This is a flow diagram showing the path of a search operation. It begins with the first and uppermost box, labeled "Collect Attributes." It points to the second box, named "Issue Search."

This second box points to a diamond, labeled "Entry Count greater than 0 (zero)." If the entry count is not greater than 0 (zero), then an arrow points to a box in the lower right corner, labeled "End of Search."

If the entry count is greater than 0 (zero), then an arrow points to the third box in the sequence, namely, "Get First/Next Entry."

This third box points to a diamond, labeled "Enter Valid."

If the entry is not valid, then an arrow points to the "End of search" box in the lower right corner.

If the entry is valid, then an arrow points to the fourth box in the sequence, labeled "Get First/Next Attribute." This box, in turn, points to a diamond, labeled "Attribute Valid."

If the attribute is not valid, then an arrow points back up to the third box in the sequence, "Get First/Next Entry." If the attribute is valid, then an arrow points to the fifth and final box in the sequence, labeled "Get Attribute Values."