Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A89857-01
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OCI Navigational and Type Functions, 4 of 36



Flushes a modified persistent object to the server.


sword OCIObjectFlush ( OCIEnv        *env,
                       OCIError      *err,
                       dvoid         *object );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. See the descriptions of OCIEnvCreate() and OCIInitialize() for more information.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

object (IN)

A pointer to the persistent object. The object must be pinned before this call.


This function flushes a modified persistent object to the server. An exclusive lock is obtained implicitly for the object when it is flushed. When the object is written to the server, triggers may be fired. This function returns an error for transient objects and values, and for unmodified persistent objects.

Objects can be modified by triggers at the server. To keep objects in the cache consistent with the database, an application can free or refresh objects in the cache.

If the object to flush contains an internal LOB attribute and the LOB attribute was modified due to an OCIObjectCopy(), OCILobAssign(), or OCILobLocatorAssign() or by assigning another LOB locator to it, then the flush makes a copy of the LOB value that existed in the source LOB at the time of the assignment or copy of the internal LOB locator or object.

See Also:

For more information on LOB functions, see"LOB Functions"

Related Functions

OCIObjectPin(), OCICacheFlush()

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