This graphic depicts the Oracle Net Manager interface. The navigator pane (to the left) shows the following folders. Note that Service Naming is expanded.
  Service Naming
Oracle Names Servers

In the right pane, Service Attributes property sheet displays. In the Service Identification group box, there are two fields labeled Service name and SID, and a Connection Type list box. There is a check box labeled Use Oracle8i Release 8.0 Compatible Identification, and an Advanced... button. As an example, is entered in the Service Name field.In the Address Configuration group box, there is are tabbed pages labeled Address 1 and Address 2. On the Address 2 tabbed page, there are three fields labeled Protocol, Host Name, and Port Number. As an example, TCP/IP is selected in the Protocol field, sales2-server is entered in the Host Name field, and 1521 is entered in the Port Number field. At the bottom of Address Configuration, there are four buttons: create: + (add another protocol Address), x(delete an protocol Address), < (move protocol Address up in the list order), and > (move protocol Address down in the list order). There is an Advanced... button.