Oracle9i Database Error Messages
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A90202-02
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Summary Advisor, Explain Rewrite, and Explain Materialized View Messages (QSM)

QSM-00501 unable to initialize Summary Advisor environment

Cause: The Summary Advisor external procedure initialization process failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-00502 OCI error

Cause: An OCI callback routine reported an error

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-00503 out of memory

Cause: Summary Advisor failed to allocate the necessary memory.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-00504 internal error

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-00505 syntax error

Cause: A syntax error occurred.

Action: Correct syntax error if possible or contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-00506 no fact-tables could be found

Cause: The fact-filter is not specified, and there are no fact-tables in the warehouse. A fact-table is a table having foreign-key constraints to one or more of the dimension-tables in the data warehouse.

Action: Check whether:

  • The fact-filter is correctly specified

  • The appropriate constraints exist

  • The user has privileges to access the tables

QSM-00507 no dimensions could be found

Cause: The database does not have any dimensions.

Action: Create the dimensions in your warehouse.

QSM-00508 statistics missing on tables/columns

Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics on one or more tables or columns. The Advisor needs cardinalities of all fact-tables, and of the level-keys of all dimensions in the data warehouse.

Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and summaries in the warehouse to collect statistics.

QSM-00509 invalid parameter

Cause: The indicated parameter has an invalid value.

Action: Supply a value in the proper range.

QSM-00510 statistics missing on summaries

Cause: The system metadata does not contain statistics on one or more summaries. The Advisor needs cardinalities of all summaries in the data warehouse.

Action: Run ANALYZE on the tables and summaries in the warehouse to collect statistics.

QSM-00511 invalid fact-tables specified in fact-filter

Cause: The tables specified in the fact-filter are not valid fact-tables. A fact-table must have foreign-key constraints to one or more of the dimension-tables in the data warehouse.

Action: Check whether:

  • The fact-filter is correctly specified

  • The appropriate constraints exist

  • The user has privileges to access the tables

QSM-00512 invalid summaries specified in the retention-list

Cause: The summaries specified in the retention-list are not valid.

Action: Check:

  • The spelling of the summary-names

  • Whether the summary-names are valid

  • The user has privileges to access the summary-names

QSM-00513 one or more of the workload tables is missing

Cause: One or both of the workload tables are missing. The two workload tables which should be present in the user's schema are V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 and V_192216243_F_5_E_15_8_1; the former is mapped to WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW and the latter to WORK$_MVIEW_USAGE. The workload tables are created by the Oracle Trace Formatter when the data-collection-file (ORACLESM.DAT) is formatted by the user.

Action: Check whether the Formatter succeeded in formatting the data collection. Sometimes the V_192216243_F_5_E_14_8_1 (that is, WORK$_IDEAL_MVIEW) may not be created whereas the other table is created. The most likely cause of this is the initialization parameters needed to invoke mview-rewrite are not enabled. Check your documentation for all the initialization parameters which need to be set for mview-rewrite to occur. Another possibility is no GROUP BY queries were issued during the time the data was collected, in which case, run the Trace collection for a longer time to get a representative sampling of the queries issued in the data warehouse.

QSM-00514 the size of must-retain summaries exceeds specified space limit

Cause: The specified space limit is greater than the size of must-retain summaries.

Action: Reduce the number of must-retain summaries or increase the space limit.

QSM-00515 operation cancelled by user

Cause: The operation has been cancelled by the user.

Action: No action required.

QSM-00516 illegal status detected for run

Cause: The run has encountered an illegal value in the status field of the mview$_adv_log table. This could be an internal error or an application error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-00517 Summary Advisor requires a COMPATIBLE setting of or greater

Cause: The current database has a compatibility setting that is earlier than the supported server version.

Action: Adjust the COMPATIBLE instance parameter to or higher.

QSM-00518 Java is not enabled. Please execute INITJVM.SQL and INITQSMA.SQL

Cause: The current database has not been created or upgraded to support Java stored procedures. Summary Advisor requires Java stored procedures.

Action: Connect to the database as a user with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install/initjvm.sql script. Next, execute the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/initqsma.sql script.

QSM-00519 Summary Advisor is not installed. Please execute INITQSMA.SQL.

Cause: The current database has not been created or upgraded to support Summary Advisor. Summary Advisor requires several Java stored procedures.

Action: Connect to the database as a user with SYSDBA privileges. Execute the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/initqsma.sql script.

QSM-01001 query rewrite not enabled

Cause: When query rewrite is disabled, no query rewrite will take place.

Action: Enable query rewrite with ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE ENABLE command.

QSM-01002 no query rewrite when OPTIMIZER_GOAL is rule based

Cause: Query rewrite will not occur when OPTIMIZER_GOAL is set to rule based.

Action: Change optimizer goal with ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_GOAL = "goal" command, where goal can be one of "CHOOSE", "FIRST_ROWS" or "ALL_ROWS".

QSM-01003 no query rewrite on DDL queries

Cause: If query contains any data definition operations, no query rewrite will take place. Note that some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE OUTLINE statements.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01007 query has NOREWRITE hint

Cause: When query contains a NOREWRITE hint, no query rewrite will take place for that query block.

Action: Remove the NOREWRITE hint from the query.

QSM-01008 no query rewrite for update queries

Cause: If a query has any SELECT FOR UPDATE operations, no query rewrite will take place.

Action: No action rquired.

QSM-01009 materialized view, string, matched query text

Cause: The query was rewritten using a materialized view, because query text matched the materialized view text.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01010 table(s) in the query not found in materialized view, string

Cause: Either the materialized view does not reference the base tables found in the query or it was found to be ineligible by query rewrite.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01011 when heuristic rewrite not set, rewrite hint required

Cause: When using a stored outline, a rewrite hint is required for query rewrite.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01012 SAMPLE clause present in FROM

Cause: If a query contains a SAMPLE clause, query rewrite will not take place.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01013 nested aggregates or CONNECT BY/START WITH clause present

Cause: If the query contains nested aggregates, CONNECT BY clause, or START WITH clause, query rewrite will not take place.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01014 top level operator in WHERE clause of the query is an OR

Cause: If the top-level operator in the WHERE clause is an OR and there is more than one table in the FROM list, then query rewrite will not take place.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01015 GROUP BY clause has non-columns

Cause: No query rewrite, if there is no valid column in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01016 Query rewrite does not support aggregate string

Cause: No query rewrite, if the query contains any DISTINCT aggregates other than COUNT, MIN, or MAX.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01018 single table materialized join view rewrite not required

Cause: Unless a REWRITE hint is used or cost based rewrite is turned on,a single base table is not replaced with a materialized join view as this will likely be larger.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01019 no suitable materialized view found to rewrite this query

Cause: There doesn't exist any materialized view that can be used to rewrite this query.

Action: Consider creating a new materialized view.

QSM-01020 materialized view, string, is ineligible

Cause: Materialized view is probably disabled or stale.

Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view or enabling it for rewrite.

QSM-01021 materialized view, string, not found in the hint list

Cause: There is a rewrite hint list specified in the query, but this materialized view is not among the hinted ones.

Action: Include this materialized view in the rewrite hint list.

QSM-01022 a more optimal materialized view than string was used to rewrite

Cause: Query Rewrite always chooses the most optimal materialized view based on certain parameters, such as cardinality of the materialized view, number of joins etc. The specified materialized view was found to be less optimal.

Action: To force using a materialized view, consider using a rewrite hint.

QSM-01025 materialized view, string, not found

Cause: The specified materialized view is not found in the database.

Action: Check the spelling or create a new materialized view.

QSM-01026 query rewrite is disabled for, string

Cause: Query rewrite could not use this materialized view, because query rewrite was not enabled for it.

Action: Enable query rewrite for the materialized view with ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW "mv" ENABLE QUERY REWRITE command, where "mv" is the name of the materialized view.

QSM-01028 materialized view, string, is currently being refreshed

Cause: Materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite while it is being refreshed.

Action: Rerun the query, after the refresh operation is completed.

QSM-01029 materialized view, string, is stale in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when the query rewrite integrity mode is set to ENFORCED.

Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode with ALTER SESSION QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE TOLERATED command.

QSM-01030 materialized view, string, has PL/SQL functions in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A materialized view with PL/SQL functions in its definition cannot be used for query rewrite when query rewrite integrity is set to ENFORCED.

Action: Consider running the query in STALE TOLERATED mode.

QSM-01031 materialized view, string, is stale in TRUSTED integrity mode

Cause: A stale materialized view cannot be used for query rewrite when the query rewrite integrity mode is set to TRUSTED.

Action: Refresh the materialized view or alter the rewrite integrity mode with ALTER SESSION QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE TOLERATED command.

QSM-01032 materialized view, string, not found

Cause: There was no associated metadata for the materialized view.

Action: Check the spelling and re-run the query.

QSM-01033 query rewritten with materialized view, string

Cause: The specified materialized view was used to rewrite the given query.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01034 materialized view, string, needs a dimension level to join table, string

Cause: One or more hierarchical relationship(s) in the table(s) could not be established.

Action: Consider adding a level in the dimension to provide the missing intra-table relationships.

QSM-01039 selection present on right hand side of an outer join

Cause: Query cannot be rewritten if any predicate contains a selection on the right hand side of an outer join.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01040 match between the materialized view (string) and query join graphs failed

Cause: Query rewrite will not take place if the joins in the query and the materialized view do not have any match.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01041 materialized view, string, does not match with a measure in the query

Cause: If a measure (such as SUM, AVERAGE) in the query cannot be matched or computed from the materialized view, it will not be used for rewrite.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01042 anchor and matching join arc check failed for string

Cause: If there is a lossy join in the materialized view that doesn't exist in the query, query rewrite will not take place.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01043 join back attempted on a table to the RHS of a semi or anti join for string

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required to a table that appears to the right hand side of a semi or anti-join.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01044 join back attempted on a view for string

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back to a table is required to find any missing columns.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01046 complex join back on correlated columns not allowed (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite will not occur if a join back is required on a column that is referenced by a sub-query.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01047 complex join back on non-MAV rewrite not allowed (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite can occur by means of a complex join back only during a MAV rewrite.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01048 join back level(s) not present (string)

Cause: Query Rewrite requires joining back to a level of a dimension to find a missing information.

Action: Consider creating a dimension.

QSM-01050 roll-up check failed for materialized view, string

Cause: A column in the query cannot be computed from the materialized view.

Action: Consider creating a dimension to supply the missing information.

QSM-01051 no support for rollup when a window function is present on the column

Cause: No query rewrite if a window function is present on a column that requires a roll-up to compute a measure.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01052 referential integrity constraint on table, string, not VALID in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires validated primary/foreign key constraints in ENFORCED query rewrite integrity mode.

Action: Validate the constraint or change the integrity mode with ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE_TOLERATED command.

QSM-01053 NORELY referential integrity constraint on table, string, in TRUSTED/STALE TOLERATED integrity mode

Cause: A join present in the materialized view requires RELY mode to be set on the primary/foreign key constraints.

Action: Set the RELY mode with ALTER TABLE <table> MODIFY CONSTRAINT <constraint> RELY command. Alternatively validate the constraint with ALTER TABLE <table> VALIDATE CONSTRAINT <constraint>.

QSM-01055 Query Rewrite failed to allocate the necessary materialized view join graph

Cause: Join graph allocation and initialization failed, possibly due to one or more undetermined operand(s).

Action: No action required.

QSM-01056 no query rewrite for this DDL expression

Cause: Some SELECT statements which are part of a DDL expression may be eligible for rewrite. These include CREATE AS SELECT and CREATE OUTLINE statements. The given query expression is a DDL expression, which doesn't fall in this category.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01057 no query rewrite for this DML expression

Cause: Current DML is being done using an updatable view, so it is not eligible for rewrite.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01058 materialized view, string, does not have column, string, for a joinback

Cause: A GROUP BY column in the query is not present in the GROUP BY clause of the materialized view. This usually requires a join back to a third table.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01059 HAVING clause in the query block is malformed

Cause: An illegal HAVING clause has been specified in the query.

Action: Correct the query syntax and run the query again.

QSM-01060 illegal subquery in the HAVING clause

Cause: When a HAVING clause has a subquery, then any references to the tables in the outer query should only reference the tables in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Correct the error in the syntax and rerun the query.

QSM-01061 illegal query expression

Cause: An illegal query was specified. Specifically one of the following criteria was not satisfied: (a) All (non-constant, non-aggregate) SELECT expressions in the query should be made up of group expressions. (b) All column references in the HAVING clause should come from the GROUP BY expressions. (c) If there is an ORDER BY clause, then all column references should come from the GROUP BY or SELECT clause, depending on whether the query selects DISTINCT.

Action: Correct the error in the syntax and rerun the query.

QSM-01062 query has one or more manual partition(s)

Cause: Query rewrite is not possible if query has any manual partitions.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01063 query has a dictionary table or view

Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any dictionary tables or views.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01064 query has a fixed table or view

Cause: Query rewrite is not allowed if query references any fixed tables or views.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01065 materialized view, string, cannot compute measure, string, in the query

Cause: If the materialized view cannot compute a measure in the query using the measures in its definition, then query rewrite will not occur.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01066 materialized view, string, does not have the column, string, from query

Cause: Query rewrite will not occur, if the materialized view cannot provide all the columns that the query has.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01067 materialized view, string, cannot support the query measure, string

Cause: An attempt was made to push a grouping function through an expression specified in the query to transform a measure. Query rewrite will not occur if this measure transformation failed.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01068 no dimensions present

Cause: An attempt was made to load a dimension, but there were no dimensions present.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01069 summary join graph for, string, does not have table, string

Cause: An attempt to locate an object that is part of a join failed.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01071 a lossy join in materialized view, string, from table, string, not found in query

Cause: All lossy joins in the materialized view must be present in the query for query rewrite to occur.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01072 materialized view, string, and query have different joins between tables, string

Cause: Anchors, if any, in the MV and query match, but the joins between these anchors in the MV and query are different.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01073 materialized view, string, has a join not found in query

Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the materialized view has some joins that query does not have

Action: No action required.

QSM-01074 materialized view, string, and query have different no of joins between tables, string

Cause: Query rewrite may not be possible if the query has some joins that the materialized view does not have between the same pair of tables.

QSM-01075 materialized view, string, does not support aggregate function, string

Cause: The specified aggregate function is not found in the materialized view.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01077 materialized view, string, is grouping at a higher level than query

Cause: If a query column, which is not present in the materialized view, can be obtained by a rollup within the materialized view, then it should group at a higher level than the materialized view.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01079 DML operation occurred on a table referenced by MV, string

Cause: If any dependent tables of a materialized view undergoes a DML operation, query rewrite may be restricted depending on the query rewrite integrity mode for the session. In this situation, query rewrite will take place only if the rewrite integrity mode is STALE_TOLERATED.

Action: Consider refreshing the materialized view chaning the rewrite integrity mode to STALE_TOLERATED.

QSM-01080 invalid dimension, string

Cause: This dimension table has authorization or compilation problems.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01081 no primary key or row id found for table, string, in MV, string

Cause: In order to obtain a missing column, the materialized view needs to join back to the above table. But it lacks the primary key or rowid for the table.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01082 Joining materialized view, string, with table, string, not possible

Cause: A column in the query is not found in the summary. To obtain the column, a join back of materialized view to the table by means of either the primary key, foreign key or rowid of the table is required. The specified materialized view does not have the primary key, foreign key, or rowid of the table to perform the join operation.

Action: Consider building a dimension-table to provide the missing information.

QSM-01083 query text not available - possible inline view

Cause: During the query rewrite transformation, the original query was possibly transformed into an inline view.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01084 materialized view, string, has anchor, string, not found in query

Cause: A table in a materialized view is an anchor, if it is not joined to any other table, or joined to other tables but each of its joins is either lossy or lossless with the above table being child-side table. If an anchor which is present in the materialized view is not found in the query, then query rewrite will not take place.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01085 materialized view, string, has a lossy join between tables, string

Cause: There are no primary key or foreign key constraints between these tables. Query rewrite is still possible if the lossy join between the above tables also appears in the query.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01086 dimension(s) not present or not used in ENFORCED integrity mode

Cause: Query rewrite does not use dimensions in ENFORCED query rewrite integrity mode. If a suitable dimension is present, consider chaning the current integrity mode to either TRUSTED or STALE_TOLERATED by using ALTER SESSION SET QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY command.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01087 query grouping on a column that cannot be derived from materialized view, string

Cause: Query is grouping on undetermined columns.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01091 cost based optimizer found query rewrite is more expensive

Cause: When cost based optimizer is ON, cost of the rewritten cursor is compared to the cursor generated without query rewrite, and the cheaper one is chosen for execution.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01092 mjv tries to rewrite a semi-join and primary key or rowid missing

Cause: Materialized join view tries to rewrite a semi-join (IN sub-query) and the primary keys or rowids of left tables of semi-joins are missing from MJV.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01093 anti-join marker not found in materialized join view

Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. For rewrite to succeed, MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01094 outer-join filter not found in materialized join view

Cause: Materialized join view has outer join while the query inner join. For rewrite to succeed, MV must have an anti-join marker like the rowid or primary key of the right tables of outer join.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01095 no suitable grouping_id found in materialized view with grouping sets

Cause: If materialized aggregate view contains grouping sets, then it must also contain the grouping_id() function. This function must contain all columns in the MV GROUP BY.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01096 Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates

Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets contains duplicates and no rewrite is supported for it. For example, GROUP BY GROUPING SET ((a), (a)) is not supported for rewrite.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01097 Materialized view with grouping sets has too long key

Cause: Materialized view with grouping sets has more that 64 different keys in its GROUP BY. No rewrite is supported.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01098 materialized view string clause more restrictive than query string clause

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01099 non-tolerated reference to stale portion of materialized view for table string

Cause: The materialized view is partially stale. It is stale with respect to one or more partitions in one or more of its detail tables. The request query references one or more such detail partitions.

Action: Change the selection criteria of the request to restrict the query to only the fresh portion of the materialized view, ALTER {SYSTEM|SESSION} QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY = STALE_TOLERATED, or refresh the materialized view.

QSM-01100 containment check failed for mv, string

Cause: The materialized view contains a selection condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause that is more restrictive than the corresponding selection condition in the request query.

Action: Change the selection criteria in the request query to be at least as restrictive as the selection criteria in the materialized view, or drop and recreate the materialized view using less restrictive selection criteria.

QSM-01101 rollups took place on mv, string

Cause: If query's GROUP BY has one of the higher levels of columns found in the materialized view, then the lower level columns in the materialized view will be rolled up to compute the desired results.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01102 materialized view, string, requires join back to table, string, on column, string

Cause: A column in the query does not appear in the materialized view. Query rewrite will try to obtain this column from the base table, by doing a join back to that column with the materialized view.

Action: No action required.

QSM-01103 there is a remote table, string, referenced in the query

Cause: Query rewrite does not support query with remote tables.

Action: No action required.

QSM-02001 clustered materialized view container table

Cause: The capability in question is not supported on a materialized view that has a clustered container table.

Action: Recreate the materialized view using a conventional container table.

QSM-02002 DISTINCT aggregate measure in SELECT list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the DISTINCT qualifier on an aggregate function.

Action: Remove the DISTINCT qualifier.

QSM-02003 aggregate function nested within an expression

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view contains an aggregate function invocation nested within an outer expression.

Action: Re-phrase the expression such that the aggregate function invocation is not nested.

QSM-02004 grouping column omitted from SELECT list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view contains a column or expression in the GROUP BY clause that is not also present in the list of output select expressions.

Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the output select list.

QSM-02005 named view in FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when a named view appears in the FROM list.

Action: Remove the named view from the FROM list.

QSM-02006 subquery in FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when a subquery appears in the FROM list.

Action: Remove the subquery from the FROM list.

QSM-02007 multiple instances of the same table or view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the same table or view occurs more than once in the FROM list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid multiple instances of the same table.

QSM-02008 non-join filter condition in WHERE or HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view has a selection condition (an expression not representing a join) in the WHERE or HAVING clause.

Action: Remove the selection filter expression.

QSM-02009 non-inner join

Cause: The capability in question is only supported with inner joins.

Action: Re-phrase the query using an inner join. Remove any outer joins.

QSM-02010 join predicate with operator other than equals (=)

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a relationship operator other than equals ("=") in a join in the WHERE clause. This is known as a non-equijoin.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the non-equijoin.

QSM-02011 a HAVING clause is present

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a HAVING clause.

Action: Remove the HAVING clause.

QSM-02012 a CONNECT BY clause is present

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a CONNECT BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the CONNECT BY clause.

QSM-02013 SELECT list includes a RAW data type expression

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses RAW data type in an expression.

Action: Remove the reference to the RAW expression.

QSM-02014 GROUP BY expression other than a column

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an expression other than a simple column reference in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to use only simple column expressions in the GROUP BY clause.

QSM-02015 Index-Organized Table (IOT) present in FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized// view references an Index-Organized Table in the FROM list.

Action: Remove the reference to the Index-Organized Table.

QSM-02016 clustered table in FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a clustered table in the FROM list.

Action: Remove the reference to the clustered table in the FROM list.

QSM-02017 subquery present in the HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a subquery in the HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the subquery in the HAVING clause.

QSM-02018 subquery present in the WHERE clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a subquery in the WHERE clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the subquery in the WHERE clause.

QSM-02019 materialized view references another materialized view in FROM clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is nested (that is, when it references another materialized view in its FROM list).

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid reference to the other materialized view.

QSM-02020 container column not in SELECT list with NOT NULL constraint

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view's container table has a column that does not correspond to an output expression in the select list, and that column has a NOT NULL constraint. This situation can result in problems during refresh since any new rows inserted into the materialized view will set that column to NULL.

Action: Disable or remove the NOT NULL constraint.

QSM-02021 set operator encountered in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses set operators such as UNION, UNION ALL, MINUS, and so on.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators.

QSM-02022 aggregate selections

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an aggregate expression in the HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an aggregate in the HAVING clause.

QSM-02023 nested cursor

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a nested cursor expression.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of a nested cursor expression.

QSM-02024 no GROUP BY clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view does not use a GROUP BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to use a GROUP BY clause.

QSM-02025 no aggregate functions

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses no aggregate functions.

Action: Re-phrase the query to use aggregate functions.

QSM-02026 non-AND conjunction in WHERE clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a conjunction other than AND (such as OR) in the WHERE clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the non-AND conjunction.

QSM-02027 group by ROLLUP

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the ROLLUP operator in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the ROLLUP operator.

QSM-02028 group by CUBE

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the CUBE operator in the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of the CUBE operator.

QSM-02029 PL/SQL function invocation

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view invokes a PL/SQL function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid use of PL/SQL functions.

QSM-02030 reduced precision specified for prebuilt materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is created with the WITH REDUCED PRECISION clause.

Action: DROP the materialized view and re-create it without using the WITH REDUCED PRECISION clause.

QSM-02031 materialized view cannot support any type of query rewrite

Cause: The materialized view cannot be used with query rewrite.

Action: Examine the other messages and documentation to determine the cause of the problem.

QSM-02032 no joins are present in the WHERE clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes no join conditions in the WHERE clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join.

QSM-02033 no filter conditions are present in the WHERE clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes no filter selection conditions in the WHERE clause.

Action: Add a filter condition.

QSM-02034 no joins are present in the HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes no joins in the HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join.

QSM-02035 no filter conditions are present in the HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes no filter condition in the HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to include a join.

QSM-02036 in-list present in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an IN list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of IN lists.

QSM-02037 cannot evaluate constant expression at compile time

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a compile-time non-constant expression in a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clauses. For example, WHERE X=1 uses a compile-time constant expression in a filter condition. WHERE X=MY_PLSQL_FUNCTION() uses a compile-time non-constant expression in a filter condition.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of compile-time non-constant expressions in filter conditions.

QSM-02038 Partition Change Tracking (PCT) is enabled

Cause: The Partition Change Tracking (PCT) capability is supported for this materialized view.

Action: No action required.

QSM-02039 top level materialized view query uses grouping sets

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses grouping sets.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of grouping sets.

QSM-02040 top level query contains GSets and the key is too long for rewrite

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a grouping set with too many keys.

Action: Reduce the number of grouping set keys.

QSM-02041 nested aggregate function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view nests an aggregate function invocation as an argument to another aggregate function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the nested aggregate function invocation.

QSM-02042 view or subquery in from list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a view or subquery in the FROM list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of views or subqueries in the FROM list.

QSM-02044 ORDER BY clause in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes an ORDER BY clause.

Action: Remove the ORDER BY clause.

QSM-02045 START WITH clause in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes a START WITH clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the START WITH clause.

QSM-02047 window function in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a window function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of window functions.

QSM-02048 outer join in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an outer join.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of outer joins.

QSM-02049 subquery using the ANY clause in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the ANY clause with a subquery.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ANY clause.

QSM-02050 subquery using the ALL clause in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the ALL clause with a subquery.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ALL clause.

QSM-02051 subquery using the NOT EXISTS clause in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the NOT EXISTS clause with a subquery.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the NOT EXISTS clause.

QSM-02052 subquery using a select list in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a select list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of a select list.

QSM-02053 collection subquery in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a collection subquery.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of collection subqueries.

QSM-02054 DISTINCT clause in select list in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the DISTINCT clause in the select list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause.

QSM-02055 materialized view references a packed object table or view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a packed object table or view.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of packed object tables or views.

QSM-02056 correlated variable and outer join in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a correlated variable and an outer join.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of correlated variables or outer joins.

QSM-02057 ROWNUM referenced in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references the ROWNUM function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the ROWNUM function.

QSM-02058 set operator in materialized view and compatibility mode is less than 9.0

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a set operator and the compatibility mode is less than 9.0.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of set operators or set the compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher.

QSM-02059 join may produce duplicate rows in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view contains a join condition that can result in duplicate rows in the materialized view.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the occurrence of duplicate rows in the materialized view.

QSM-02061 one or more joins present in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view contains joins.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the joins.

QSM-02062 GROUP BY clause in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the GROUP BY clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the GROUP BY clause.

QSM-02063 aggregate function in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an aggregate function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of aggregate functions.

QSM-02064 subquery in materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a subquery.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of subqueries.

QSM-02066 Oracle error: see RELATED_NUM and RELATED_TEXT for details

Cause: The capability in question is not supported because an attempt to create the materialized view would result in an error.

Action: Examine the associated Oracle error code in the RELATED_NUM column and the Oracle error text in the RELATED_TEXT column and address the problem.

QSM-02067 no partition key or PMARKER in select list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view unless the select list (and group by list if a GROUP BY clause is present) includes either the partition key of or a PMARKER function reference to the table in question.

Action: Add the partition key or a PMARKER function reference to the select list (and the GROUP BY clause, if present).

QSM-02068 relation is not a partitioned table

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relation in question is not a partitioned table.

Action: Change the query to reference a partitioned table.

QSM-02069 PCT not supported with multi-column partition key

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in question is partitioned on a multi-column key.

Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table partitioned on a single column key.

QSM-02070 PCT not supported with this type of partitioning

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the table in question uses certain types of partitioning.

Action: Re-phrase the query to reference a table that uses a type of partitioning that is supported for this capability.

QSM-02071 internal error: undefined PCT failure code

Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-02072 requirements not satisfied for fast refresh of nested materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported because one or more of the requirements for this capability have not been satisfied.

Action: Examine the relevant nested materialized view documentation in the Oracle9i Data Warehousing Guide and address the problem.

QSM-02073 non-primary key RepAPI materialized view is not fast refreshable

Cause: Fast refresh is supported for RepAPI materialized views only if it is also a primary key materialized view.

Action: Re-design the materialized view to be a primary key materialized view.

QSM-02074 materialized view over Heterogeneous Services link

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a heterogeneous link.

Action: Re-design the materialized view to avoid the use of the heterogeneous links.

QSM-02075 materialized view on synonym

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a synonym.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of synonyms.

QSM-02077 materialized view log is newer than last full refresh

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log was created after the creation or most recent complete refresh of the materialized view.

Action: Perform a complete refresh of the materialized view.

QSM-02078 materialized view log must have new values

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits new values.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the NEW VALUES clause.

QSM-02079 materialized view log must have ROWID

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits ROWIDs.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the ROWID clause.

QSM-02080 materialized view log must have primary key

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits primary keys.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log using the PRIMARY KEY clause.

QSM-02081 materialized view log does not have all necessary columns

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the relevant materialized view log omits columns referenced in the select list of the materialized view.

Action: Re-create the materialized view log and include all columns referenced in the select list.

QSM-02082 problem with materialized view log

Cause: The capability in question is not supported because of a problem with the materialized view log.

Action: Examine the relevant materialized view log and fast refresh documentation in the Oracle9i Data Warehousing Guide and address the problem.

QSM-02083 materialized view references PL/SQL function that maintains state

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a PL/SQL function that maintains state and which may not return the same value every time it is invoked against the same set of rows.

Action: Either re-phrase the query to avoid such a PL/SQL function or modify the PL/SQL function to avoid state maintenance and change its declaration accordingly.

QSM-02084 DISTINCT clause on a duplicate sensitive aggregate function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the DISTINCT clause in this context.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the DISTINCT clause.

QSM-02086 materialized view uses the MIN or MAX aggregate functions

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses the MIN or MAX function.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the MIN or MAX functions.

QSM-02088 materialized view omits at least one grouping key from the select list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view omits any grouping expressions from the select list.

Action: Include all GROUP BY expressions in the select list.

QSM-02090 SELECT includes an expression that is not just a column

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an expression in the select list that is not a simple column reference.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the expressions that are not simple column references.

QSM-02091 materialized view references a non-repeatable or session-sensitive expression

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an expression that may not return the same value each time it is invoked against the same set of rows or that may return different values depending on session parameters.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of such expressions.

QSM-02092 materialized view references a sequence number

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a sequence number.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to sequence numbers.

QSM-02093 materialized view uses an object REF clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses an object REF clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of an object REF clause.

QSM-02096 materialized view references a named view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a view.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to views.

QSM-02099 materialized view references a remote table or view in the FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a remote table or view in the FROM list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid references to remote tables or views.

QSM-02101 materialized view references a synonym in the FROM list

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a synonym in the FROM list.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the synonym.

QSM-02102 materialized view FROM list references an object in the SYS schema

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an object in the SYS schema.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the SYS schema.

QSM-02104 aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an aggregate function in a filter condition in the HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of aggregates in filter conditions in the HAVING clause.

QSM-02106 materialized view uses a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes a filter condition in the WHERE or HAVING clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of filter conditions in the WHERE or HAVING clauses.

QSM-02112 top level query has LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, or FULL OUTER join

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses these types of joins.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of these types of joins.

QSM-02113 expression in select list references multiple tables or views

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view includes an expression in the select list that references multiple tables or views.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of such expressions.

QSM-02114 no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates, and not >= 9.0 compatibility

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view has no GROUP BY clause, no aggregates, and compatibility mode is less than 9.0.

Action: Either re-phrase the query to avoid the include a GROUP BY clause or an aggregate function, or set compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher.

QSM-02115 materialized view references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a remote object and is refreshed ON COMMIT.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote object or alter the materialized view to be refreshed ON DEMAND.

QSM-02116 multiple master sites

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references multiple remote objects that reside at different remote instances.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of multiple master sites.

QSM-02117 missing GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions on GROUP BY columns

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses grouping sets but omits the relevant GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions.

Action: Re-phrase the query to include the relevant GROUPING_ID or GROUPING functions.

QSM-02118 duplicate grouping sets

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view redundantly references grouping sets.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the redundant grouping sets.

QSM-02119 internal error while analyzing required supporting aggregates

Cause: An internal Oracle error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-02120 compatibility mode must be 9.0 or higher

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the compatibility mode is less than 9.0.

Action: Set the compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher.

QSM-02121 set operator in a context not supported for fast refresh

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a set operator in this context.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the set operator.

QSM-02122 compatibility mode must be 8.1 or higher

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the compatibility mode is less than 8.1.

Action: Set the compatibility mode to 8.1 or higher.

QSM-02123 subquery and UNION materialized views must be primary key materialized views

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view is not a primary key materialized view and uses subqueries or the union operator in this context.

Action: Re-create the materialized view as a primary key materialized view.

QSM-02124 object type in WHERE clause

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references an object type in the WHERE clause.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the object type.

QSM-02125 subquery join conditions don't meet requirements for capability

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a subquery in a join in this way.

Action: Examine the relevant replication documentation concerning subquery materialized views and address the problem.

QSM-02126 no rowid at master site

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references a remote site that does not support rowids.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the reference to the remote site.

QSM-02127 not supported for this type materialized view by Oracle version at master site

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain constructs and references an older version, remote Oracle instance.

Action: Re-phrase the query to avoid the use of the construct or upgrade the remote Oracle instance.

QSM-02128 does not meet the requirements of a primary key materialized view

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view fails to meet the requirements of a primary key materialized view.

Action: Examine the relevant primary key materialized view replication documentation and address the problem.

QSM-02129 join or filter conditions are complex

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses a complex join or filter condition.

Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the join or filter condition.

QSM-02130 expression not supported for fast refresh

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view references certain, complex expressions.

Action: Re-phrase the query to simplify the expression.

QSM-02131 agg(expr) requires corresponding SUM(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the SUM function on the same argument.

Action: Add the SUM function to the select list.

QSM-02132 agg(expr) requires corresponding COUNT(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the COUNT function on the same argument.

Action: Add the COUNT function to the select list.

QSM-02133 agg(expr) requires corresponding MIN(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the MIN function on the same argument.

Action: Add the MIN function to the select list.

QSM-02134 agg(expr) requires corresponding MAX(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the MAX function on the same argument.

Action: Add the MAX function to the select list.

QSM-02135 agg(expr) requires corresponding AVG(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the AVG function on the same argument.

Action: Add the AVG function to the select list.

QSM-02136 agg(expr) requires corresponding VARIANCE(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the VARIANCE function on the same argument.

Action: Add the VARIANCE function to the select list.

QSM-02137 agg(expr) requires corresponding STDDEV(expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the STDDEV function on the same argument.

Action: Add the STDDEV function to the select list.

QSM-02138 agg(expr) requires corresponding agg(expr*expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of that same aggregate function on the square of the same argument.

Action: Add an invocation of the same aggregate function on the square of the same argument (that is, the argument multiplied by itself).

QSM-02139 agg(expr) requires corresponding agg(expr+expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of that same aggregate function on the same argument added to the same argument.

Action: Add the indicated aggregate function to the select list.

QSM-02140 agg(expr) requires corresponding SUM(expr*expr) function

Cause: The capability in question is not supported when the materialized view uses certain aggregate functions but omits an invocation of the SUM function on the square of the same argument (the argument multiplied by itself).

Action: Add the SUM function on the square of the argument.

QSM-02141 the reason why the capability is disabled has escaped analysis

Cause: The EXPLAIN_MV analysis engine has failed to capture the reason why the given capability is not possible.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

QSM-02142 COUNT(*) is not present in the select list

Cause: The materialized view query omits COUNT(*) from the select list.

Action: Add COUNT(*) to the select list.

QSM-02143 SUM(expr) without COUNT(expr)

Cause: SUM(expr) occurs in the select list without a corresponding COUNT(expr).

Action: Add COUNT(expr) to the select list.

QSM-02144 aggregate functions are present without a GROUP BY clause

Cause: One or more aggregate functions are present in the select list but a GROUP BY clause is not used.

Action: Add a GROUP BY clause.

QSM-02145 GROUP BY clause is present but no aggregate functions are used

Cause: A GROUP BY clause is used but no aggregate functions are present in the select list.

Action: Add an aggregate function to the select list.

QSM-02146 see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT is disabled

Cause: REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled for the same reason that REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT is disabled.

Action: Correct the problem with REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_INSERT.

QSM-02147 default date format is sensitive to session settings

Cause: You have specified a date conversion operation using either the default format or an incomplete format. The default date format or an incomplete format is sensitive to session settings, and therefore may not be reproducible across different environments.

Action: Specify a complete date format string.

QSM-02148 many to many subquery joins require 9.0 compatibility or higher

Cause: You have specified a many to many join in your materialized view while running in less than 9.0 compatibility mode.

Action: Set your compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02149 ON COMMIT with this materialized view requires 9.0 compatibility or higher

Cause: You have specified a materialized view that uses some combination of the following in combination with the REFRESH ON COMMIT option while running in less than 9.0 compatibility mode:

  • Joins

  • Aggregation

  • Filter conditions in the WHERE clause

  • A remote relation in the FROM list

  • A SUM(x) function without a corresponding COUNT(x) function

  • An omitted COUNT(*) aggregate function

  • A MIN() or MAX() aggregate function

Action: Set your compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02150 select lists must be identical across the UNION operator

Cause: You have specified a materialized view using the UNION operator and the respective queries on each side of the UNION operator do not have the same select list. The RELATED_NAME column shows the alias of the first different select list item. The RELATED_NUM column shows the offset from the SELECT keyword to the start of this select list item.

Action: Restructure the materialized view query such that the respective sides of the UNION operator have identical select lists.

QSM-02151 subquery or named view in FROM list and < 9.0 compatibility

Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a subquery or named view in its top level FROM list while running in less than 9.0 compatibility mode.

Action: Set compatibility mode to 9.0 or higher or restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02152 subquery or named view in FROM list even after view merging

Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a subquery ore named view in its top level FROM list that could not be merged during the view merging process.

Action: Restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02153 view or subquery in FROM list not supported for this type materialized view

Cause: You have specified a materialized view that references a view or a subquery in the top level FROM list but does not include aggregation. The indicated capability is not supported for this type of materialized view.

Action: Restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02154 no joins or aggregation in materialized view

Cause: You have specified a materialized view that uses no joins or aggregation. The indicated capability is not supported for this type of materialized view.

Action: Restructure the materialized view query.

QSM-02161 see the reason why REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled

Cause: REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ANY_DML is disabled for the same reason that REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML is disabled.

Action: Correct the problem with REFRESH_FAST_AFTER_ONETAB_DML.

QSM-02162 the detail table does not have a materialized view log

Cause: The fast refresh cannot be performed because the master table does not contain a materialized view log.

Action: Use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG statement to create a materialized view log on the master table.

QSM-02163 cannot use object id columns from materialized view log

Cause: The materialized view log either does not have object id columns logged, or the timestamp associated with the object id columns is more recent than the last refresh time.

Action: A complete refresh is required before the next fast refresh. Add object id columns to the materialized view log, if required.

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