Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A88890-02
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JMS Operational Interface: Basic Operations (Shared Interfaces), 2 of 63

Use Case Model: JMS Operational Interface -- Basic Operations (Shared Interfaces)

Table 16-1  Use Case Model: Operational Interface -- Basic Operations (Shared Interfaces)
Use Case 

Starting a JMS Connection 

Getting the JMS Connection from a Session 

Committing All Operations in a Transacted Session 

Rolling Back All Operations in a Transacted Session 

Getting the Underlying JDBC Connection from a JMS Session 

Getting the Underlying OracleOCIConnectionPool from a JMS Connection 

Create a Message of Different Types 

Creating a Bytes Message 

Creating a Map Message 

Creating a Stream Message 

Creating an Object Message 

Creating a Text Message 

Creating an ADT Message 

Specifying Message Correlation ID 

Specifying JMS Message Property 

Specify JMS Property as Different Types 

Specifying Message Property as Boolean 

Specifying Message Property as String 

Specifying Message Property as Int 

Specifying Message Property as Double 

Specifying Message Property as Float 

Specifying Message Property as Byte 

Specifying Message Property as Long 

Specifying Message Property as Short 

Specifying Message Property as Object 

Setting Default TimeToLive for All Messages Sent by a Message Producer 

Setting Default Priority for All Messages Sent by a Message Producer 

Creating an AQjms Agent 

Two Ways of Receiving a Message Synchronously Using a Message Consumer 

Receiving a Message Using a Message Consumer by Specifying Timeout 

Receiving a Message Using a Message Consumer Without Waiting 

Specifying the Navigation Mode for Receiving Messages 

Two Ways of Specifying a Message Listener to Receive a Message Asynchronously 

Specifying a Message Listener at the Message Consumer 

Specifying a Message Listener at the Session 

Getting the Correlation ID of a Message 

Two Ways of Getting the Message ID of a Message 

Getting the Message ID of a Message as Bytes 

Getting the Message ID of a Message as a String 

Getting the JMS Message Property 

Get the JMS Message Property of Different Types 

Getting the Message Property as a Boolean 

Getting the Message Property as a String 

Getting the Message Property as Int 

Getting the Message Property as Double 

Getting the Message Property as Float 

Getting the Message Property as Byte 

Getting the Message Property as Long 

Getting the Message Property as Short 

Getting the Message Property as Object 

Closing a Message Producer 

Closing a Message Consumer 

Stopping a JMS Connection 

Closing a JMS Session 

Closing a JMS Connection 

Getting the Error Code for the JMS Exception 

Getting the Error Number for the JMS Exception 

Getting the Error Message for the JMS Exception 

Getting the Exception Linked to the JMS Exception 

Printing the Stack Trace for the JMS Exception 

Setting the Exception Listener 

Getting the Exception Listener 

Setting the Ping Period for the Exception Listener 

Getting the Ping Period for the Exception Listener 

Figure 16-1 Use Case Model Diagram: Operational Interface

Text description of adq16jsi2.gif follows
Text description of the illustration adq16jsi2.gif

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