Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_MVIEW, 14 of 15


This procedure enables the administration of individual materialized views. It is invoked at a master site or master materialized view site to register a materialized view.


Typically, a materialized view is registered automatically during materialized view creation. You should only run this procedure to manually register a materialized view if the automatic registration failed or if the registration information was deleted. 


   mviewowner  IN   VARCHAR2,
   mviewname   IN   VARCHAR2,
   mviewsite   IN   VARCHAR2,
   mview_id    IN   DATE | BINARY_INTEGER,
   flag        IN   BINARY_INTEGER,
   qry_txt     IN   VARCHAR2,


Table 29-12 REGISTER_MVIEW Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Owner of the materialized view. 


Name of the materialized view. 


Name of the materialized view site for a materialized view registering at an Oracle8 and higher master site or master materialized view site. This name should not contain any double quotes. 


The identification number of the materialized view. Specify an Oracle8 and higher materialized view as a BINARY_INTEGER. Specify an Oracle7 materialized view registering at an Oracle8 and higher master sites or master materialized view sites as a DATE


A constant that describes the properties of the materialized view being registered. Valid constants that can be assigned include the following:

  • dbms_mview.reg_rowid_mview for a rowid materialized view

  • dbms_mview.reg_primary_key_mview for a primary key materialized view

  • dbms_mview.reg_object_id_mview for an object id materialized view

  • dbms_mview.reg_fast_refreshable_mview for a materialized view that can be fast refreshed

  • dbms_mview.reg_updatable_mview for a materialized view that is updatable

A materialized view can have more than one of these properties. In this case, use the plus sign (+) to specify more than one property. For example, if a primary key materialized view can be fast refreshed, you can enter the following for this parameter:

dbms_mview.reg_primary_key_mview + dbms_mview.reg_fast_refreshable_mview

You can determine the properties of a materialized view by querying the ALL_MVIEWS data dictionary view. 


The first 32,000 bytes of the materialized view definition query. 


Version of the materialized view. Valid constants that can be assigned include the following:

  • dbms_mview.reg_v7_snapshot if the materialized view is at an Oracle7 site

  • dbms_mview.reg_v8_snapshot if the materialized view is at an Oracle8 or higher site

  • dbms_mview.reg_unknown (the default) if you do not know whether the materialized view is at an Oracle7 site or an Oracle8 (or higher) site


Usage Notes

This procedure is invoked at the master site or master materialized view site by a remote materialized view site using a remote procedure call. If REGISTER_MVIEW is called multiple times with the same mviewowner, mviewname, and mviewsite, then the most recent values for mview_id, flag, and qry_txt are stored. If a query exceeds the maximum VARCHAR2 size, then qry_txt contains the first 32000 characters of the query and the remainder is truncated. When invoked manually, the value of mview_id must be looked up in the materialized view data dictionary views by the person who calls the procedure.

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