An XML-based Solution 2 of 3 Back Next
System Requirements
  • Understand the structure of the XML file.
  • Identify one type of XML file from another.
  • When a new file is inserted, updated, or deleted, create an alert e-mail or take some other action.
  • Parse an XML file so that the individual XML attributes can be identified and manipulated.
  • Use relational applications, including reporting tools, to edit and analyze the content of these files.
  • Preserve the XML file so that end users can use their XML editors to view and edit files as needed.
?xml version = '1.0' standalone = 'yes'?>

<Description>myAcl to restrict tuser55
from reading </Description>
<Grantee Reftype="name"> scott </Grantee>
<discover> true </discover>
<GetContent> false </GetContent>
<SetContent> false </SetContent>