Oracle9i Data Guard Broker
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A88807-01
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Oracle9i Data Guard Error Messages

This appendix lists the error messages returned by Oracle9i Data Guard. The messages are listed in ascending numerical order. For each message, the probable cause of the error and the recommended action to correct it are provided.

ORA-16501 "The Data Guard broker operation failed"

Cause: The Data Guard broker operation failed.

Action: See other messages for details.

ORA-16502 "The Data Guard broker operation succeeded with warnings"

Cause: The Data Guard broker operation succeeded with warnings.

Action: See other messages for details.

ORA-16503 "Site ID allocation failure"

Cause: Number of sites in the Data Guard configuration has exceeded the limit.

Action: Delete unused sites.

ORA-16504 "The Data Guard configuration already exists"

Cause: A request to create a Data Guard configuration was made on a site that is part of an existing configuration.

Action: Delete the existing configuration if you desire to create a new configuration.

ORA-16505 "Site ID is invalid"

Cause: The request contained an invalid site ID.

Action: Make the request again with a valid site ID.

ORA-16506 "Out of memory"

Cause: Process exceeded private or shared memory limits.

Action: Check for memory leaks, increase system parameters and restart.

ORA-16507 "Unrecognized request identifier"

Cause: The specified request identifier was not recognized by the Data Guard broker.

Action: Re-issue the request using a valid request identifier.

ORA-16508 "Channel handle not initialized"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16509 "The request timed out"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16510 "ksrwait"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16511 "ksrget"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16512 "Parameter exceeded maximum size limit"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16513 "Maximum requests exceeded"

Cause: Non-blocking commands were issued but responses are not read or the commands did not complete execution.

Action: Read pending responses or delete outstanding requests and try again.

ORA-16514 "The request was not found"

Cause: An attempt was made to read a response but a matching request was not found.

Action: Verify request identifier is valid and references a previously issued request.

ORA-16515 "No rcv channel"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16516 "The resource state is invalid"

Cause: Specified state is invalid for the resource.

Action: Verify resource state.

ORA-16517 "The object handle is invalid"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16518 "Unable to allocate virtual instance ID"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16519 "The resource handle is invalid"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16520 "Unable to allocate resource ID"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16524 "Unsupported operation"

Cause: A command or option is not supported in this release.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16525 "The Data Guard broker is not available"

Cause: The Data Guard broker has not been started yet, is initializing, or failed to start.

Action: If the broker has not been started yet, set DRS_START to true and allow the broker to finish initializing before making the request. If the broker failed to start, check the Data Guard log for possible errors. Otherwise, retry the operation.

ORA-16526 "Unable to allocate task element"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to allocate memory for a request.

Action: Increase the size of your system global area (SGA).

ORA-16527 "Unable to allocate SGA heap"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to allocate a heap within the SGA.

Action: Increase system global area (SGA) memory.

ORA-16528 "Unable to allocate PGA heap"

Cause: No space in process global area (PGA) to allocate heap

Action: Increase process virtual memory.

ORA-16529 "Bad sender ID"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16530 "Invalid buffer or length"

Cause: A NULL buffer or a length of zero is specified.

Action: Correct command parameters and retry.

ORA-16531 "Unable to post message"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16532 "Data Guard Configuration does not exist"

Cause: The Data Guard Configuration does not exist.

Action: Create a Data Guard Configuration prior to issuing other requests.

ORA-16533 "Inconsistent Data Guard broker state"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16534 "No more requests accepted"

Cause: The Data Guard broker is not accepting any more requests. The most common cause for this situation is that either a failover or switchover operation is in progress.

Action: Wait until the operation is complete and then re-issue the request.

ORA-16535 "Failover request rejected"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16536 "Unknown object type"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16537 "Child count exceeded"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16538 "No match on requested item"

Cause: The Data Guard broker did not recognize the specified property or state name.

Action: Verify command parameters and re-issue the request.

ORA-16539 "Task element not found"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16540 "Invalid argument"

Cause: One of the arguments for the specified request is invalid for the request type.

Action: Verify arguments and then re-issue the request.

ORA-16541 "Site is not enabled"

Cause: The site specified in the request is not enabled.

Action: Select an enabled site and re-issue the request.

ORA-16542 "Unrecognized operation"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16543 "Invalid request made to broker"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16544 "Unable to make request"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to accept the request.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16545 "Unable to get response"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to return the result of a previous request.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16546 "Missing or invalid piece"

Cause: The piece of the request to return was not specified or is invalid.

Action: Specify the piece of the response starting from 1.

ORA-16547 "Unable to delete request"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to delete the given request.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16548 "The resource is not enabled"

Cause: An attempt was made to modify or query a disabled Data Guard  resource.

Action: Enable the resource and re-issue the request.

ORA-16549 "Invalid string"

Cause: A request contains an invalid or NULL string value.

Action: Correct command parameters and retry.

ORA-16550 "Truncated result"

Cause: A string property value was truncated due to insufficient buffer size.

Action: Specify a larger receive buffer.

ORA-16551 "Short string copied"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16552 "The Data Guard broker process (DMON) failed to start"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16553 "The Data Guard broker process (DMON) failed to shutdown"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16554 "Translation not valid"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16555 "The Data Guard resource is not active"

Cause: An operation was attempted on a resource that is currently not active (off path).

Action: Verify resource is active.

ORA-16557 "The resource is already in use"

Cause: An attempt was made to create a duplicate resource.

Action: Check the resource to be added and be sure there are no duplicates.

ORA-16558 "The site specified for switchover is not a standby"

Cause: An attempt was made to switchover to a site that is not a standby site.

Action: Locate an enabled standby site and select that site as the target of the switchover.

ORA-16559 "Out of memory at %s"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services

ORA-16560 "Unable to convert document, syntax error at \"%s\" "

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16561 "Must use ONLINE parent state, syntax error at \"%s\" "

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16562 "Intended_state not used here, syntax error at \"%s\""

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16563 "Unable to add value, syntax error at \"%s\""

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16564 "Lookup failed, syntax error at %s"

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16565 "Duplicate property, syntax error at \"%s\""

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16566 "Unsupported document type"

Cause: The XML document submitted is not supported.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16567 "Data Guard broker internal parser error at \"%s\""

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16568 "Cannot set property %s"

Cause: The named property could not be modified. The property may not be editable or may not exist.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid property.

ORA-16569 "Data Guard Configuration is not enabled"

Cause: The requested operation requires the Data Guard Configuration to be enabled.

Action: Enable the Data Guard Configuration and re-issue the request.

ORA-16570 "Restart instance on site"

Cause: Internal error (unused).

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16571 "Data Guard Configuration data file creation failure"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to create the configuration data on permanent storage.

Action: Verify that your ORACLE_HOME area is available to the broker.

ORA-16572 "Data Guard Configuration data file not found"

Cause: The configuration datafile is either unavailable or does not exist.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16574 "Data Guard configuration data file not closed"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16575 "Data Guard configuration data file not un-identified correctly"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16576 "Failed to update Data Guard configuration data file"

Cause: A failure was encountered while the broker was updating the configuration data file on permanent storage.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16577 "Corruption detected in Data Guard configuration data file"

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected errors while loading the configuration data file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16578 "Failed to read Data Guard configuration data file"

Cause: A failure was encountered while the broker was reading the configuration data file on permanent storage.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16579 "Bad Data Guard NetSlave state detected"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16580 "Bad Data Guard NetSlave network link"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16581 "Data Guard NetSlave failed to send message to DRCX"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16582 "Data Guard connection process received error from NetSlave"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16583 "Bad Data Guard Connection Process DRCX state"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16584 "Illegal operation on a standby site"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16585 "Illegal operation on a primary site"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16586 "Data Guard broker unable to update configuration on site"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to update the configuration data file on a particular site.

Action: Verify that your Oracle Net connections are operational between the Data Guard sites.

ORA-16587 "Ambiguous object handle"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16588 "No more internal buffers"

Cause: See trace file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16589 "Data Guard Connect process detected a network transfer error"

Cause: See trace file.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16590 "No primary established in Data Guard configuration"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16591 "Unknown field \"%s\" in document"

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16592 "Missing field \"%s\" in document"

Cause: There was an error at the given token.

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16593 "XML conversion failed"

Cause: There was an error in the XML request document

Action: Correct the errors and submit the request again.

ORA-16594 "%s process discovered that DMON process does not exist"

Cause: The Data Guard NetSlave (NSV*) process(es) discovered that the Data Guard broker process (DMON) is not running.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and DMON process trace file to determine why the DMON process is missing.

ORA-16595 "NetSlave process %s failed to terminate"

Cause: The specified NetSlave process did not terminate at the request of the Data Guard broker.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16596 "Site is not a member of the Data Guard configuration"

Cause: A request was made on a site that is not a member of the Data Guard configuration.

Action: Re-issue the request on a site that is a part of the configuration.

ORA-16597 "Data Guard broker detects two or more primaries"

Cause: The Data Guard broker has detected two or more primary sites in the configuration and cannot continue.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16598 "The Data Guard broker has detected a mismatch in configuration"

Cause: The Data Guard broker on the site has detected a mismatch in configuration generation. This can occur when the primary site has a stale configuration.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16599 "The Data Guard broker has detected a stale configuration"

Cause: The Data Guard broker has detected a stale configuration during initialization on this site.

Action: The broker will automatically resolve this situation once the primary site completes its initialization.

ORA-16601 "Site contains required resources that are disabled"

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected disabled, required resources prior to performing an operation that needs those resources to be enabled.

Action: Enable all required resources and re-issue the request.

ORA-16602 "Resource must be disabled to perform this operation"

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a resource that can only be changed while that resource is disabled.

Action: Disable the resource and re-issue the request.

ORA-16604 "Unable to describe template using package \"%s\""

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to execute the OnDescribe function in the named package.

Action: Verify that the named package is loaded on the primary site. Also verify that the OnDescribe function is in the package.

ORA-16605 "Unable to delete template, template is in use"

Cause: The Data Guard broker was unable to delete the template because the template is still being used by one or more resources.

Action: Delete all of the resources using the template before deleting the template. You cannot delete the database template.

ORA-16606 "Unable to find property \"%s\""

Cause: The named property does not exist.

Action: Specify a valid property name and re-issue the request.

ORA-16607 "One or more sites have failed"

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected a failure on one or more sites.

Action: Locate the sites with a failure status and correct them.

ORA-16608 "One or more sites have warnings"

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected a warning status on one or more sites.

Action: Locate the sites with a warning status and correct them.

ORA-16609 "One or more resources have failed"

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected a failure on one or more resources on a site.

Action: Locate the resources with a failure status and correct them.

ORA-16610 "One or more resources have warnings"

Cause: The Data Guard broker detected a warning status on one or more resources on a site.

Action: Locate the resources with a warning status and correct them.

ORA-16611 "Operation aborted at user request"

Cause: The Data Guard broker aborted an operation at the user's request.

Action: No action required.

ORA-16612 "String value too long for attribute \"%s\""

Cause: The string value for the named attribute is too long.

Action: Use a shorter string.

ORA-16613 "Initialization in progress for site"

Cause: The site received a directive to change its initialization state or a change in its configuration before it has completed initialization.

Action: Wait until the site has completed initialization before issuing requests to modify runtime state or configuration.

ORA-16614 "Object has an ancestor that is disabled"

Cause: A request to enable an object that has an ancestor that is disabled was received by the server. The Data Guard broker has enabled the object to the extent that it can, but cannot fully enable the object until its ancestor is enabled.

Action: Determine the ancestor object that is disabled and enable that ancestor prior to enabling the child object.

ORA-16701 "Generic resource guard request failed"

Cause: Request to modify or query the resource failed.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for the reason for the failure, and re-issue the request.

ORA-16702 "Generic resource manager warning"

Cause: Request to modify or query the resource resulted in a warning.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for the reason for the warning, and if necessary re-issue the request.

ORA-16703 "Status of request is unknown"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16704 "A previous set state operation is pending"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16705 "Severe internal error in resource guard"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16706 "No resource guard is available"

Cause: No resource guard is available to service the request.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16707 "The value supplied to resource guard is invalid"

Cause: The value specified in the request is invalid.

Action: Check value and re-issue the request.

ORA-16708 "The state supplied to resource guard is invalid"

Cause: The state name specified is invalid for the resource.

Action: Check the state name and re-issue the request.

ORA-16709 "The resource guard is busy and cannot service the request"

Cause: Request to resource guard failed becuase the guard is busy.

Action: Wait for resource guard to finish the previous request and then re-issue the request.

ORA-16710 "The resource guard is out of memory"

Cause: The resource guard was unable to allocate memory while trying to service a request.

Action: Disable the configuration, shut down the Oracle database, increase system global area (SGA) size, and restart.

ORA-16711 "The resource guard index is out of bounds"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16712 "The resource handle is invalid"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16713 "The resource guard timed out while servicing the request"

Cause: The resource guard timed out while servicing the request.

Action: Verify that the operation is valid for the resource and then re-issue the request.

ORA-16714 "The resource guard exceeded its retry limit"

Cause: The resource guard exceeded its retry limit while trying to service a request.

Action: Verify that the resource is operational and then re-issue the request.

ORA-16716 "Clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST failed"

Cause: An attempt to clear the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16717 "Clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST failed"

Cause: An attempt to clear the LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST parameter failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16718 "Failed to locate the database resource"

Cause: The resource guard was unable to locate the database resource in the configuration.

Action: Add the database resource and then re-issue the request.

ORA-16719 "Unable to query V$ARCHIVE_DEST fixed view"

Cause: SQL statement to query V$ARCHIVE_DEST failed.

Action: Test and clear the problem using SQL*Plus.

ORA-16720 "No available LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters to use"

Cause: All LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters have been defined.

Action: Set some of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters to empty string.

ORA-16721 "Unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters"

Cause: An attempt of setting some of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16722 "Unable to set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameters"

Cause: An attempt of setting some of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST__STATE_n parameters failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16723 "The connect descriptor is missing from V$ARCHIVE_DEST"

Cause: The resource guard was unable to set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters.

Action: Reset the values of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter and re-issue the request.

ORA-16724 "The intended state for resource has been set to OFFLINE"

Cause: The intended state of the resource has been set to offline.

Action: If resource is managed, change intended state to online.

ORA-16725 "The phase supplied to resource manager is invalid"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16726 "The external condition supplied to resource manager is invalid"

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16727 "Resource guard cannot close database"

Cause: The resource guard could not close the database.

Action: Check if there any active sessions connected to the database, terminate them, then re-issue the request.

ORA-16728 "Log archive destination could not be set"

Cause: The resource guard could not set the log archive destination.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and the database alert log for further details.

ORA-16736 "Standby log archive destination parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set the standby log archive destination parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16737 "Log archive format parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set the log archive format parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16738 "Database file name convert parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set the database file name convert parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16739 "Log file name convert parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set log filename convert parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16740 "Log archive trace parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set log archive trace parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16741 "Control files parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set the control files parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16742 "Lock name trace parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set lock name trace parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16743 "FAL client parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set FAL client parameter.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16744 "FAL server parameter could not be set"

Cause: Resource guard could not set FAL server.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16745 "Resource guard encountered error during database dismount"

Cause: Resource guard could not dismount database.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16746 "Resource guard encountered error during database mount"

Cause: Resource guard could not mount database.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16748 "Resource guard encountered errors during database open"

Cause: Resource guard could not open database.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16751 "Resource guard encountered errors in switchover to primary"

Cause: Resource guard could not prepare to switch to primary.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16752 "Resource guard could not mount standby"

Cause: Resource guard could not mount standby.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16753 "Resource guard could not open standby database"

Cause: Resource guard could not open standby database.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16754 "Resource guard could not activate standby"

Cause: Resource guard could not activate standby.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16755 "Resource guard could not dismount standby"

Cause: Resource guard could not dismount standby.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16756 "Resource guard could not open standby readonly"

Cause: Resource guard could not open standby read-only.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16757 "Resource guard could not get property"

Cause: Resource guard failed to get property.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16758 "Resource guard could not verify property"

Cause: Resource guard failed to verify property.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16762 "Invalid database state"

Cause: Database is not in the intended state.

Action: Determine the reason for invalid state, and re-issue get status request.

ORA-16763 "Log transport service for some site unexpectedly online"

Cause: Log transport services for some site are online when they should be offline.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details. If necessary, stop log transport services for the site.

ORA-16764 "Log tranport service for some site unexpectedly offline"

Cause: Log transport services for some site are offline when they should be online.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details. If necessary, start log transport services.

ORA-16765 "Physical apply service unexpectedly online"

Cause: Physical log apply services are online when they should be offline.

Action: If necessary, stop physical log apply services.

ORA-16766 "Physical apply service unexpectedly offline"

Cause: Physical log apply services are offline when they should be online.

Action: If necessary, start physical log apply services.

ORA-16769 "Error executing apply_set procedure"

Cause: There was an error executing dbms_logstdby$apply_set procedure.

Action: Check the values for the property, and set configuration property again.

ORA-16770 "Error executing apply_unset procedure"

Cause: There was an error executing dbms_logstdby$apply_unset procedure.

Action: Check the values for the property, and set configuration set property again.

ORA-16771 "Error starting ARCH process(es)"

Cause: There was an error starting the archival processes.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16772 "Error in switching over between primary and standby databases"

Cause: There was an error during switchover of primary and standby databases.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16773 "Error in starting the physical apply service (MRP process)"

Cause: There was an error in starting physical log apply services (MRP process).

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16774 "Error in stopping the physical apply service (MRP process)"

Cause: There was an error in stopping physical log apply services (MRP process).

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16775 "The physical apply service terminated prematurely"

Cause: The physical apply service terminated prematurely with an error.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and database alert log for further details.

ORA-16776 "Health check of the log transport service failed"

Cause: Due to some internal failure, the database resource guard cannot complete the health check of log transport services.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and database alert log for further details.

ORA-16777 "Unable to find the destination entry of a site in V$ARCHIVE_DEST"

Cause: Some destination may be manually deleted, or no entry is available for Data Guard.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and database alert log for further details.

ORA-16778 "The log transport service for some site has an error"

Cause: Some problem in communicating with a standby site causes log transport services to fail.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and database alert log for further details. Query the LogXptStatus property to see the error message.

ORA-16779 "The destination parameter of some site has wrong syntax"

Cause: The destination is defined in the init.ora file with wrong syntax, and the Data Guard broker fails to update the destination when the log transport services are turned on.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log to see which site has the problem. Fix the syntax error in the initialization parameter file or remove the entry from the initialization parameter file. Check if the syntax of the property LogArchiveDestOptions is correct.

ORA-16780 "Some site has used up its quota"

Cause: Some site has used up its quota for storing archived redo logs.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log to see which site has the problem. Remove some archived logs at the standby site or increase its quota.

ORA-16781 "The status of log transport service for some site is unknown"

Cause: Log transport to some site has an unknown status.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and database alert log for further details.

ORA-16782 "Unable to get values of some critical configurable properties"

Cause: Log transport services cannot be turned on because some critical property values cannot be retrieved from Data Guard metadata.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log and database alert log for further details.

ORA-16783 "Some critical configurable property has not been set"

Cause: Log transport services cannot be turned on because some critical property has not been set.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log to see which property has not been set, and set it properly.

ORA-16784 "Unable to find a site with the name given in ArchiveDestDependency"

Cause: Property ArchiveDestDependency has a wrong value.

Action: Reset property ArchiveDestDependency to the correct name of the site that the standby depends on.

ORA-16785 "The primary database is not in ARCHIVELOG mode"

Cause: The primary database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Action: Reset the primary database to ARCHIVELOG mode by issuing ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG command.

ORA-16786 "Resource guard cannot access Data Guard metadata"

Cause: The metadata files do not exist or the Data Guard configuration has not been created.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log for further details.

ORA-16788 "Unable to set one or more database configuration property values"

Cause: This situation occurs when database resource guard attempts to set database initialization parameters through configuration properties. Typical causes of this error are:

  1. The values of LogArchiveDestOptions have syntax errors.

  2. The value of LogArchiveTrace is out of range.

  3. Database initialization parameter STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT cannot be set to AUTO because the database compatibility is not set to or higher.

Action: Check the Data Guard configuration log to see which property has the problem and reset the property correctly.

ORA-16900 "Unable to initialize client"

Cause: The client could not be initialized.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle support representative.

ORA-16901 "Unable to initialize environment"

Cause: The database environment could not be allocated and initialized.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle support representative.

ORA-16902 "Unable to allocate handle"

Cause: The database handles could not be allocated.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle support representative.

ORA-16903 "Unable to connect to database"

Cause: The database specified was unreachable because it does not exist or was not started.

Action: Correct the request or start the database and try again.

ORA-16904 "Unable to set attribute"

Cause: The server attributes could not be set.

Action: Check additional error messages.

ORA-16905 "Failed."

Cause: The given action failed.

Action: Check additional error messages.

ORA-16906 "Unable to accept commands: no memory"

Cause: No memory was available for the program.

Action: Increase memory and try again.

ORA-16907 "Missing field"

Cause: A required field was missing.

Action: Type "help" for syntax and try again.

ORA-16908 "Unknown option: \"%s\""

Cause: The given option is not supported.

Action: Try again using the proper command-line syntax.

ORA-16909 "Fatal Error. quitting..."

Cause: A fatal error was encountered.

Action: See additional error messages or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16910 "Unable to issue command to server"

Cause: Commands cannot be issued to the server.

Action: See additional error messages or contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16911 "Warning:"

Cause: An action succeeded with warnings.

Action: See error message and take appropriate action.

ORA-16912 "Unknown command \"%s\". Try \"help\""

Cause: An unknown command was issued.

Action: Try again using a valid command.

ORA-16914 "Missing connect string. Try \"help\""

Cause: The connect string for the database is missing.

Action: Try the command again with a valid connect string.

ORA-16916 "Missing site. Try \"help\""

Cause: The site name is missing.

Action: Try the command again using correct syntax.

ORA-16917 "Missing XML document. Try \"help\""

Cause: The XML document argument was missing.

Action: Try the command again using correct syntax.

ORA-16939 "Could not start up \"%s\" as primary"

Cause: The named site could not be started in the primary role.

Action: See additional messages.

ORA-16940 "Started \"%s\" as new primary"

Cause: The named site was started as the new primary site.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-16942 "Could not start up \"%s\" as standby"

Cause: The named site could not be started in the standby role.

Action: See additional messages.

ORA-16943 "Started \"%s\" as standby"

Cause: The named site was started as the new primary site.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-16944 "Failover succeeded. New primary is \"%s\""

Cause: The failover operation succeeded.

Action: No action is required.

ORA-16945 "Syntax error at \"%s\""

Cause: The given command could not be processed because a syntax error occurred at the named token.

Action: Try the command again using valid syntax.

ORA-16946 "Site \"%s\" was not found"

Cause: The named site could not be found.

Action: Try the command again using a valid site.

ORA-16947 "\"%s\" does not run in the primary role"

Cause: The named resource does not run in the primary role.

Action: Try the command again using a resource that runs in the primary role.

ORA-16948 "\"%s\" does not run in the standby role"

Cause: The named resource does not run in the standby role.

Action: Try the command again using a resource that runs in the standby role.

ORA-16949 "Resource \"%s\" was not found"

Cause: The named resource was not found.

Action: Try the command again using a valid resource.

ORA-16950 "Unable to retrieve \"%s\" for editing"

Cause: The named object could not be retrieved for editing.

Action: This is a bug. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16952 "Unable to describe configuration"

Cause: The configuration could not be described.

Action: The framework could not be contacted. Check to see that the DMON process is running.

ORA-16953 "Site or resource \"%s\" does not exist"

Cause: The named site or resource does not exist.

Action: Try the command again using a valid site or resource.

ORA-16954 "A resource cannot run on multiple sites this way"

Cause: An attempt was made to create a resource that depends on multiple sites. This is not possible using one command.

Action: Issue the command twice; once with the first site and a second time using the second site.

ORA-16955 "Unable to create or locate template"

Cause: The template could not be found.

Action: See additional error messages.

ORA-16956 "Missing template name"

Cause: The template name was omitted from the command.

Action: Try the command again using a valid template name.

ORA-16957 "Template \"%s\" was not found"

Cause: The named template could not be found.

Action: Try the command again using a valid template name.

ORA-16958 "Unable to convert document"

Cause: The document could not be converted.

Action: This is a bug. Contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-16959 "NULL answer from framework"

Cause: No answer came from the framework.

Action: The framework is not available. Check to see that the DMON process exists.

ORA-16960 "Status not available"

Cause: The status could not be retrieved.

Action: The framework is not available. Check to see that the DMON process exists.

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