Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Concepts
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A89867-02
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Oracle9i Real Application Clusters


Release 1 (9.0.1)

July 2001

Part No. A89867-02

Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Concepts, Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part No. A89867-02

Copyright © 1996, 2001, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: James W. Rawles.

Primary Contributors: David Austin, Mark Bauer, Mitch Flatland, Merrill Holt, and Michael Zoll.

Contributors: Lance Ashdown, Bill Bridge, Wilson Chan, Sashikanth Chandraserkaran, Sandra Cheever, Carol Colrain, Jonathan Creighton, Sohan DeMel, Connie Dialeris, Xing Du, Mitch Flatland, Deepak Gupta, Mike Hartstein, Eugene Ho, Wei Hu, Ashok Joshi, Bill Kehoe, Susan Kim, Jonathan Klein, Raj Kumar, Tirthankar Lahiri, Bill Lee, Sajjad Masud, Neil Macnaughton, Rita Moran, Kotaro Ono, Kant Patel, Stefan Pommerenk, Mark Porter, Darryl Presley, Brian Quigley, Rebecca Reitmeyer, Ann Rhee, Joao Rimoli, Pat Ritto, Roger Sanders, Daniel Semler, Vinay Srihari, Alok Srivastava, Bob Thome, Alex Tsukerman, Tak Wang, Shari Yamaguchi, and Tolga Yurek.

Graphic Designer: Valarie Moore.

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