Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Administration and Reference Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88810-02
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Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Error Messages

Message Number Ranges

0xxx: Generic Messages
1xxx: Oracle Library Messages
2xxx: Internal Library Messages
3xxx: Cluster Library Messages
4xxx: Run and Halt Script Messages
5xxx: PFSCTL Messages
6xxx: Instance Monitor Messages
7xxx: Listener Monitor Messages
8xxx: Heartbeat MonitorMessages
9xxx: Internal Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard Process and Role Change Messages
10xxx: PFSSETUP Messages

Generic Messages : 0xxx

0001,  1,  "Alert: incorrect number of arguments for %s"
*Cause:  An incorrect number of parameters was passed to the function.
*Action: Check the function interface and the parameters passed to it.
0002,  1,  "Alert: invalid value specified to %s"
*Cause:  An incorrect parameter value was passed to the function.
*Action: Check the function interface and the parameters passed to it.
0003,  1,  "Alert: specified log file does not exist or is not executable %s"
*Action: Check the existence of the file and its attributes.
0004,  1,  "Alert: system command %s failed"
*Cause: Execution of the system command failed.
*Action: Check the command format.

Oracle Library Messages: 1xxx

1000,  1,  "Alert: failed to start ORACLE instance"
*Cause:  Encountered errors when starting Oracle instance.
*Action: Check INIT.ORA file and database trace files.
1003,  1,  "Alert: attempt to check INSTANCE_ROLE failed"
*Cause:  Failed to obtain INSTANCE_ROLE from v$instance table.
*Action: Check if ORACLE instance is up.
1004,  1,  "Alert: attempt to abort instance failed"
*Cause:  SHUTDOWN ABORT failed.
*Action: Check if Oracle instance is up. Check trace files.
1005,  1,  "Alert: attempt to kill PMON using pid failed"
*Cause:  Real Application Clusters Guard may have a wrong PMON pid.
*Action: Check if the process ID can be grepped using PS command.
1006,  1,  "Alert: INIT.ORA file %s does not exist"
*Cause:  Specified INIT.ORA file does not exist.
*Action: Check if the INIT.ORA file name is correct.
1007,  1,  "Warning: SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL timed out"
*Cause:  There might be some sessions still running.
*Action: No action needed. Real Application Clusters Guard will issue SHUTDOWN ABORT.
1008,  1,  "Alert: attempt to get PMON pid failed"
*Cause: Using PS to get PMON pid failed.
*Action: Check if PMON exists and/or ORACLE_SID is correct.
1009,  1,  "Alert: attempt to get background process %s pid failed"
*Cause: Using PS to get pid failed.
*Action: Check if instance is up and/or ORACLE_SID is correct.
1010,  1,  "Alert: attempt to kill background process %s failed"
*Cause: Sending signal 9 to background process failed.
*Action: Check if instance is up. Check its trace files.
1011,  1,  "Info: network status has been dumped to %s"
1012,  1,  "Info: local and remote ORACLE system state dumped to USER_DUMP_DEST"
1013,  1,  "Info: local ORACLE system state dumped to USER_DUMP_DEST"
1014,  1,  "Info: remote ORACLE system state dumped to USER_DUMP_DEST"
1015,  1,  "Info: local instance is down and no system state dump is performed on either 

Internal Library Messages: 2xxx

2000,  1,  "Info: user-defined callhome script %s is not provided"
*Cause:  Either it does not exist or it is not executable.
*Action: Check with user.
2001,  1,  "Warning: message number is incorrect"
*Cause:  An incorrect message number was passed to the log function.
*Action: Check the message number.
2002,  1,  "Info: user-defined role notification script is not provided: %s %s %s %s %s"
*Cause:  Either it does not exist or it is not executable.
*Action: Check with user.
2003,  1,  "Info: attempt to start internal Real Application Clusters Guard process on 
primary instance"
2004,  1,  "Info: attempt to start internal Real Application Clusters Guard process on 
secondary instance"
2005,  1,  "Info: attempt to stop internal Real Application Clusters Guard process"
2006,  1,  "Info: restart succeeded"
2007,  1,  "Info: restart failed"
2008,  1,  "Alert: attempt to kill internal Real Application Clusters Guard process %s 
*Cause: Sending signal 9 to internal Real Application Clusters Guard process failed.
*Action: Check the attributes of the corresponding script.
2009,  1,  "Info: attempt to stop local internal Real Application Clusters Guard process"
2010,  1,  "Info: attempt to stop remote internal Real Application Clusters Guard process"
2011,  1,  "Info: attempt to stop internal Real Application Clusters Guard process 
2012,  1,  "Info: user-defined role notification script succeeded"
2013,  1,  "Warning: user-defined role notification script failed"
2014,  1,  "Warning: user-defined role notification script exists but is not executable"
2015,  1,  "Info: stop process %s succeeded"
2016,  1,  "Warning: stop process %s failed"
2017,  1,  "Info: start clean up of Real Application Clusters Guard processes"
2018,  1,  "Warning: internal Real Application Clusters Guard process exists. Do PFSCTL 
RESTORE after it finishes"
*Cause: .
*Action: Check status to make sure internal Real Application Clusters Guard process has 
finished, and do RESTORE later.
2019,  1,  "Info: Real Application Clusters Guard callhome with %s now"
2020,  1,  "Info: start monitor %s %s %s"
2021,  1,  "Info: calling user-defined role change notification script: %s"

Cluster Library Messages: 3xxx

3000,  1,  "Info: Pack %s started"
3001,  1,  "Info: Pack %s stopped"
3002,  1,  "Info: Local database instance is up"
3003,  1,  "Info: Local database instance is down"
3004,  1,  "Info: Remote database instance is up"
3005,  1,  "Info: Remote database instance is down"
3006,  1,  "Info: Running primary role locally"
3007,  1,  "Info: Running secondary role locally"
3008,  1,  "Info: No role running locally"
3009,  1,  "Info: Running primary role on remote node"
3010,  1,  "Info: Running secondary role on remote node"
3011,  1,  "Info: No role running on remote node"
3012,  1,  "Info: Both nodes running as part of the cluster"
3013,  1,  "Info: Local node part of the cluster"
3014,  1,  "Info: Remote node part of the cluster"
3015,  1,  "Info: Pack %s is not running on either node"
3050,  1,  "Alert: could not get information about pack %s"
*Action: Check pack and cluster status.
3051,  1,  "Alert: could not get information about local database instance"
*Action: Check local instance status.
3052,  1,  "Alert: could not get information about remote database instance"
*Action: Check remote instance status.
3053,  1,  "Alert: could not get information about local database role"
*Action: Check local instance status.
3054,  1,  "Alert: could not get information about remote database role"
*Action: Check remote instance status.
3055,  1,  "Alert: neither node is running as part of the cluster"
*Action: Check cluster and node status.
3056,  1,  "Alert: local node not part of the cluster"
*Action: Check cluster and node status.
3057,  1,  "Alert: remote node not part of the cluster"
*Action: Check cluster and node status.
3058,  1,  "Alert: SUN data service not registered"
*Action: Check cluster status.
3059,  1,  "Alert: node %s is either physically down or not part of the cluster"
*Action: Check node and/or cluster status.
3060,  1,  "Alert: node %s is not configured to be part of the cluster"
*Action: Check cluster status.
3061,  1,  "Alert: Pack %s is not configured to run on the cluster"
*Action: Check cluster status.
3062,  1,  "Alert: cluster is not running"
*Cause: The cluster is not running.
*Action: Check cluster status.
3063,  1,  "Alert: cluster command failed: %s %s"
*Cause: Cluster-related command returned an error.
*Action: Check cluster log file.
3064,  1,  "Info: service %s has already been stopped"
3065,  1,  "Alert: failed to stop the service that restarts the service program"
*Cause: Failed to stop service that restarts the service program.
*Action: Check cluster log file.
3066,  1,  "Alert: attempt to halt service %s failed"
*Cause: Attempt to stop service returned an error.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log file and cluster log file.
3067,  1,  "Alert: wrong pack name: %s. Pack is not registered or does not exist"
*Cause: Pack name was incorrect or the pack has not been registered yet.
*Action: Check cluster pack status.
3068,  1,  "Alert: failed to give up Pack: %s"
*Cause: Failed to stop pack on this node.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log and cluster log files.
3069,  1,  "Info: Pack %s is not running on any node"
3070,  1,  "Info: Internal process is running locally"
3071,  1,  "Info: Internal process is running remotely"
3072,  1,  "Info: No internal process is running locally"
3073,  1,  "Info: No internal process is running remotely"
3074,  1,  "Alert: give up pack cluster command timed out"
*Cause:  Give up pack returned an error.
*Action: Check cluster system log.
3075,  1,  "Alert: Cluster is running"
*Cause:  The cluster is running.
*Action: Check cluster status.

Run and Halt Script Messages: 4xxx

4000,  1,  "Alert: attempt to enable IP address failed"
*Cause:  Enable IP address function returned an error.
*Action: Check if the IP address is correct or if that IP has been enabled.
4001,  1,  "Alert: attempt to disable Pack switch failed"
*Cause:  Disable pack switch function returned an error.
*Action: Check if the pack name is correct and the status of pack.
4002,  1,  "Alert: attempt to acquire disk storage failed"
*Cause:  Acquire storage function returned an error.
*Action: Check storage's names are correct and their status.
4003,  1,  "Alert: attempt to enable pack switch failed"
*Cause:  Enable pack switch function returned an error.
*Action: Check if the pack name is correct and the status of pack.
4004,  1,  "Info: run method on home node completed"
4005,  1,  "Info: Pack %s starting on home node"
4006,  1,  "Info: Pack %s starting on foreign node"
4007,  1,  "Info: Pack %s stopping on home node"
4008,  1,  "Info: Pack %s stopping on foreign node"
4009,  1,  "Alert: attempt to release disk storage failed"
*Cause:  Attempt to release storage returned an error.
*Action: Check storages names and their status.
4010,  1,  "Info: attempt to initialize all variables"
4011,  1,  "Info: attempt to enable IP address"
4012,  1,  "Info: attempt to acquire disk storage"
4013,  1,  "Info: attempt to start public listener monitor and public listener %s"
4014,  1,  "Info: attempt to start database instance"
4015,  1,  "Info: attempt to start instance monitor"
4016,  1,  "Info: attempt to check INSTANCE_ROLE"
4017,  1,  "Info: attempt to start heartbeat monitor"
4018,  1,  "Info: attempt to enable pack switching"
4019,  1,  "Info: attempt to send notification that instance role has changed"
4020,  1,  "Info: attempt to start DBMS_JOBS"
4021,  1,  "Info: run script on foreign node completed"
4022,  1,  "Info: attempt to disable IP address"
4023,  1,  "Info: halt script on foreign node completed"
4024,  1,  "Info: attempt to release disk storage"
4025,  1,  "Info: attempt to halt public listener monitor and public listener %s"
4026,  1,  "Info: attempt to abort database"
4027,  1,  "Info: attempt to archive, checkpoint, and dump database"
4028,  1,  "Info: attempt to halt instance monitor"
4029,  1,  "Info: attempt to halt heartbeat monitor"
4030,  1,  "Info: halt method on home node completed"
4031,  1,  "Alert: attempt to disable IP address failed"
*Cause:  Attempt to disable IP address returned an error.
*Action: Check if the IP address is correct or if that IP has been 
4032,  1,  "Info: check if ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT is set to 1"
4033,  1,  "Alert: ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT is not set to 1"
*Action: Check INIT.ORA file to make sure ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT=1.
4034,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start instance monitor failed"
*Cause:  Starting instance monitor returned an error.         .
*Action: Check if Oracle instance is up. Check cluster log files.
4035,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop instance monitor failed"
*Cause:  Attempt to stop instance monitor returned an error.
*Action: Check if Oracle instance is up. Check cluster log files.
4036,  1,  "Alert: instance monitor detected that the instance is down and initiated 
*Cause:  Instance monitor service exited.
*Action: Check if Oracle instance is up.
4037,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start listener monitor failed"
*Cause:  Starting listener monitor returned an error. The listener may not be up.
*Action: Check listener and LISTENER.ORA listener configuration file.
4038,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop listener monitor failed"
*Cause:  Stopping listener monitor returned an error.
*Action: Check listener and cluster log files.
4039,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start heartbeat monitor failed"
*Cause:  Starting the heartbeat monitor returned an error. The instance and listener may 
not be up.
*Action: Check instance, listener, and cluster log files.
4040,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop heartbeat monitor failed"
*Cause:  Stopping heartbeat monitor returned an error.
*Action: Check cluster log files.

PFSCTL Messages: 5xxx

5002,  1,  "PFSCTL BOOTONE succeeded"
5003,  1,  "PFSCTL HALTONE succeeded"
5005,  1,  "Secondary role already up"
5006,  1,  "Update uptime log"
5007,  1,  "PFSCTL PFSBOOT succeeded"
5008,  1,  "PFSCTL PFSHALT succeeded"
5009,  1,  "Archiving the database now"
5010,  1,  "Checkpointing the database now"
5011,  1,  "The following commands are available:"
5012,  1,  "Welcome to PFSCTL. Type HELP for additional information"
5013,  1,  "ORACLE_SERVICE is set to %s"
5014,  1,  "Processing command %s"
5015,  1,  "%s command succeeded"
5016,  1,  "[seconds]"
5017,  1,  "[beginning date]"
5018,  1,  "[ending date]"
5019,  1,  "[pack name]"
5050,  1,  "Alert: PFSCTL BOOTONE failed"
*Cause:  Starting single pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5051,  1,  "Alert: PFSCTL HALTONE failed"
*Cause:  Stopping single pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5052,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop internal Real Application Clusters Guard process 
*Cause:  Sending signal 9 to internal Real Application Clusters Guard process failed.
*Action: Check the attribute of the corresponding script.
5053,  1,  "Warning: secondary node not up"
*Cause:  Could not find secondary node.
*Action: Use cluster commands to check nodes in the cluster.
5054,  1,  "Info: secondary running on foreign node"
5055,  1,  "Alert: PFSCTL MOVE_PRIMARY failed"
*Cause:  SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL on primary failed. Pack failover failed.
*Action: Check database trace files and Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5056,  1,  "Info: primary moved. No longer resilient"
5057,  1,  "Warning: no primary pack"
*Cause:  Cannot find a pack whose instance role is primary.
*Action: Check pack status and roles of all instances.
5059,  1,  "Warning: instance up without pack"
*Cause:  Instance is running without pack.
*Action: Check if DBA runs the instance for maintenance purpose.
5060,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop pack failed"
*Cause:  Stopping returned an error.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files and cluster log files.
5061,  1,  "Alert: PFSCTL RESTORE failed"
*Cause:  Starting secondary pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5062,  1,  "Warning: secondary pack not up"
5063,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop secondary failed"
*Cause:  Stopping secondary pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5064,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start primary failed"
*Cause:  Starting primary pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5065,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start secondary failed"
*Cause:  Starting secondary pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5066,  1,  "Alert: attempt to halt primary failed"
*Cause:  Stopping primary pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5067,  1,  "Alert: attempt to halt secondary failed"
*Cause:  Stopping secondary pack failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5068,  1,  "Warning: secondary role is not up"
*Cause:  Cannot find instance with SECONDARY_INSTANCE instance role.
*Action: Check both instances.
5071,  1,  "Info: System is clear"
5072,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop internal Real Application Clusters Guard process 
*Cause:  Sending signal 9 to internal Real Application Clusters Guard process failed.
*Action: Check the attribute of the corresponding script.
5073,  1,  "Alert: system is not clear. Instance %s is running. Use PFSCTL PFSHALT first"
*Cause:  Instance is running.
*Action: Stop instance before starting Real Application Clusters Guard.
5074,  1,  "Alert: system is not clear. Pack %s is running. Use PFSCTL PFSHALT first"
*Cause:  Pack is running.
*Action: Stop packs first before starting Real Application Clusters Guard.
5075,  1,  "Alert: system is not clear. Internal process is running. Use PFSCTL PFSHALT 
*Cause:  Internal Real Application Clusters Guard process is running.
*Action: Stop it first before starting Real Application Clusters Guard.
5076,  1,  "Alert: failed to start pack %s on its foreign node"
*Cause:  Start a pack on its foreign node failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5077,  1,  "Alert: invalid command. Try again"
*Cause:  This is not a valid PFSCTL command.
*Action: Type HELP for correct commands.
5078,  1,  "Alert: ORACLE_SERVICE is not set. Set it and run PFSCTL again"
*Cause:  The environment variable ORACLE_SERVICE is not set.
*Action: Set it and run PFSCTL again.
5079,  1,  "Alert: DB_NAME is not set. Set it and run PFSCTL again"
*Cause:  The environment variable DB_NAME is not set.
*Action: Set it and run PFSCTL again.
5080,  1,  "Alert: %s command failed"
*Cause:  PFSCTL command failed.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
5081,  1,  "Alert: ORACLE_SERVICE is not set properly"
*Cause:  The environment variable ORACLE_SERVICE is not set correctly.
*Action: Check if its value is correct.
5555,  1,  "%s %s %s %s %s"
*Cause:  This is the Uptime log message for reporting purpose.
5556,  1,  "Oracle service: %s"
5557,  1,  "Report time interval: %s -- %s"
5558,  1,  "Itemized downtime information:"
5559,  1,  "Downtime \t\tFailed \tDowntime \t\tRecovered \tInterval"
5560,  1,  "Start \t\t\tNode \tEnd \t\t\tNode \t\t(hh:mm:ss)"
5561,  1,  "Planned downtime"
5562,  1,  "Unplanned downtime"
5563,  1,  "Downtime summary:"
5564,  1,  "Availability for this interval: %s%%"
5565,  1,  "Total planned downtime: %s (%s seconds)"
5566,  1,  "Total unplanned downtime: %s (%s seconds)"
5567,  1,  "Total downtime: %s (%s seconds)"
5568,  1,  "[-f filename] [-d yyyy/mm/dd-hh:mm:ss] [-s]"
5600,  1,  "Info: checking if PFSCTL MOVE_PRIMARY finished"
5601,  1,  "Info: PFSCTL MOVE_PRIMARY completed successfully"
5602,  1,  "Alert: PFSCTL MOVE_PRIMARY failed to finish within timer" 
5603,  1,  "Info: wait for internal process to finish before issuing PFSCTL RESTORE"

Instance Monitor Messages: 6xxx

6000,  1, "Info: instance monitor stopped monitoring"
6001,  1, "Alert: instance monitor failed to start routine 0"
*Cause:  Creating a new process failed.
*Action: Check system status.
6002,  1, "Info: attempt to start routine 1"
6003,  1, "Warning: routine 1 exits. Attempt to stop routine 0"
*Cause:  Routine 0 died or instance was down.
*Action: Real Application Clusters Guard will automatically restart both if instance is 
not down or start failover if instance is down.
6004,  1, "Info: attempt to start routine 0"
6005,  1, "Alert: instance monitor has tried restarting MAX_ORACLE_UP_RETRIES times"
*Cause:  Instance monitor has restarted Routine 0 and 1 too many times.
*Action: Check instances and Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
6006,  1, "Alert: ORACLE instance is not available. Instance monitor exits"
*Cause:  Instance was down.
*Action: Real Application Clusters Guard will initiate a failover.
6007,  1, "Info: routine connected successfully"
6008,  1, "Info: routine got INSTANCE_NAME successfully"
6009,  1, "Info: routine checked lock table successfully"
6010,  1, "Alert: routine found lock table missing"
*Cause:  Missing critical Real Application Clusters Guard tables.
*Action: Run catpfs.sql.
6011,  1, "Info: routine 0 locked table. Routine now sleeping"
6012,  1, "Info: stopped shadow process"
6013,  1, "Alert: routine 0 failed to lock table. Routine exited"
*Cause:  Routine 0 update table failed.
*Action: Check instance status.
6014,  1, "Info: routine connecting to instance"
6015,  1, "Info: routine connected to instance successfully"
6016,  1, "Alert: routine failed to connect to instance"
*Cause:  Routine failed to connect to instance as normal user.
*Action: Check instance status.
6017,  1, "Info: routine disconnected successfully"
6018,  1, "Alert: routine failed to disconnect"
*Cause:  Routine failed to disconnect from an instance.
*Action: Check instance status.
6019,  1, "Info: routine does not need cleanup"
6020,  1, "Alert: failed to stop routine 0"
*Cause:  Sending signal 9 to Routine 0 failed.
*Action: Check Routine 0 status.
6021,  1, "Alert: failed to set up signal handlers"
*Action: Check system status.
6022,  1, "Alert: failed to stop shadow processes"
*Cause:  Send signal 9 to shadow process failed.
*Action: Check shadow process status.
6023,  1, "Alert: attempt to CONNECT as normal user timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
6024,  1, "Alert: attempt to CONNECT as SYSDBA timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
6025,  1, "Alert: attempt to UPDATE timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
6026,  1, "Alert: attempt to SELECT timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
6027,  1, "Alert: attempted action timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.

Listener Monitor Messages: 7xxx

7000,  1,  "Warning: listener %s has been restarted too many times. Listener will not be 
restarted, only monitored"
*Cause:  The listener has been restarted multiple times, but it keeps failing. The 
listener monitor is not monitoring it now.
*Action: Check the listener.
7001,  1,  "Info:  attempt to start private listener monitor and private listener %s"
7002,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start and monitor private listener %s failed"
*Cause:  Starting private listener monitor returned an error.
*Action: Check the listener and cluster log files.
7003,  1,  "Info: attempt to halt private listener monitor and private listener %s"
7004,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop private listener %s failed"
*Cause:  Stopping listener using LSNRCTL STOP failed.
*Action: Check the listener.
7005,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start listener %s failed"
*Cause:  Starting listener using LSNRCTL START failed.
*Action: Check the listener.
7006,  1,  "Info: elapsed time exceeds MIN_LSNR_RESTART_INTERVAL; resetting listener 
restart counter"
7007,  1,  "Warning: incrementing listener restart counter to %s"
*Cause:  Listener has been restarted recently.
*Action: Check the listener.
7008,  1,  "Info: attempt to start listener %s succeeded"
7009,  1,  "Info: private listener %s restarted"
7010,  1,  "Info: private listener %s failed again"
7011,  1,  "Alert: listener monitor for %s terminated abnormally. No failover"
*Cause:  Private listener monitor exits.
*Action: Real Application Clusters Guard will keep monitor listener on but will not 
restart listener.

Heartbeat Monitor Messages: 8xxx

8000,  1,  "Warning: defunct heartbeat monitor %s exists"
*Cause:  A heartbeat monitor was found before starting heartbeat monitor. This may be a 
heartbeat monitor that was running before an abnormal exit or abort.
*Action: Old heartbeat monitor will be stopped and a new one will be started.
8001,  1,  "Info: instance %s is registered with %s"
8002,  1,  "Warning: instance %s is not registered with %s"
*Cause:  Checked listener status and found instance was not registered with listener.
*Action: No action is needed. Real Application Clusters Guard will keep checking it for a 
specific time interval.
8003,  1,  "Info: shared server service %s is registered with %s"
8004,  1,  "Warning: shared server service %s is not registered with %s"
*Cause:  Checked listener status and found instance was not registered with listener.
*Action: No action is needed. Real Application Clusters Guard will keep checking it for a 
specific time interval.
8005,  1,  "Alert: shared server service or instance %s not registered with %s in %s 
seconds. Exit"
*Cause:  Instance not registered with listener for too long time.
*Action: Check INIT.ORA file and Oracle Net configuration file.
8006,  1,  "Info: check if %s is registered with %s"
8007,  1,  "Info: elapsed time exceeds heartbeat monitor timeout interval. Resetting 
heartbeat monitor restart counter"
8008,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor timed out %s times. Restart heartbeat monitor"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently timed out.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files and instance status.
8009,  1,  "Alert: heartbeat monitor timed out %s times. Exit"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently timed out too many times.
*Action: Real Application Clusters Guard initiates failover.
8010,  1,  "Info: too many local fatal errors. Resetting heartbeat monitor local-fatal 
8011,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor reports local fatal error %s times. Restarting 
heartbeat monitor"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently got local fatal error.
*Action: Check local instance and Real Application Clusters Guard log file.
8012,  1,  "Alert: heartbeat monitor reports local fatal error %s times. Exit"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently got local fatal error too many times.
*Action: Real Application Clusters Guard initiates failover.
8013,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor detects remote fatal error"
8014,  1,  "Info: too many remote fatal errors. Resetting heartbeat monitor remote-fatal 
8015,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor reports remote fatal error %s times. Restarting 
heartbeat monitor"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently detected remote side fatal.
*Action: Check remote instance and Real Application Clusters Guard log file on that node.
8016,  1,  "Alert: heartbeat monitor reports remote fatal error %s times. Initiating 
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently detected remote fatal error too many times.
*Action: Check secondary instance status.
8017,  1,  "Info: attempt to initiate primary takeover from node %s to this node"
8018,  1,  "Info: primary instance receives remote fatal error. No action taken"
8019,  1,  "Warning: remote fatal error detected with role = UNKNOWN. No action taken"
*Cause:  Current node detected remote fatal error but did not know its own role.
*Action: Check local instance role.
8020,  1,  "Info: too many tool errors. Resetting heartbeat monitor tool-error counter"
8021,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor reports tool error %s times. Restarting heartbeat 
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently detected tool errors.
*Action: Check local system status.
8022,  1,  "Alert: heartbeat monitor reports tool error %s times. Exit"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently detected tool errors too many times.
*Action: Check local system status.
8023,  1,  "Info: too many heartbeat monitor errors during specified interval. Resetting 
heartbeat monitor any-error counter"
8024,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor reports %s total errors of all kinds. Restarting 
heartbeat monitor"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently detected too many errors of all kinds.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
8025,  1,  "Alert: heartbeat monitor reports %s errors. Exit"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor recently detected errors too many times.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
8026,  1,  "Alert: heartbeat monitor detects failure. Initiating failover"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor detected failure.
*Action: Check Real Application Clusters Guard log files.
8027,  1,  "Info: defunct heartbeat monitor %s was stopped"
8028,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop defunct heartbeat monitor %s failed"
*Cause:  Sending signal 9 to it failed.
*Action: Check heartbeat monitor status and system status.
8029,  1,  "Info: attempt to start heartbeat monitor with parameters %s %s %s"
8030,  1,  "Warning: heartbeat monitor exits with error code %s"
*Cause:  Heartbeat monitor detected errors with instance.
*Action: Check instance, heartbeat monitor, and system status.
8500,  1,  "Info: Oracle Real Application Clusters Guard: Heartbeat Monitor v90100"
8501,  1,  "Info: rampup flag is set ON"
8502,  1,  "Info: rampup flag is set OFF"
8503,  1,  "Info: heartbeat monitor started. Check PFS$ORAPING_HEARTBEAT view"
8504,  1,  "Alert: failed to CONNECT while getting initial heartbeat"
*Action: Check instance status.
8505,  1,  "Alert: failed to SELECT while getting initial heartbeat"
*Action: Check instance status.
8506,  1,  "Alert: failed to DISCONNECT while getting initial heartbeat"
*Action: Check instance status.
8507,  1,  "Alert: cannot CONNECT to local instance as normal user"
*Action: Check instance status.
8508,  1,  "Alert: cannot CONNECT to local instance as SYSDBA"
*Action: Check instance status.
8509,  1,  "Alert: cannot SELECT from ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table"
*Action: Check instance status.
8510,  1,  "Alert: cannot UPDATE ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table"
*Action: Check instance status.
8511,  1,  "Alert: cannot SELECT from ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table"
*Action: Check instance status.
8512,  1,  "Alert: cannot EXECUTE customer query"
*Cause:  Executing PL/SQL package failed.
*Action: Check instance status and PL/SQL package status.
8513,  1,  "Alert: cannot check for instance recovery"
*Cause:  SELECT from v$lock table failed.
*Action: Check instance status.
8514,  1,  "Alert: cannot check for logon storm"
*Cause:  SELECT from v$session table failed.
*Action: Check instance status.
8515,  1,  "Alert: cannot DISCONNECT from instance"
*Action: Check instance status.
8516,  1,  "Alert: cannot enable SQL tracing"
*Cause:  Attempt to set event failed.
*Action: Check instance status.
8517,  1,  "Alert: local fatal error"
*Action: Check local instance status.
8518,  1,  "Alert: remote fatal error"
*Action: Check remote instance status.
8519,  1,  "Info: in rampup mode. Ignore all errors"
8520,  1,  "Alert: Neither primary nor secondary flag is set"
*Cause:  Primary and secondary role flag files are missing.
*Action: Check them in corresponding directory.
8521,  1,  "Alert: PFS_HOME and ORACLE_SERVICE are not set"
*Cause:  Environment variables are not set.
*Action: Set them.
8522,  1,  "Alert: CONNECT as normal user timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8523,  1,  "Alert: CONNECT as SYSDBA timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8524,  1,  "Alert: SELECT from ORAPING_CONFIG table timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8525,  1,  "Alert: UPDATE ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8526,  1,  "Alert: SELECT from ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8527,  1,  "Alert: SELECT from partner's ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8528,  1,  "Alert: EXECUTE customer query timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8529,  1,  "Alert: check for instance recovery timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8530,  1,  "Alert: check for logon storm timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8531,  1,  "Alert: enable SQL tracing timed out"
*Action: Check instance status.
8532,  1,  "Alert: other timeout"
*Action: Check instance status.
8533,  1,  "Info: no cleanup is needed for shadow processes"
8534,  1,  "Alert: check for logon storm failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8535,  1,  "Alert: DECLARE cursor failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8536,  1,  "Alert: OPEN cursor failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8537,  1,  "Alert: FETCH cursor failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8538,  1,  "Alert: CLOSE cursor failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8539,  1,  "Alert: partner failed to update its heartbeat"
*Action: Check instance status.
8540,  1,  "Alert: SELECT from partner's ORAPING_HEARTBEAT table failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8541,  1,  "Alert: EXECUTE customer query failed"
*Action: Check instance status.
8542,  1,  "Alert: cannot open heartbeat monitor's log file"
*Action: Check system and directory status.
8543,  1,  "Alert: ORACLE_HOME and/or ORACLE_SERVICE not set"
*Cause:  Environment variables are not set.
*Action: Set them.
8544,  1,  "Warning: failed to stop shadow processes"
*Cause:  Sending signal 9 to shadow process failed.
*Action: Check shadow process and system status.
8545,  1,  "Warning: instance recovery is in progress"
8546,  1,  "Warning: system is in logon storm"
*Cause:  Number of new sessions logged on in last heartbeat monitor cycle exceeds logon_
*Action: Check database instance status and pfs$oraping_config table.
8547,  1, "Warning: Failed to update ORAPING_CONFIG table to synchronize timeout values "
*Cause:  Update of the ORAPING_CONFIG table to synchronize timeout values failed"
*Action: Check database error messages.

PFS Internal Process and Role Change Messages: 9xxx

9000,  1,  "Info: failover and role change succeeded"
9001,  1,  "Alert: role change failed. Restarting instance"
*Cause:  Primary role did not fail over correctly.
*Action: Check remote instance and node.
9002,  1,  "Alert: role change failed. Will not restart instance"
*Cause:  Recently restarted. Will not restart again.
*Action: Check instance and node status.
9003,  1,  "Alert: no resilience. Restarting instance"
*Cause:  Secondary pack does not exist.
*Action: No action is needed.
9004,  1,  "Alert: instance running without pack. Do not restart instance"
*Cause:  Instance was started without pack by DBA for maintenance purpose.
*Action: Do nothing.
9005,  1,  "Alert: no resilience. Will not restart instance"
*Cause:  Secondary pack does not exist and this node recently restarted instance.
*Action: Check local instance.
9006,  1,  "Info: Pack failed over successfully to the other node"
9007,  1,  "Alert: Pack did not fail over to the other node. Will restart the Pack"
*Cause:  Pack did not failover.
*Action: Pack will be restarted on its foreign node.
9008,  1,  "Info: primary role failed over successfully"
9009,  1,  "Info: restarting instance"
9010,  1,  "Alert: primary role did not fail over. Will not restart instance"
*Cause:  Instance role change failed.
*Action: Check both instances.
9900,  1,  "Info: attempt to start role change notification"
9901,  1,  "Alert: attempt to start role change notification failed"
*Cause:  Starting role change notification returned an error.
*Action: Check instance and cluster status.
9902,  1,  "Info: attempt to stop role change notification"
9903,  1,  "Alert: attempt to stop role change notification failed"
*Cause:  Stopping role change notification returned an error.
*Action: Check instance and cluster status.
9904,  1,  "Info: secondary instance had a reconfiguration event or timed out"
9905,  1,  "Info: secondary instance waits for reconfiguration event again"

PFS Setup Messages: 10xxx

10001,  1,  "Do you wish to continue? [Y/N] "
10002,  1,  "ORACLE_HOME is set to %s"
10003,  1,  "ORACLE_BASE is set to %s"
10004,  1,  "TNS_ADMIN is set to %s"
10005,  1,  "PFS_HOME is set to %s"
10006,  1,  "\t\tChoose the set of files from the following:"
10007,  1,  "\t2] ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files"
10008,  1,  "\t3] ORACLE network files"
10009,  1,  "\t4] ORACLE instance files"
10010,  1,  "\t5] ORACLE network and instance files"
10011,  1,  "\t6] All the files"
10012,  1,  "\t7] Quit"
10013,  1,  "\tChoose an operation on the selected files:"
10014,  1,  "\t1] Generate only"
10015,  1,  "\t2] Deploy only"
10016,  1,  "\t3] Generate and deploy"
10017,  1,  "\t5] List the affected files"
10018,  1,  "\t6] Return to Main Menu"
10019,  1,  "Press Enter to continue"
10020,  1,  "Packs already configured. Run DELETEPACKS first"
10021,  1,  "Deploying user file"
10022,  1,  "Changing ownership and file permissions"
10023,  1,  "Generating Packs"
10024,  1,  "Generating ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files"
10025,  1,  "Generating ORACLE network files"
10026,  1,  "Generating ORACLE instance files"
10027,  1,  "Backing up %s directory on %s"
10028,  1,  "Deploying files"
10029,  1,  "Deploying ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files"
10030,  1,  "Deploying ORACLE network files"
10031,  1,  "Deploying ORACLE instance files"
10032,  1,  "DB_NAME is set to %s"
10033,  1,  "The list of affected files is \n "
10034,  1,  "\t1] User definitions file"
10035,  1,  "This utility should be run under root privileges"
10036,  1,  "\t4] Deinstall"
10037,	1,  "Deinstalling USER file"
10038,	1,  "Deinstalling ORACLE Real Application Clusters Guard files"
10039,	1,  "Deinstalling ORACLE network files"
10040,	1,  "Deinstalling ORACLE instance files"
10041,  1,  "pfsroot file %s has been created on %s. Please run it as root user."
10042,  1,  "Failed to create pfsroot file %s on %s"
10050,  1,  "Alert: ORACLE_SERVICE is not set. Set it and rerun this script"
*Cause:  Environment variable is not set.
*Action: Set it.
10051,  1,  "Alert: DB_NAME is not set. Set it and rerun this script"
*Cause:  Environment variable is not set.
*Action: Set it.
10052,  1,  "Alert: could not find Real Application Clusters Guard configuration file %s"
*Action: Check if Real Application Clusters Guard configuration file exists.
10053,  1,  "Alert: cannot start the cluster"
*Cause:  Starting cluster failed.
*Action: Check cluster status and cluster log files.
10054,  1,  "Alert: cannot configure pack %s"
*Cause:  Configuring pack failed.
*Action: Check cluster status and cluster log files.
10055,  1,  "Alert: cannot configure data service %s"
*Action: Check cluster status and cluster log files.
10056,  1,  "Alert: node %s is down"
*Action: Check node status and cluster status.
10057,  1,  "Alert: errors in generating %s"
*Action: Check PFSSETUP log file.
10058,  1,  "Alert: check file %s"
*Action: Check PFSSETUP log files.
10059,  1,  "Alert: Real Application Clusters Guard installation terminated 
*Action: Check PFSSETUP log files.
10060,  1,  "Alert: could not generate file %s properly"
*Action: Check PFSSETUP log files.
10061,  1,  "Warning: start the cluster on other node before starting packs"
*Cause:  Node was not running in a cluster.
*Action: Start the node as part of the cluster first.
10062,  1,  "Alert: ORACLE_HOME is not set. Set it and rerun this script"
*Cause:  Environment variable is not set.
*Action: Set it.
10063,  1,  "ORACLE_BASE is not set"
*Cause:  Environment variable is not set.
*Action: None.
10064,  1,  "Selected option  "
*Cause:  Part of option chosen message.
*Action: None.
10065,  1,  "WARNING: DEINSTALL option selected. This would remove some installed files"
*Cause:  Warn users of the option chosen.
*Action: User will be prompted for a continue/not continue decision.
10066,  1,  "Enter a number between 1 and 7"
*Cause:  Chosen an incorrect option during PFSSETUP.
*Action: Enter a correct number for operation to perform.
10067,  1,  "invalid message number"
*Cause:  Message id does not exist in
*Action: Check message id being used. Verify it is in
10068,  1,  "Exiting! This host is not a member of cluster"
*Cause:  The host we are on is not listed as valid cluster member.
*Action: Check for valid hosts in config file.
10069,  1,  "user is not a member of Oracle owner\'s primary group. Exiting"
*Cause:  User does not belong to oracle user's primary group.
*Action: User is not a member of the group that is the primary group of oracle user.
10070,  1,  "the following files have incorrect checksums on host: "
*Cause:  These files have not been deployed witch correct checksums.
*Action: Deploy files again.
10071,  1,  "verifying checksums of deployed files on host"
*Cause:  Verifying checksums of deployed files on remote hosts.
*Action: None.
10072,  1,  "files deployed successfully"
*Cause:  checksums correct on remote host.
*Action: None.
10073,  1,  "Warning! Deploying files while one or more of the following packs are up: "
*Cause:  Not safe to deploy Real Application Clusters Guard files while packs are up.
*Action: Bring down the packs before deploying files.
10074,  1,  "Directory %s does not exist"
*Cause:  The directory required for OFS structure does not exist
*Action: Make sure the db_name is set correctly and proper case

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