Oracle9i Replication Management API Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A87502-01
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DBMS_MVIEW, 4 of 15


This procedure enables you to learn what is possible with a materialized view or potential materialized view. For example, you can determine if a materialized view is fast refreshable and what types of query rewrite you can perform with a particular materialized view.

Using this procedure is straightforward. You simply call DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW, passing in as parameters the schema and materialized view name for an existing materialized view. Alternatively, you can specify the SELECT string for a potential materialized view. The materialized view or potential materialized view is then analyzed and the results are written into either a table called MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE, which is the default, or to an array called MSG_ARRAY.

Note that you must run the utlxmv.sql script prior to calling EXPLAIN_MVIEW except when you direct output to a VARRAY. The script is found in the admin directory. In addition, you must create MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE in the current schema.


The following PL/SQL declarations that are made for you in the DBMS_MVIEW package show the order and datatypes of these parameters for explaining an existing materialized view and a potential materialized view with output to a table and to a VARRAY.

To explain an existing or potential materialized view with output to MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE:

 mv            IN VARCHAR2,
 statement_id  IN VARCHAR2:= NULL);

To explain an existing or potential materialized view with output to a VARRAY:

 mv          IN VARCHAR2,
 msg_array   OUT SYS.ExplainMVArrayType);


Table 15-4 EXPLAIN_MVIEW Procedure Parameters
Parameter  Description 

The name of an existing materialized view (optionally qualified with the owner name separated by a ".") or a SELECT statement for a potential materialized view. 


A client-supplied unique identifier to associate output rows with specific invocations of EXPLAIN_MVIEW


The PL/SQL varray that receives the output. Use this parameter to direct EXPLAIN_MVIEW's output to a PL/SQL VARRAY rather than MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE

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