Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89852-02
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DBMS_LDAP , 2 of 30

init Function

This function initializes a session with an LDAP server. This actually establishes a connection with the LDAP server.


DBMS_LDAP.init (

hostname  IN VARCHAR2,
portnum   IN PLS_INTEGER )

Table 20-4 init Function Parameters
Parameter  Description 

hostname (IN) 

Contains a space-separated list of host names or dotted strings representing the IP address of hosts running an LDAP server. Each host name in the list may include a port number, which is separated from the host with a colon (:). The hosts are tried in the order listed, stopping with the first one to which a successful connection is made. 

portnum (IN) 

Contains the TCP port number to connect to. If a host includes a port number, this parameter is ignored. If this parameter is not specified and the host name does not contain the port number, the default port number 389 is assumed. 

Return Values
Table 20-5 init Function Return Values
Value  Description 


A handle to an LDAP session that can be used for further calls into the API. 

Table 20-6 init Function Exceptions
Exception  Description 


Raised when there is a problem contacting the LDAP server. 


Raised if DBMS_LDAP.init is invoked from a user session that is logged onto the database using an MTS service. 


For all other errors. The error string associated with the exception describes the error in detail. 

Usage Notes

DBMS_LDAP.init is the first function that should be called in order to establish a session to the LDAP server. DBMS_LDAP.init returns a session handle, a pointer to an opaque structure that must be passed to subsequent calls pertaining to the session. This routine returns NULL and raises the INIT_FAILED exception if the session cannot be initialized. Subsequent to the call to init, the connection must be authenticated using DBMS_LDAP.bind_s or DBMS_LDAP.simple_bind_s.

See Also:


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