Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_AQ, 5 of 24

Enqueue Options Type

The enqueue_options_t data structure specifies the options available for the enqueue operation.


TYPE enqueue_options_t IS RECORD (
   visibility            BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT ON_COMMIT,
   relative_msgid        RAW(16)        DEFAULT NULL,
   sequence_deviation    BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
   transformation        VARCHAR2(60)   DEFAULT NULL );


Table 4-5 Enqueue Options Type Attributes
Attribute  Description 


Specifies the transactional behavior of the enqueue request.

ON_COMMIT: The enqueue is part of the current transaction. The operation is complete when the transaction commits. This is the default case.

IMMEDIATE: The enqueue is not part of the current transaction. The operation constitutes a transaction on its own. This is the only value allowed when enqueuing to a non-persistent queue. 


Specifies the message identifier of the message which is referenced in the sequence deviation operation. This field is valid if, and only if, BEFORE is specified in sequence_deviation. This parameter is ignored if sequence deviation is not specified. 


Specifies whether the message being enqueued should be dequeued before other message(s) already in the queue.

BEFORE: The message is enqueued ahead of the message specified by relative_msgid.

TOP: The message is enqueued ahead of any other messages. NULL: Default 


Specifies a transformation that will be applied before enqueuing the message. The return type of the transformation function must match the type of the queue. 

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