Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_AQADM , 21 of 31


This procedure alters parameters for a propagation schedule.


   queue_name      IN     VARCHAR2, 
   destination     IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   duration        IN     NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL, 
   next_time       IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
   latency         IN     NUMBER   DEFAULT 60);


Table 5-22 ALTER_PROPAGATION_SCHEDULE Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

Name of the source queue whose messages are to be propagated, including the schema name.

If the schema name is not specified, then it defaults to the schema name of the user. 


Destination dblink.

Messages in the source queue for recipients at this destination are propagated. If it is NULL, then the destination is the local database and messages are propagated to other queues in the local database. The length of this field is currently limited to 128 bytes, and if the name is not fully qualified, then the default domain name is used.  


Duration of the propagation window in seconds.

A NULL value means the propagation window is forever or until the propagation is unscheduled.  


Date function to compute the start of the next propagation window from the end of the current window.

If this value is NULL, then propagation is stopped at the end of the current window. For example, to start the window at the same time every day, next_time should be specified as 'SYSDATE + 1 - duration/86400'. 


Maximum wait, in seconds, in the propagation window for a message to be propagated after it is enqueued.

The default value is 60. Caution: if latency is not specified for this call, then latency will over-write any existing value with the default value.

For example, if the latency is 60 seconds, then during the propagation window, if there are no messages to be propagated, then messages from that queue for the destination will not be propagated for at least 60 more seconds. It will be at least 60 seconds before the queue will be checked again for messages to be propagated for the specified destination. If the latency is 600, then the queue will not be checked for 10 minutes and if the latency is 0, then a job queue process will be waiting for messages to be enqueued for the destination and as soon as a message is enqueued it will be propagated.  

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