on column(s) of a table on which there exists an index marked Index Unusable.

Action: Drop the existing index or rebuild it using ALTER INDEX REBUILD.

ORA-14064 Index with Unusable partition exists on unique/primary constraint key

Cause: An attempt was made to add or enable a primary key/unique constraint on column(s) of a table on which there exists an index one or more partitions of which are marked Index Unusable.

Action: Drop the existing index or rebuild unusable partitions it using ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION.

ORA-14065 ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for a partitioned table

Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE statement issued against a partitioned table which is illegal.

Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14066 illegal option for a non-partitioned table

Cause: An attempt was made to issue a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE command on a non-partitioned table, but the command contains an option that is legal only for partitioned tables. Such options are: ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT and DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT.

Action: Remove the illegal option(s) from the command.

ORA-14067 duplicate TABLESPACE_NUMBER specification

Cause: TABLESPACE_NUMBER clause was specified more than once for a table, an index, or an index partition.

Action: Correct the code generating text of CREATE INDEX statement sent to the slaves.

ORA-14068 TABLESPACE and TABLESPACE_NUMBER may not be both specified

Cause: Both TABLESPACE and TABLESPACE_NUMBER clauses were specified for a table, an index, or an index partition.

Action: Correct the code generating text of CREATE INDEX statement sent to the slaves.

ORA-14069 invalid TABLESPACE_NUMBER value

Cause: The TABLESPACE_NUMBER value is not an integer between 0 and 0x7FFFFFFF.

Action: Correct the code generating text of CREATE INDEX statement sent to the slaves.

ORA-14070 option may be specified only for partitioned indices or with REBUILD

Cause: User issued ALTER INDEX statement containing an option which is legal only for partitioned indices or in conjunction with REBUILD against a non-partitioned index. Such options are: PCTFREE, TABLESPACE, [NO]PARALLEL and INITIAL, FREELISTS, and FREELIST GROUPS inside STORAGE clause.

Action: Remove illegal option(s).

ORA-14071 invalid option for an index used to enforce a constraint


Action: Choose one of the valid index options.

ORA-14072 fixed table may not be truncated

Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a fixed table which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the table being truncated is not a fixed table.

ORA-14073 bootstrap table or cluster may not be truncated

Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a bootstrap table or cluster which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the table (or cluster) being truncated is not a bootstrap table (or cluster).

ORA-14074 partition bound must collate higher than that of the last partition

Cause: Partition bound specified in ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement did not collate higher than that of the table's last partition, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the partition bound of the partition to be added collates higher than that of the table's last partition.

ORA-14075 partition maintenance operations may only be performed on partitioned indices

Cause: Index named in ALTER INDEX partition maintenance operation is not partitioned, making a partition maintenance operation, at best, meaningless.

Action: Ensure that the index named in ALTER INDEX statement specifying a partition maintenance operation is, indeed, partitioned.

ORA-14076 DROP/SPLIT PARTITION may not be applied to a LOCAL index partition

Cause: An attempt was made to drop or split a partition of a LOCAL index which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the index named in such statement is a GLOBAL partitioned index.

ORA-14078 you may not drop the highest partition of a GLOBAL index

Cause: An attempt was made to drop highest partition of a GLOBAL index, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the partition specified in ALTER INDEX DROP PARTITION statement is not the highest partition of the index.

ORA-14079 illegal option for a partition marked Index Unusable

Cause: ALTER INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement against an index partition marked Index Unusable contained STORAGE and/or DEALLOCATE SPACE clauses which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that only valid options are specified.

ORA-14080 partition cannot be split along the specified high bound

Cause: An attempt was made to split a partition along a bound which either collates higher than that of the partition to be split or lower than that of a partition immediately preceding the one to be split.

Action: Ensure that the bound along which a partition is to be split collates lower than that of the partition to be split and higher that of a partition immediately preceding the one to be split.

ORA-14081 new partition name must differ from the old partition name

Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME PARTITION specifying new_partition_name which is identical to the name of the partition being renamed.

Action: Ensure that the new partition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing partition of a given table or index.

ORA-14082 new partition name must differ from that of any other partition of the object

Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME PARTITION specifying new_partition_name which is identical to the name of some existing partition of the object.

Action: Ensure that the new partition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing partition of a given table or index.

ORA-14083 cannot drop the only partition of a partitioned table

Cause: A drop partition command is being executed when there is only one partition in the table.

Action: Ensure that there is at least one partition. Drop table to remove all partitions.

ORA-14084 you may specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT only for a LOCAL index

Cause: An attempt was made to specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT for an object other than a LOCAL index, which is illegal.

Action: Re-enter the statement without TABLESPACE DEFAULT clause.

ORA-14085 partitioned table cannot have column with LONG datatype

Cause: An attempt was made to create a partitioned table with a LONG datatype or tried to add a LONG datatype column to a partitioned table.

Action: LONG data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without LONG column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use LONG datatype. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LONG, it has to be a non-partitioned table.

ORA-14086 a partitioned index may not be rebuilt as a whole

Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild a partitioned index using ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement, which is illegal.

Action: Rebuild the index a partition at a time (using ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION) or drop and re-create the entire index.


Cause: Name of the table to be EXCHANGED has to be followed by [{INCLUDING|EXCLUDING} INDEXES][{WITH|WITHOUT} VALIDATION].

Action: Ensure that no options besides INCLUDING INDEXES or EXCLUDING INDEXES are specified with ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION.

ORA-14095 ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE requires a non-partitioned, non-clustered table

Cause: The table in the EXCHANGE operation is either clustered or partitioned.

Action: Ensure that the table with which the partition is being exchanged for is not partitioned or clustered.

ORA-14096 tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION must have the same number of columns

Cause: The two tables specified in the EXCHANGE have different number of columns.

Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14097 column type or size mismatch in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION are of different type or size.

Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14098 index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

Cause: The two tables specified in the EXCHANGE have indexes which are not equivalent.

Action: Ensure that the indexes for the two tables have indexes which follow this rule For every non-partitioned index for the non-partitioned table, there has to be an identical LOCAL index on the partitioned table and vice versa. By identical, the column position, type and size have to be the same.

ORA-14099 all rows in table do not qualify for specified partition

Cause: There is at least one row in the non-partitioned table which does not qualify for the partition specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION.

Action: Ensure that all the rows in the segment qualify for the partition. Perform the alter table operation with the NO CHECKING option. Run ANALYZE table VALIDATE on that partition to find out the invalid rows and delete them.

ORA-14100 partition extended table name cannot refer to a remote object

Cause: An attempt was made to use partition-extended table name syntax in conjunction with remote object name which is illegal.

Action: Correct the statement and re-enter it.

ORA-14101 partition extended table name cannot refer to a synonym

Cause: An attempt was made to use partition-extended table name syntax in conjunction with synonym name which is illegal.

Action: Correct the statement and re-enter it.

ORA-14102 only one LOGGING or NOLOGGING clause may be specified

Cause: LOGGING was specified more than once, NOLOGGING was specified more than once, or both LOGGING and NOLOGGING were specified.

Action: Remove all but one of the LOGGING or NOLOGGING clauses and reissue the statement.


Cause: A statement contained both [NO]LOGGING and [UN]RECOVERABLE clauses which is disallowed.

Action: Remove one of the offending clauses. [UN]RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14104 RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for partitioned tables/indices

Cause: CREATE TABLE/INDEX statement used to create a partitioned table/index contained RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause which is illegal.

Action: Remove offending clause. [UN]RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14105 RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified in this context

Cause: RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE clause is not allowed in this context.

Action: Remove offending clause. RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may only be specified in CREATE TABLE/INDEX statement describing a non-partitioned table or index and ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement. [UN]RECOVERABLE is being deprecated in V8 and will be obsoleted in V9. To duplicate semantics of UNRECOVERABLE clause, create an object with NOLOGGING option and then ALTER it specifying LOGGING. To duplicate semantics of RECOVERABLE clause, create an object with LOGGING option.

ORA-14106 LOGGING/NOLOGGING may not be specified for a clustered table

Cause: An attempt was made to specify LOGGING or NOLOGGING clause in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement involving a clustered table.

Action: Remove offending clause.

ORA-14107 partition specification is required for a partitioned object

Cause: parameter which supplies partition name is missing. This parameter is optional for non-partitioned objects, but is required for partitioned objects.

Action: Supply the missing parameter.

ORA-14108 illegal partition-extended table name syntax

Cause: Partition to be accessed may only be specified using its name. An attempt was made to use a partition number or a bind variable.

Action: Modify the statement to refer to a partition using its name.

ORA-14109 partition-extended object names may only be used with tables

Cause: An attempt was made to use a partition-extended object name with an object which is not a table.

Action: Avoid using partition-extended name syntax with objects which are not tables.

ORA-14110 partitioning column may not be of type ROWID

Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was of type ROWID, which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is of type ROWID.

ORA-14111 creation of GLOBAL partitioned indices on clustered tables is not supported

Cause: An attempt was made to create a GLOBAL partitioned index on a clustered table which is currently illegal.

Action: Remove PARTITION BY RANGE() clause along with (partition_list) to create a GLOBAL non-partitioned index on a clustered table.

ORA-14112 RECOVERABLE/UNRECOVERABLE may not be specified for a partition or subpartition

Cause: Description of a partition or subpartition found in CREATE TABLE/INDEX statement contained RECOVERABLE or UNRECOVERABLE clause which is illegal.

Action: Remove offending clause. Use LOGGING or NOLOGGING instead.

ORA-14113 partitioned table cannot have column with LOB datatype

Cause: An attempt was made to create a partitioned table with a LOB datatype or tried to add a LOB datatype column to a partitioned table.

Action: LOB data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without LOB column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use LOB datatype. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LOB, it has to be a non-partitioned table.

ORA-14114 partitioned table cannot have column with object, REF, nested table, array datatype

Cause: An attempt was made to create a partitioned table with a object datatype (object, REF, nested table, array) or tried to add a object datatype column to a partitioned table.

Action: object data types are not supported with partitioned tables. Create table without object column or change table to not partitioned. If adding column, do not use object datatypes. If modifying attributes of a column to change data type to object, it has to be a non-partitioned table.

ORA-14115 partition bound of partition number string is too long

Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the partition whose number (partitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).

Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14116 partition bound of partition "string" is too long

Cause: Length of linear key representation of a high bound of the partition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeded the legal limit (4K).

Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14117 partition resides in offlined tablespace

Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a partition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.

Action: Bring the tablespace online before attempting the operation.


Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement have CHECK constraint defined on them.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have CHECK constraint defined on any column.

ORA-14119 specified partition bound is too long

Cause: Length of a linear key representation of a high bound of a table partition being added or along which an existing table or index partition is being split exceeded the legal limit (4K).

Action: Change representation of a partition high bound to bring its length within legal limit.

ORA-14120 incompletely specified partition bound for a DATE column

Cause: An attempt was made to use a date expression whose format does not fully (that is, day, month, and year (including century)) specify a date as a partition bound for a DATE column. The format may have been specified explicitly (using TO_DATE() function) or implicitly (NLS_DATE_FORMAT).

Action: Ensure that date format used in a partition bound for a DATE column supports complete specification of a date (that is, day, month, and year (including century)). If NLS_DATE_FORMAT does not support complete (that is, including the century) specification of the year, use TO_DATE() (for example, TO_DATE('01-01-1999', 'MM-DD-YYYY') to fully express the desired date.

ORA-14121 MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES may not be combined with other operations

Cause: ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES with some other operation (for example, ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will.

ORA-14122 only one REVERSE or NOREVERSE clause may be specified

Cause: Both REVERSE and NOREVERSE were specified in CREATE INDEX statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the REVERSE or NOREVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14123 duplicate NOREVERSE clause

Cause: NOREVERSE was specified more than once in ALTER INDEX statement.

Action: Remove all but one of the NOREVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14124 duplicate REVERSE clause

Cause: REVERSE was specified more than once in ALTER INDEX or CREATE INDEX statements.

Action: Remove all but one of the REVERSE clauses and reissue the statement.

ORA-14125 REVERSE/NOREVERSE may not be specified in this context

Cause: REVERSE/NOREVERSE clause is not allowed in this context.

Action: Remove offending clause. REVERSE may be specified as an attribute of an index (not of an individual partition, if creating a partitioned index) in CREATE INDEX statement and ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement. NOREVERSE may be specified only in ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.

ORA-14126 only a parallel_clause may follow description(s) of resulting partitions

Cause: Descriptions of partition(s) resulting from splitting of a table or index partition may be followed by an optional parallel_clause which applies to the entire statement and which, in turn, may not be followed by any other clause.

Action: Ensure that all partition attributes appear within the parenthesized list of descriptions of resulting partitions in ALTER TABLE/INDEX SPLIT PARTITION statement.


Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement have different FOREIGN KEY constraints.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all FOREIGN KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.

ORA-14129 INCLUDING INDEXES must be specified as tables have enabled UNIQUE constraints

Cause: Matching UNIQUE constraints in both table are enabled and validated but INCLUDING INDEXES is not specified in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION command.

Action: Disable currently enabled matching UNIQUE constraints on both tables or ensure that INCLUDING INDEXES option is used.


Cause: One of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION command has a UNIQUE constraint for which no matching (vis-a-vis key columns) constraint is defined on the other table or a matching constraint is defined on the other table, but it differs from that defined on the first table vis-a-vis being enabled and/or validated.

Action: Ensure that for every UNIQUE constraint defined on one of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION statement there is a matching (vis-a-vis key columns and being enabled and/or validated) UNIQUE constraint defined on the other table. If UNIQUE constrains are enabled, UNIQUE constraints on the partitioned table should be enforced using local indexes.

ORA-14131 enabled UNIQUE constraint exists on one of the tables

Cause: One of the tables referenced in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION statement has enabled UNIQUE constraint(s) defined on it, which prevents EXCHANGE from proceeding.

Action: Disable constraints defined on tables referenced in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION statement and retry the statement.

ORA-14132 table cannot be used in EXCHANGE

Cause: An attempt was made to issue an ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION | SUBPARTITION command, but the non-partitioned table cannot be used in the EXCHANGE because one or more of the following apply:

  • it is a typed table

  • it contains ADT columns

  • it contains nested-table columns

  • it contains REF columns

  • it contains array columns

  • it is an index-organized table

  • it contains LOB columns

  • it is a nested table

Action: Make sure the non-partitioned table does not violate any of the above restrictions for the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION | SUBPARTITION command.

ORA-14133 ALTER TABLE MOVE cannot be combined with other operations

Cause: An attempt was made to combine an ALTER TABLE MOVE statement with another operation, such as MODIFY.

Action: Make sure that MOVE is the only operation specified in ALTER TABLE statement.

ORA-14134 indexes cannot use both DESC and REVERSE

Cause: An attempt was made to make a reverse index with some index columns marked DESC.

Action: Do not use DESC in reverse indexes. The rule-based optimizer can scan indexes backwards, which allows a normal reverse index to simulate a reverse index with columns marked DESC.

ORA-14135 a LOB column cannot serve as a partitioning column

Cause: An attempt was made to specify a column of type BLOB or CLOB as a partitioning or subpartitioning column.

Action: Ensure that no partitioning or subpartitioning column is of type BLOB or CLOB.

ORA-14150 missing SUBPARTITION keyword

Cause: Keyword SUBPARTITION missing.

Action: Supply the missing parameter.

ORA-14151 invalid table partitioning method

Cause: Invalid partitioning method was specified in CREATE TABLE statement. A table may be partitioned by RANGE, HASH, or composite range/hash (R+H).

Action: Specify one of valid partitioning methods.

ORA-14152 invalid number of partitions specified in PARTITIONS clause

Cause: number-of-partitions clause contained in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified a number of partitions outside of legal range (1-65535).

Action: Specify a number between 1 and 65535 in the number-of-partitions clause.

ORA-14153 only one of STORE IN or partition_description clause may be specified

Cause: Both STORE IN and partition_description clauses were specified in a CREATE TABLE|INDEX command.

Action: Remove one of offending clauses.

ORA-14154 only one of STORE IN or subpartition_description clause may be specified

Cause: Both STORE IN and subpartition_description clauses were specified in a CREATE TABLE|INDEX, or ALTER TABLE ADD|SPLIT PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS command for a composite range-partitioned object.

Action: Remove one of offending clauses.

ORA-14155 missing PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword

Cause: Expected either the PARTITION or SUBPARTITION keyword but neither was supplied.

Action: Supply the missing keyword.

ORA-14156 invalid number of subpartitions specified in SUBPARTITIONS clause

Cause: Number-of-subpartitions clause contained in CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement specified a number of subpartitions outside of legal range (1-65535).

Action: Specify a number between 1 and 65535 in the number-of-subpartitions clause.

ORA-14157 invalid subpartition name

Cause: A subpartition name of the form identifier is expected but not present.

Action: Enter an appropriate subpartition name.

ORA-14158 too many subpartition descriptions

Cause: CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX contained too many subpartition descriptions; maximum number of subpartitions is 65535.

Action: Reduce the number of subpartitions to not exceed 65535.

ORA-14159 duplicate subpartition name

Cause: Name of a subpartition of a table or index being created is not unique.

Action: Rename the subpartition(s) to ensure that their names are unique among subpartitions of the table or index being created.

ORA-14160 this physical attribute may not be specified for a table subpartition

Cause: An unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a table subpartition; TABLESPACE is the only valid option.

Action: Remove the invalid option(s).

ORA-14161 subpartition number string: sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

Cause: The sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a subpartition whose number (subpartitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the subpartition does not exceed 100.

ORA-14162 subpartition "string": sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE may not exceed 100

Cause: The sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for a subpartition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message exceeds 100. Note that if PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default PCTUSED and/or PCTFREE values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that a sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE for the subpartition does not exceed 100.

ORA-14163 subpartition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

Cause: The value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a subpartition whose number (subpartitions are numbered starting with 1) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value at partition-level, table-level or index-level) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS.

ORA-14164 subpartition "string": INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

Cause: The value of INITRANS was found to be greater than that of MAXTRANS for a subpartition whose name (explicitly specified by the user) is displayed in this message. Note that if INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values for this subpartition were not specified explicitly, default values at partition-level would be used. If, in turn, default INITRANS and/or MAXTRANS values at partition-level were not specified, default values for the partitioned table or index would be used. If those values were also not specified explicitly, system defaults would be used.

Action: Ensure that value of INITRANS (whether specified explicitly or derived from the default value at partition-level, table-level or index-level) is no greater than that of MAXTRANS.

ORA-14165 MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION may not be combined with other operations

Cause: An ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES OF PARTITION with some other operation (for example, ADD PARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with partitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will.

ORA-14166 missing INTO keyword

Cause: Keyword INTO missing.

Action: Supply the missing keyword.

ORA-14167 only one subpartition may be moved

Cause: ALTER TABLE MOVE SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be moved.

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be moved and that it does not contain any commas.

ORA-14168 only one subpartition may be modified

Cause: ALTER TABLE|INDEX MODIFY SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be modified.

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be modified and that it does not contain any commas.


Cause: An option other than PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, was specified in an ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION statement.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14170 cannot specify partition_description clause in CREATE TABLE|INDEX

Cause: User requested to generate default partition description(s) (possibly via PARTITIONS number_of_partitions) while at the same time specified partition_description clause which is illegal.

Action: Remove one of offending clauses.

ORA-14171 cannot specify subpartition_description clause in CREATE|ALTER TABLE

Cause: User requested to generate default subpartition description(s) (possibly via SUBPARTITIONS) while at the same time specified subpartition_description clause which is illegal.

Action: Remove one of offending clauses.


Cause: Name of the table to be EXCHANGED has to be followed by [{INCLUDING|EXCLUDING} INDEX][{WITH|WITHOUT} VALIDATION].

Action: Ensure that no options besides INCLDING INDEX or EXCLUDING INDEX are specified with ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION.

ORA-14173 illegal subpartition-extended table name syntax

Cause: Subpartition to be accessed may only be specified using its name. An attempt was made to use a subpartition number or a bind variable.

Action: Modify statement to refer to a subpartition using its name.

ORA-14174 only a parallel_clause may follow COALESCE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION

Cause: ALTER TABLE COALESCE PARTITION|SUBPARTITION may be followed by an optional parallel_clause. No partition/subpartition attributes may be specified.

Action: Ensure that no partition/subpartition attribute was specified.

ORA-14175 a subpartition maintenance operation may not be combined with other operations

Cause: An ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement attempted to combine a subpartition maintenance operation (for example, MOVE SUBPARTITION) with some other operation (for example, MODIFY PARTITION ADD SUBPARTITION or PCTFREE) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that a subpartition maintenance operation is the sole operation specified in ALTER TABLE or ALTER INDEX statement; operations other than those dealing with subpartitions, default attributes of partitioned tables/indices or specifying that a table be renamed (ALTER TABLE RENAME) may be combined at will.

ORA-14176 this attribute may not be specified for a hash partition

Cause: An invalid option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a partition of a table partitioned using the HASH method. The TABLESPACE option is the only valid option for such partitions.

Action: Remove the invalid option(s).

ORA-14183 TABLESPACE DEFAULT can be specified only for Composite LOCAL index

Cause: An attempt was made to specify TABLESPACE DEFAULT for a partition of a range/system/hash-partitioned LOCAL index object, which is illegal.

Action: Replace TABLESPACE DEFAULT with TABLESPACE ts_name or remove it.

ORA-14185 incorrect physical attribute specified for this index partition

Cause: An unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of a local index partition; valid options for range composite range partitions are INITRANS, MAXTRANS, TABLESPACE, STORAGE, PCTFREE, PCTUSED, LOGGING and TABLESPACE; but only TABLESPACE may be specified for hash partitions STORE IN () is also disallowed for all but composite range partitions.

Action: Remove the invalid option(s) from the list of physical attributes of an index partition.

ORA-14186 number of sub-partitions of LOCAL index must equal that of the underlying table

Cause: An attempt was made to create a LOCAL partitioned index with a number of subpartitions which is different from that of the underlying table.

Action: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement to specify a correct number of subpartitions.

ORA-14187 partitioning method for LOCAL index is inconsistent with that of the underlying table

Cause: An attempt was made to create a LOCAL partitioned index that is not equipartitioned with the underlying table. The partitioning types are mismatched.

Action: Correct the CREATE INDEX statement to ensure that the index partitioning method is consistent with that of the base table.

ORA-14188 sub-partitioning columns must form a subset of key columns of a UNIQUE index

Cause: An attempt was made to create a UNIQUE partitioned index whose subpartitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns which is illegal.

Action: If you want to create an index whose subpartitioning columns do not form a subset of its key columns, it must be created as non-UNIQUE; otherwise, correct the list of key and/or subpartitioning columns to ensure that the index's subpartitioning columns form a subset of its key columns.

ORA-14189 this physical attribute may not be specified for an index subpartition

Cause: An unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical attributes of an index subpartition; TABLESPACE is the only valid option.

Action: Remove the invalid option(s).

ORA-14190 only one ENABLE/DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT clause can be specified

Cause: One of the following:

  • ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT was specified more than once.

  • DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT was specified more than once.


Action: Remove all but one of the ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT or DISABLE ROW MOVEMENT clauses and then reissue the command.

ORA-14191 ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for Composite Range partitioned object

Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE/ALTER INDEX statement issued against a range-partitioned index which is illegal.

Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE/INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14192 cannot modify physical index attributes of a Hash index partition

Cause: An attempt was made to modify one of INITRANS/MAXTRANS/LOGGING/STORAGE clause for an index partition of a hash-partitioned index.

Action: Remove the physical attributes one is trying to modify.



Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14194 only one subpartition may be rebuilt

Cause: ALTER INDEX REBUILD SUBPARTITION contained descriptions of more than one subpartition to be rebuilt.

Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition to be rebuilt and that it does not contain any commas.

ORA-14195 ALLOCATE STORAGE may not be specified for RANGE partitioned object

Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE/ALTER INDEX statement issued against a range-partitioned index which is illegal.

Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE/INDEX MODIFY PARTITION statement.

ORA-14251 Specified subpartition does not exist

Cause: Subpartition not found for the object.

Action: Retry with correct subpartition name.

ORA-14252 invalid ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION option for a Hash partition

Cause: Only ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED may be specified in ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION for a hash partition.

Action: Specify only legal options.

ORA-14253 table is not partitioned by Composite Range method

Cause: The table in a subpartition maintenance operation (ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE/MODIFY/MOVE/TRUNCATE SUBPARTITION, or ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION ADD/COALESCE SUBPARTITION command must be partitioned by composite range method.

Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by composite range method.

ORA-14254 cannot specify ALLOCATE STORAGE for a (Composite) Range partitioned table

Cause: User specified ALLOCATE STORAGE clause in ALTER TABLE statement issued against a range or composite range partitioned table which is illegal.

Action: Remove the illegal option. If it is desired to add storage to individual partitions/subpartitions, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION/SUBPARTITION statement. If it is desired to add storage to all subpartitions of a Composite partition, ALLOCATE STORAGE clause may be specified with ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION.

ORA-14255 table is not partitioned by Range or Composite Range method

Cause: ALTER TABLE SPLIT/DROP PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS command is only valid for table partitioned by range or composite range method.

Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by range or composite range method.

ORA-14256 invalid resulting partition description(s)

Cause: User specified STORE-IN clause, SUBPARTITIONS clause, and/or subpartition_description clause in partition description(s) in ALTER TABLE SPLIT PARTITION or ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS statement but the table in the maintenance operation is not a composite range-partitioned table which is illegal.

Action: Remove the invalid clause(s), or ensure that the table is partitioned by composite range method.

ORA-14257 cannot move partition other than a Range or Hash partition

Cause: An attempt was made to move a partition that is not a range or hash partition which is illegal.

Action: Specify MOVE PARTITION for a range or hash partition only.

ORA-14258 invalid partition description

Cause: User specified STORE-IN clause, SUBPARTITIONS clause, and/or subpartition_description clause in ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement but the table in the maintenance operation is not a composite range/hash-partitioned table which is illegal.

Action: Remove the invalid clause(s), or ensure that the table is partitioned by composite range/hash method.

ORA-14259 table is not partitioned by Hash method

Cause: ALTER TABLE COALESCE PARTITION is only valid for table partitioned by Hash method.

Action: Specify a valid ALTER TABLE option for the table, or ensure that the table is partitioned by Hash method.

ORA-14260 incorrect physical attribute specified for this partition

Cause: User specified INITRANS, MAXTRANS, STORAGE, PCTFREE, PCTUSED, and/or [NO]LOGGING option to a hash partition via ALTER TABLE ADD/MOVE PARTITION command which is illegal. Only TABLESPACE may be specified.

Action: Remove the invalid option(s).

ORA-14261 partition bound may not be specified when adding this Hash partition

Cause: User specified VALUES LESS THAN clause when adding a partition (via ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION) to a hash-partitioned table which is illegal.

Action: Remove the VALUES LESS THAN clause from the description of partition being added.

ORA-14262 new subpartition name must differ from the old subpartition name

Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME SUBPARTITION specifying new_subpartition_name which is identical to the name of the subpartition being renamed.

Action: Ensure that the new subpartition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing subpartition of a given table or index.

ORA-14263 new subpartition name must differ from that of any other subpartition of the object

Cause: User entered ALTER TABLE/INDEX RENAME SUBPARTITION specifying new_subpartition_name which is identical to the name of some existing subpartition of the object.

Action: Ensure that the new subpartition name is different from the name of any (including the one being renamed) existing subpartition of a given table or index.

ORA-14264 table is not partitioned by Composite Range method

Cause: The table in the MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION operation is partitioned by method other than Composite method.

Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by Composite method.

ORA-14265 data type or length of a table subpartitioning column may not be changed

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to subpartition the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal.

Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of table subpartitioning column(s).

ORA-14266 data type or length of an index subpartitioning column may not be changed

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify data type and/or length of a column used to subpartition some index defined on the table named in ALTER TABLE statement, which is illegal.

Action: Avoid modifying data type and/or length of index subpartitioning column(s).

ORA-14267 cannot specify PARALLEL clause when adding a (Composite) Range partition

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION statement with PARALLEL clause for a range or composite range partition which is illegal.

Action: Remove the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-14268 subpartition 'string' of the partition resides in offlined tablespace

Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a subpartition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.

Action: Bring tablespace online before attempting the operation.

ORA-14269 cannot exchange partition other than a Range or Hash partition

Cause: User attempt to exchange a partition with a non-partitioned table but the specified partition is not a range or hash partition which is illegal.

Action: Specify EXCHANGE PARTITION for a range or hash partition only.

ORA-14270 table is not partitioned by Range or Hash method

Cause: The table in ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION {UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES | REBUILD UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES} statement is not partitioned by range or hash method which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by range or hash method.

ORA-14271 table is not partitioned by Composite Range/Hash method

Cause: The table in ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION {UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES | REBUILD UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES} statement is not partitioned by composite range/hash method which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that the table is partitioned by composite range/hash method.

ORA-14272 only a partition with higher bound can be reused

Cause: User attempt to reuse a lower-bound partition in ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS statement as the resulting partition which is illegal.

Action: Use the higher-bound partition to be the resulting partition or specify a new partition name.

ORA-14273 lower-bound partition must be specified first

Cause: User specified higher-bound partition before lower-bound partition in ALTER TABLE MERGE PARTITIONS statement which is illegal.

Action: Specify lower-bound partition then higher-bound partition.

ORA-14274 partitions being merged are not adjacent

Cause: User attempt to merge two partitions that are not adjacent to each other which is illegal.

Action: Specify two partitions that are adjacent.

ORA-14275 cannot reuse lower-bound partition as resulting partition

Cause: User attempt to reuse lower-bound partition of the partitions being merged which is illegal.

Action: Specify new resulting partition name or reuse the higher-bound partition only.

ORA-14276 EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION requires a non-partitioned, non-clustered table

Cause: The table in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION operation is either clustered or partitioned.

Action: Ensure that the table with which the subpartition is being exchanged for is not partitioned or clustered.

ORA-14277 tables in EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION must have the same number of columns

Cause: The two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION have different number of columns.

Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14278 column type or size mismatch in EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION

Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION are of different type or size.

Action: Ensure that the two tables have the same number of columns with the same type and size.

ORA-14279 index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION

Cause: The two tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION have indexes which are not equivalent.

Action: Ensure that the indexes for the two tables have indexes which follow this rule For every non-partitioned index for the non-partitioned table, there has to be an identical LOCAL index on the partitioned table and vice versa. By identical, the column position, type and size have to be the same.

ORA-14280 all rows in table do not qualify for specified subpartition

Cause: There is at least one row in the non-partitioned table which does not qualify for the subpartition specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION.

Action: Ensure that all the rows in the segment qualify for the subpartition. Perform the alter table operation with the NO CHECKING option. Run ANALYZE table VALIDATE on that subpartition to find out the invalid rows and delete them.


Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION statement have CHECK constraint defined on them.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have CHECK constraint defined on any column.


Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION statement have different FOREIGN KEY constraints.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have FOREIGN KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all FOREIGN KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.


Cause: One of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION command has a UNIQUE constraint for which no matching (vis-a-vis key columns) constraint is defined on the other table or a matching constraint is defined on the other table, but it differs from that defined on the first table vis-a-vis being enabled and/or validated.

Action: Ensure that for every UNIQUE constraint defined on one of the tables named in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE SUBPARTITION statement there is a matching (vis-a-vis key columns and being enabled and/or validated) UNIQUE constraint defined on the other table. If UNIQUE constrains are enabled, UNIQUE constraints on the partitioned table should be enforced using local indexes.

ORA-14284 one or more of table's subpartitions reside in a read-only tablespace

Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE statement attempting to modify an existing VARCHAR2 (or VARCHAR) column to be of type CHAR (or CHARACTER), increase length of an existing CHAR (or CHARACTER) column, or add a column with user-specified default for a table one or more subpartitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces, which is illegal.

Action: Avoid performing aforementioned operations on a partitioned table one or more subpartitions of which reside in read-only tablespaces.

ORA-14285 cannot COALESCE the only partition of this partitioned table

Cause: A COALESCE PARTITION command was issued when there is only one partition in the table which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that there is at least one partition. Drop table to remove all partitions.

ORA-14286 cannot COALESCE the only subpartition of this table partition

Cause: A COALESCE SUBPARTITION command was issued when there is only one subpartition in the partition which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that there is at least one subpartition. Drop partition to remove all subpartitions.

ORA-14287 cannot REBUILD a partition of a Composite Range partitioned index

Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild a partition of a composite range-partitioned index which is illegal.

Action: REBUILD the index partition, a subpartition at a time.

ORA-14288 index is not partitioned by Composite Range method

Cause: The index in a partition or subpartition maintenance operation (ALTER INDEX MODIFY [SUBPARTITION|DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES FOR PARTITION] or ALTER INDEX REBUILD SUBPARTITION command must be partitioned by composite range method.

Action: No action required.

ORA-14289 cannot make local index partition of Composite Range partitioned table unusable

Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild a partition of a composite range partitioned index which is illegal.

Action: No action required.


Cause: The corresponding columns in the tables specified in the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE [SUB]PARTITION statement have different PRIMARY KEY constraints.

Action: Ensure that the two tables do not have PRIMARY KEY constraints defined on any column or disable all PRIMARY KEY constraints on both tables. Then retry the operation.

ORA-14291 cannot EXCHANGE a composite partition with a non-partitioned table

Cause: A composite partition can only be exchanged with a partitioned table.

Action: Ensure that the table being exchanged is partitioned or that that the partition being exchanged is non-composite.

ORA-14292 Partitioning type of table must match subpartitioning type of composite partition

Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition, the partitioning type of the table must match the subpartitioning type of the composite partition.

Action: Ensure that the partitioning type of partitioned table is the same as the subpartitioning type of the composite partition.

ORA-14293 Number of partitioning columns does not match number of subpartitioning columns

Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition, the number of partitioning columns of the table must match the number of subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.

Action: Ensure that the number of partitioning columns in the partitioned table is the same as the number of subpartitioning columns in the composite partition.

ORA-14294 Number of partitions does not match number of subpartitions

Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition, the number of partitions of the table must match the number of subpartitions of the composite partition.

Action: Ensure that the number of partitions in the partitioned table is the same as the number of subpartitions in the the composite partition.

ORA-14295 column type or size mismatch between partitioning columns and subpartitioning columns

Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition, the type and size of the partitioning columns of the table must match the type and size of the subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.

Action: Ensure that the type and size of the partitioning columns of the partitioned is the same as the type and size of the subpartitioning columns of the composite partition.

ORA-14301 table-level attributes must be specified before partition-level attributes

Cause: While processing an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, table-level attributes of LOB columns were encountered after processing partition-level attributes of LOB columns or while processing CREATE TABLE statement, table-level attributes of LOB columns were encountered after processing partition descriptions.

Action: Modify the SQL statement to specify table-level attributes prior to partition-level attributes or partition descriptions; then retry the statement.

ORA-14302 only one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses can be specified in a statement

Cause: While parsing an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement, one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses was parsed when another list of added-LOB-storage-clauses was encountered. There cannot be more than one list of added-LOB-storage-clauses in a statement; all added-LOB-storage-clauses must be combined into one list.

Action: Combine all of the lists of added-LOB-storage-clauses into one list and retry the statement.

ORA-14303 partitions or subpartitions are not in the right order

Cause: Descriptions of partitions or subpartitions in an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN statement were ordered differently from the DDL order of partitions or subpartitions.

Action: Re-order the partitions or subpartitions in the added LOB storage clause by partition or subpartition DDL order, and retry the statement.

ORA-14400 inserted partition key is beyond highest legal partition key

Cause: At attempt was made to insert a record with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition.

Action: Do not insert the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting the key.

ORA-14401 inserted partition key is outside specified partition

Cause: The concatenated partition key of an inserted record is outside the ranges of the two concatenated partition bound lists that delimit the partition named in the INSERT statement.

Action: Do not insert the key or insert it in another partition.

ORA-14402 updating partition key column would cause a partition change

Cause: An UPDATE statement attempted to change the value of a partition key column causing migration of the row to another partition.

Action: Do not attempt to update a partition key column or make sure that the new partition key is within the range containing the old partition key.

ORA-14403 cursor invalidation detected after getting DML partition lock

Cause: Cursor invalidation was detected after acquiring a partition lock during an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statement.

Action: No action required.

ORA-14404 partitioned table contains partitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains tables whose partitions are not completely contained in this tablespace.

Action: Find tables with partitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables or move partitions to a different tablespace.

ORA-14405 partitioned index contains partitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains indexes whose partitions are not completely contained in this tablespace, and which are defined on the tables which are completely contained in this tablespace.

Action: Find indexes with partitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these indexes, or move the index partitions to a different tablespace, or find the tables on which the indexes are defined, and drop (or move) them.

ORA-14406 updated partition key is beyond highest legal partition key

Cause: At attempt was made to update a record with a concatenated partition key that is beyond the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition.

Action: Do not update the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting the key.

ORA-14407 partitioned table contains subpartitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains tables whose subpartitions are not completely contained in this tablespace.

Action: Find tables with subpartitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these tables or move subpartitions to a different tablespace.

ORA-14408 partitioned index contains subpartitions in a different tablespace

Cause: An attempt was made to drop a tablespace which contains indexes whose subpartitions are not completely contained in this tablespace, and which are defined on the tables which are completely contained in this tablespace.

Action: Find indexes with subpartitions which span the tablespace being dropped and some other tablespace(s). Drop these indexes, or move the index partitions to a different tablespace, or find the tables on which the indexes are defined, and drop (or move) them.

ORA-14409 inserted partition key is outside specified subpartition

Cause: The concatenated partition key of an inserted record is outside the ranges of the two concatenated subpartition bound lists that delimit the subpartition named in the INSERT statement.

Action: Do not insert the key or insert it in another subpartition.

ORA-14450 attempt to access a transactional temp table already in use

Cause: An attempt was made to access a transactional temporary table that has been already populated by a concurrent transaction of the same session.

Action: Do not attempt to access the temporary table until the concurrent transaction has committed or aborted.

ORA-14451 unsupported feature with temporary table

Cause: An attempt was made to create an IOT, specify physical attributes, specify partition or parallel clause.

Action: No action required.

ORA-14452 attempt to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table already in use

Cause: An attempt was made to create, alter or drop an index on temporary table which is already in use.

Action: All the sessions using the session-specific temporary table have to truncate table and all the transactions using transaction specific temporary table have to end their transactions.

ORA-14453 attempt to use a LOB of a temporary table, whose data has already been purged

Cause: An attempt was made to use LOB from a temporary table whose data has been dropped either because table was transaction-specific and transaction has committed or aborted, table was truncated or session which created this LOB has ended.

Action: This LOB locator is invalid and cannot be used.

ORA-14454 attempt to reference temporary table in a referential integrity constraint

Cause: An attempt was made to reference temporary table in a referential integrity constraint. This is not supported.

Action: Use triggers.

ORA-14455 attempt to create referential integrity constraint on temporary table

Cause: An attempt was made to create a referential integrity constraint on a temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Use triggers.

ORA-14456 cannot rebuild index on a temporary table

Cause: An attempt was made to rebuild an index on a temporary table.

Action: The index data is anyway lost at end of session/transaction.

ORA-14457 disallowed VARRAY and Nested Table column in a Temporary table

Cause: An attempt made to create a VARRAY or Nested Table column in a temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Do not specify these datatypes for temporary tables.

ORA-14458 attempt was made to create a temporary table with INDEX organization

Cause: An attempt was made to create an Index Organized Temporary table. This is not supported.

Action: Create the table with HEAP organization and the primary key.

ORA-14459 missing GLOBAL keyword

Cause: Keyword GLOBAL is missing while creating temporary table.

Action: Supply the missing keyword.

ORA-14500 LOCAL option not valid without partition name

Cause: Incorrect syntax specified.

Action: Retry the command.

ORA-14501 object is not partitioned

Cause: Table or index is not partitioned. Invalid syntax.

Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14503 only one partition name can be specified

Cause: More than one partition name has been specified for analyze.

Action: Specify one partition name.

ORA-14504 syntax not supported for analyze

Cause: A partition/subpartition number or bind variable has been used.

Action: Specify a valid partition/subpartition name.

ORA-14505 LOCAL option valid only for partitioned indexes

Cause: Incorrect syntax specified.

Action: Retry the command.

ORA-14506 LOCAL option required for partitioned indexes

Cause: Incorrect syntax specified.

Action: Retry the command.

ORA-14507 partition corrupt. all rows do not fall within partition bounds

Cause: The partition contains rows which should really be in some other partition. Possibly due to an exchange partition without validation.

Action: Delete rows in partition which do not qualify.

ORA-14508 specified VALIDATE INTO table not found

Cause: The specified table either does not exist or user does not have the proper privileges.

Action: Specify the correct table to use.

ORA-14509 specified VALIDATE INTO table form incorrect

Cause: The specified table does not have the proper field definitions.

Action: Specify the correct table to use. See UTLVALID.SQL for more information.

ORA-14510 can specify VALIDATE INTO clause only for partitioned tables

Cause: The VALIDATE INTO has been specified for a non-partitioned table or cluster or index.

Action: Use the syntax correctly.

ORA-14511 cannot perform operation on a partitioned object

Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not allowed on partitioned tables or indexes.

Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14512 cannot perform operation on a clustered object

Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation that is not allowed on clustered tables or indexes.

Action: Retry the command with correct syntax.

ORA-14513 partitioning column may not be of object datatype

Cause: Partitioning column specified by the user was an object datatype (object, REF, nested table, array) which is illegal.

Action: Ensure that no partitioning column is an object datatype.

ORA-14514 LOCAL option not valid without subpartition name

Cause: Incorrect syntax specified.

Action: Retry the command.

ORA-14515 only one aubpartition name can be specified

Cause: More than one subpartition name has been specified for analyze.

Action: Specify one subpartition name.

ORA-14516 subpartition corrupt. all rows do not fall within subpartition bounds

Cause: The subpartition contains rows which should really be in some other subpartition. Possibly due to an exchange subpartition without validation.

Action: Delete rows in subpartition which do not qualify.

ORA-14517 subpartition of index 'string.string' is in unusable state

Cause: An attempt has been made to access an index subpartition that has been marked unusable by a direct load or by a DDL operation.

Action: REBUILD the unusable index subpartition.

ORA-14551 cannot perform a DML operation inside a query

Cause: DML operation like insert, update, delete or select-for-update cannot be performed inside a query or under a PDML slave.

Action: Ensure that the offending DML operation is not performed or use an autonomous transaction to perform the DML operation within the query or PDML slave.

ORA-14552 cannot perform a DDL, commit or rollback inside a query or DML

Cause: DDL operations like creation tables, views etc. and transaction control statements such as commit/rollback cannot be performed inside a query or a DML statement.

Action: Ensure that the offending operation is not performed or use autonomous transactions to perform the operation within the query/DML operation.

ORA-14553 cannot perform a lob write operation inside a query

Cause: A LOB write operation cannot be performed inside a query or a PDML slave.

Action: Ensure that the offending LOB write operation is not performed or use an autonomous transaction to perform the operation within the query or PDML slave.

ORA-16000 database open for read-only access

Cause: The database has been opened for read-only access. Attempts to modify the database using inappropriate DML or DDL statements generate this error.

Action: In order to modify the database, it must first be shut down and reopened for read-write access.

ORA-16001 database already open for read-only access by another instance

Cause: The database has been opened for read-only access by another instance, and cannot be opened for read-write access by this instance.

Action: This instance must be opened for read-write access, or all other instances must first be shut down and reopened for read-only access.

ORA-16002 database already open for read-write access by another instance

Cause: The database has been opened for read-write access by another instance, and cannot be opened for read-only access by this instance.

Action: This instance must be opened for read-only access, or all other instances must first be shut down and reopened for read-write access.

ORA-16003 standby database is restricted to read-only access

Cause: To ensure its integrity, a standby database can only be opened for read-only access.

Action: Re-issue the ALTER DATABASE OPEN specifying READ ONLY.

ORA-16004 backup database requires recovery

Cause: The control file is for a backup database which requires recovery, and cannot be opened for read-only access by this instance.

Action: Perform the necessary recovery and re-open for read-only access.

ORA-16005 database requires recovery

Cause: The database requires recovery, and therefore cannot be opened for read-only access by this instance.

Action: Perform the necessary recovery and re-open for read-only access.

ORA-16006 audit_trail destination incompatible with database open mode

Cause: The AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter was set to "DB" (or TRUE), which is incompatible with a database opened for read-only access.

Action: When the database is opened for read-only access, the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter can only be set to "OS" or "NONE" (FALSE).

ORA-16007 invalid backup controlfile checkpoint

Cause: The backup control file being opened for read-only access does not contain a valid control file checkpoint. Therefore the database cannot be opened for read-only access.

Action: First open the database for read-write access which will result in valid control file checkpoint. Then re-open the database for read-only access.

ORA-16008 indeterminate controlfile checkpoint

Cause: The control file for the database being opened for read-only access was created via CREATE CONTROLFILE. Therefore a control file checkpoint could not be calculated and the database cannot be opened for read-only access.

Action: First open the database for read-write access which will result in valid control file checkpoint. Then re-open the database for read-only access.

ORA-16009 remote archivelog destination must be a STANDBY database

Cause: The database associated with the archive log destination service name is other than the required STANDBY type database. Remote archival of redo log files is not allowed to non-STANDBY database instances.

Action: Take the necessary steps to create the required compatible STANDBY database before retrying the ARCHIVE LOG processing.

ORA-16010 remote archivelog destination database is opened for update

Cause: The database associated with the archive log destination service name is opened for update access. Remote archival of redo log files to standby databases opened for update access is not allowed.

Action: Shutdown the standby destination instance and re-open for read-only access or simple leave the standby instance mounted and unopened.

ORA-16011 Archivelog Remote File Server process in Error state

Cause: The archive log remote file server (RFS) process at the specified standby database site has experienced an unrecoverable error and is unable to receive further archive log data.

Action: Correct the problem at the standby database site.

ORA-16012 Archivelog standby database identifier mismatch

Cause: The database identifiers of the Primary and Standby database do not match. Remote archival of redo log files is not allowed to incompatible STANDBY database instances.

Action: Take the necessary steps to create the required compatible STANDBY database before retrying the ARCHIVE LOG processing.

ORA-16013 log string sequence# string does not need archiving

Cause: An attempt was made to archive the named file manually, but the file did not require archiving. The file had previously been successfully archived.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-16014 log string sequence# string not archived, no available destinations

Cause: An attempt was made to archive the named log, but the archive was unsuccessful. The archive failed because there were no archive log destinations specified or all destinations experienced debilitating errors.

Action: Verify that archive log destinations are being specified and/or take the necessary step to correct any errors that may have occurred.

ORA-16015 log string sequence# string not archived, media recovery disabled

Cause: An attempt was made to archive the named log, but the archive was unsuccessful. A standby archive log destination was specified and the database was not media recovery enabled. This is not allowed.

Action: Disable the standby destination or enable media recovery and retry.

ORA-16016 archived log for thread string sequence# string unavailable

Cause: The sustained standby database recovery operation has timed out waiting for the requested archived log file.

Action: Verify that the primary database is still archiving redo logs to the standby recovery database site and reissue the RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE WAIT command.

ORA-16017 cannot use LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST without a primary archive destination

Cause: The parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was set to a non-NULL value when the primary archive destination was set to NULL explicitly.

Action: Set the primary archive destination to a valid non-NULL value.

ORA-16018 cannot use string with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n

Cause: One of the following events caused an incompatibility:

  • Parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was in use when a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameters.

  • An ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command was in effect when a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameters.

  • A LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter was in use when an ALTER SYSTEM command was used to define a value for either the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter.

Action: Eliminate any incompatible parameter definitions.

ORA-16019 cannot use string with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST

Cause: One of the following events caused an incompatibility:

  • Parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was in use when the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameters.

  • Parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was in use when an attempt was made to use an ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command to define a value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

  • An ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command was in effect when the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter was encountered while fetching initialization parameters.

  • An ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO command was in effect when an attempt was made to use an ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION command to define a value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

Action: Eliminate any incompatible parameter definitions.

ORA-16020 less destinations available than specified by LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST

Cause: With automatic archiving enabled, the number of archive log destinations that could be used for the database was less than the LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter value.

Action: Either adjust the settings of the log archive destination parameters, or lower the value of LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST.

ORA-16021 session string destination cannot be the same as session string destination

Cause: An attempt was made to change the first specified archive log parameter using ALTER SESSION to have a destination value that duplicates the session-level destination value of the second specified archive log parameter.

Action: Specify a different session destination value for one of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters.


Cause: An attempt was made to change parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST to NULL when parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST is non-NULL.

Action: Either set parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST to a non-NULL value, or set parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST to a NULL value.

ORA-16023 system string destination cannot be the same as session string destination

Cause: An attempt to change the first specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter produced a destination that duplicates the session destination value of the second specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter. This error can occur when setting a non-NULL value with the ALTER SYSTEM command. Or, this error can occur when setting a NULL value with ALTER SESSION command, because then the associated system destination value may appear as a duplicate.

Action: Specify a different destination value for the first specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

ORA-16024 parameter string cannot be parsed

Cause: The value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are a misplaced equal sign, an unrecognized option, or an option that is missing a required value.

Action: Correct the value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

ORA-16025 parameter string contains repeated or conflicting options

Cause: The value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter contained either repeated options or options that conflicted with each other.

Action: Correct the value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

ORA-16026 parameter string contains an invalid reopen time

Cause: The value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter contained a REOPEN option with an invalid numeric value. The valid range is 0-65535.

Action: Correct the value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

ORA-16027 parameter string is missing a destination option

Cause: The value for the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameter failed to include a destination option. Valid destination options are LOCATION or SERVICE.

Action: Correct the value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.

ORA-16028 new string causes less destinations than LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST requires

Cause: With automatic archiving enabled, an attempt was made to change the specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n or a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameter (n = 1...5) to a value that reduces the number of archive log destinations to less than the LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST value.

Action: Either select different options for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n or LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameters, or reduce the value for parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST.

ORA-16029 cannot change LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST, no archive log destinations

Cause: An attempt was made to change the LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter when there are no archive log destinations.

Action: Define one or more log archive destinations using parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST, LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST, or LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5). Then, change the value of parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST.

ORA-16030 session specific change requires a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n destination

Cause: The following event caused an incompatibility: Parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST or LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST was in use when an attempt was made to change the LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST parameter with an ALTER SESSION command.

Action: Replace any LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameters with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n (n = 1...5) parameters.

ORA-16031 parameter string destination string exceeds string character limit

Cause: The value for the specified parameter contained a destination string that is too long.

Action: Replace the destination value for the specified parameter with a character string that has a length below the limit specified in the error message.

ORA-16032 parameter string destination string cannot be translated

Cause: The value for the specified parameter contained a destination string that could not be translated.

Action: Use a valid destination string in the specified parameter.

ORA-16033 parameter string destination cannot be the same as parameter string destination

Cause: An attempt was made to change the first specified archive log parameter to have a destination value that duplicates the system-level destination value of the second specified archive log parameter.

Action: Specify a different value for one of the archive log parameters.

ORA-16034 FROM parameter is incompatible with MANAGED recovery

Cause: Use of the FROM 'location' parameter is not allowed when MANAGED recovery has been specified.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.

ORA-16035 missing required keyword string

Cause: The keywords STANDBY DATABASE are required when MANAGED recovery has been specified.

Action: Correct the syntax and retry the command.

ORA-16036 invalid MANAGED recovery CANCEL option

Cause: A mode other than IMMEDIATE follows the CANCEL keyword in RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE statement.

Action: Specify either nothing or IMMEDIATE following CANCEL.

ORA-16037 user requested cancel of sustained recovery operation

Cause: The sustained standby database recovery operation has been canceled per user request.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-16038 log string sequence# string cannot be archived

Cause: An attempt was made to archive the named file, but the file could not be archived. Examine the secondary error messages to determine the cause of the error.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-16039 RFS request version mismatch

Cause: A request to archive a redo log to a standby site failed because the request was incompatible with the Remote File Server (RFS) at the standby site.

Action: Verify that compatible versions of Oracle are running on the primary and all standby sites.

ORA-16040 standby destination archivelog file is locked

Cause: The target standby destination archive log file is currently locked. This indicates that the file is being archived to by another Remote File Server (RFS) process.

Action: Check for and eliminate duplicate standby destination archive log service names defined for the primary database.

ORA-16041 Remote File Server fatal error

Cause: The Remote File Server (RFS) process at the standby destination archive log site has encountered a disabling error and is no longer available. Further archiving to the standby site may not be possible.

Action: Refer to the appropriate RFS trace file located at the standby site for details regarding the error encountered and if possible take corrective action.

ORA-16042 user requested cancel immediate of sustained recovery operation

Cause: The sustained standby database recovery operation has been canceled immediately per user request. Processing of the current archive log file has been interrupted and therefore the database is in an inconsistent state.

Action: No action required.

ORA-18000 invalid outline name

Cause: The parser detected a missing or invalid outline name.

Action: Re-issue the command, specifying a valid outline name.

ORA-18001 no options specified for ALTER OUTLINE

Cause: The parser detected that no clause was specified on the command.

Action: Re-issue the command, specifying a valid ALTER OUTLINE clause.

ORA-18002 the specified outline does not exist

Cause: Either the outline did not exist to begin with, or a timing window allowed for another thread to drop or alter the outline midstream.

Action: Check for the existence of the outline and try again.

ORA-18003 an outline already exists with this signature

Cause: The signature generation algorithm generates signatures that are 16 bytes in length so it is highly unlikely that any 2 signatures will be identical. This message is raised in such a rare case.

Action: Either re-issue the statement that led to the outline being created with some white space added or force the outline to be created in a different category.

ORA-18004 outline already exists

Cause: An outline already exists, either with the specified name, or for the specified SQL text.

Action: Try again with another name.

ORA-18005 create any outline privilege is required for this operation

Cause: Create any outline privilege is required for the attempted operation.

Action: Make sure you have create any outline privilege and retry the operation.

ORA-18006 drop any outline privilege is required for this operation

Cause: Drop any outline privilege is required for the attempted operation.

Action: Make sure you have drop any outline privilege and retry the operation.

ORA-18007 alter any outline privilege is required for this operation

Cause: Alter any outline privilege is required for the attempted operation.

Action: Make sure you have alter any outline privilege and retry the operation.

ORA-18008 cannot find OUTLN schema

Cause: The database creation script that creates this schema must not have been executed.

Action: Review the log files to see what happened when the database was created.

ORA-18009 one or more outline system tables do not exist

Cause: Either the database creation script that creates these tables was not executed or a user accidently deleted the table.

Action: Review the log files to see what happened when the database was created.

ORA-18010 command missing mandatory CATEGORY keyword

Cause: User failed to specify the CATEGORY keyword.

Action: Re-issue the command with the CATEGORY keyword included.

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