The following text describes sub_flow.gif.

This figure provides a graphical flowchart of the information provided in Table 24-1 to show the order in which you might use the procedures in the DBMS_LOGMNR_CDC_SUBSCRIBE package. Typically, you would use the procedures in this order GET_SUBSCRIPTION_HANDLE, SUBSCRIBE, ACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION, and EXTEND_WINDOW. At this point, you can optionally use the EXTEND_WINDOW again, or use the PREPARE_SUBSCRIBER_VIEW procedure and then issue SQL SELECT statements to retrieve change data from the subscriber views. When finished retrieving change data, you would then use the DROP_SUBSRIBER_VIEW, PURGE_WINDOW, and the DROP_SUBSCRIPTION procedures to end your Change Data Capture session. The figure also shows some alternative sequences for using the procedures that are discussed in the numbered list following the figure.