Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A89857-01
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OCI Datatype Mapping and Manipulation Functions, 37 of 135



Converts the given string to Oracle datetime type in the OCIDateTime descriptor, according to the specified format.


sword OCIDateTimeFromText ( dvoid              *hndl,
                            OCIError           *err, 
                            CONST OraText      *date_str,
                            size_t             dstr_length,
                            CONST OraText      *fmt,
                            ub1                fmt_length, 
                            CONST OraText      *lang_name,
                            size_t             lang_length, 
                            OCIDateTime        *datetime );


hndl (IN)

The OCI user session handle or environment handle. If a user session handle is passed, the conversion takes place in the session's NLS_LANGUAGE and the session's NLS_CALENDAR, otherwise the default is used.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

date_str (IN)

The input string to be converted to an Oracle datetime.

dstr_length (IN)

The size of the input string. If the length is -1 then date_str is treated as a null-terminated string.

fmt (IN)

The conversion format. If fmt is a null pointer, then the string is expected to be in the default format for the datetime type.

fmt_length (IN)

The length of the fmt parameter.

lang_name (IN)

Specifies the language in which the names and abbreviations of months and days are specified. The default language of the session is used if lang_name is null (lang_name = (text *)0).

lang_length (IN)

The length of the lang_name parameter.

datetime (OUT)

The given string converted to a date.


Refer to the description of the TO_DATE conversion function in the Oracle8i or later SQL Reference for a description of the format argument.



OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if err is null,

OCI_ERROR, if any of the following is true:

Related Functions

OCIDateTimeToText(), OCIDateTimeFromArray().

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