iSQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88826-01
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SQL*Plus Error Messages, 2 of 4

SQL*Plus Error Messages and Codes

SP2-0002 ACCEPT statement must specify a variable name.

Cause: Required variable name was missing after the ACCEPT command.

Action: Re-enter the ACCEPT command with a variable argument to store the input value.

SP2-0003 Ill-formed ACCEPT command starting as command_string

Cause: An invalid option was used in the ACCEPT command.

Action: Check the syntax of the ACCEPT command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct option.

SP2-0004 Nothing to append

Cause: There was no specified text entered after the APPEND command.

Action: Re-enter the APPEND command with the specified text.

SP2-0006 Not enough room to format computations

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to format computations.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0015 No break(s) defined

Cause: There was no break defined.

Action: Define a break. Check the syntax of the BREAK command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0016 Break specification must start with ON/BY or ACROSS keyword

Cause: An invalid option was used in the BREAK command.

Action: Check the syntax of the BREAK command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0017 Missing column name after 'keyword_name' keyword

Cause: There was no column name after the specified keyword.

Action: Enter a column name after the specified keyword.

SP2-0019 Invalid numeric argument to option_name option

Cause: An invalid numeric argument was used in the specified option.

Action: Correct the argument and try again.

SP2-0020 No storage available for column_name

Cause: An error has occurred. SQL*Plus was unable to allocate memory for a BREAK command.

Action: Allocate more memory by closing some applications.

SP2-0022 Cannot allocate space to modify the buffer_name buffer variable

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0023 String not found

Cause: The search string specified was not found.

Action: Check the search string to make sure that it is valid.

SP2-0024 Nothing to change

Cause: There was nothing in the SQL buffer when using the CHANGE command.

Action: Make sure the SQL buffer is not empty before using the CHANGE command.

SP2-0025 Invalid change string

Cause: An invalid option was used in the CHANGE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the CHANGE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0026 No lines to delete

Cause: There was nothing in the SQL buffer when using the DEL command.

Action: Make sure the SQL buffer is not empty before using the DEL command.

SP2-0027 Input is too long (> max_characters characters) - line ignored

Cause: The input value specified was too long.

Action: Re-enter with fewer characters.

SP2-0028 INTERNAL SQL*Plus ERROR - Invalid mode (mode_number)

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Note the message and number, and contact Oracle Support Services.

SP2-0029 Command buffer space exhausted

Cause: A large SQL or PL/SQL script is being executed from SQL*Plus.

Action: Reduce the size of the SQL statement or PL/SQL block by one of the following:

  • Remove extra white space and comments.

  • Re-code to use fewer commands and/or shorter variable names.

  • Place sections of the block into stored (or packaged) procedures, and then call these procedures from the block.

SP2-0030 No room for another line

Cause: The maximum number of lines in a SQL statement or PL/SQL block has been exceeded.

Action: Reduce the number of lines and try again.

SP2-0038 Command too long. (max_characters characters)

Cause: The specified command entered was too long.

Action: Check Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the limitation.

SP2-0039 Command line overflow while substituting into command_name

Cause: The maximum length of the command line has been exceeded.

Action: Reduce the length of the substitution string.

SP2-0042 Unknown command command_name - rest of line ignored

Cause: The command entered was not valid.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0044 For a list of known commands enter HELP and to leave enter EXIT

Cause: An unknown command was entered.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0045 No column_name defined

Cause: No columns have been defined.

Action: No action required.

SP2-0046 column_name not defined

Cause: The column name specified was not defined.

Action: Retry again with a valid column name.

SP2-0047 Invalid number for option_name option

Cause: An invalid number was used for this option.

Action: Re-try the operation with a valid number.

SP2-0051 Switch value is switch_value and is not handled properly

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Note the message and number, and contact Oracle Support Services.

SP2-0052 Like column_name, column_name not defined

Cause: The column which the format is based on was not defined.

Action: Use the COLUMN command to make sure the column the format is based on is defined first.

SP2-0054 No room to allocate definition_name definition. Ignored

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COLUMN command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0055 Out of room while allocating portion of new definition_name.
Old definition (if any) retained

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to store the new definition.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0080 No COMPUTES currently defined

Cause: No COMPUTE definition.

Action: Define a COMPUTE. Check the syntax of the COMPUTE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0081 Maximum of number COMPUTE functions allowed at a time

Cause: The maximum of COMPUTE functions has been exceeded.

Action: Reduce the number of COMPUTE functions.

SP2-0082 No COMPUTE functions requested

Cause: No COMPUTE functions requested.

Action: No action required.

SP2-0083 Warning: COMPUTE option function_name specified number times

Cause: A label or a function was specified more than once.

Action: Remove the unnecessary labels or functions.

SP2-0084 COMPUTE ON keyword specified already

Cause: The ON keyword was specified more than once.

Action: Specify the ON keyword once in the command.

SP2-0085 COMPUTE OF keyword specified already

Cause: The OF keyword was specified more than once.

Action: Specify the OF keyword once in the command.

SP2-0087 No room to allocate COMPUTE control block for column_name

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0088 Missing keyword_name keyword.
Usage: STORE [SET filename[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]]

Cause: Missing a keyword in the statement.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the options of the command you used, and use the keyword in the appropriate place.

SP2-0092 Missing columns for keyword_name keyword

Cause: The column name was not been specified for the keyword.

Action: Specify the column name and try again.

SP2-0096 No more room to allocate INTO variable variable_name

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0097 No storage to allocate ON column column_name

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0098 No storage to allocate COMPUTE block for column_name

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the COMPUTE command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0103 Nothing in SQL buffer to run

Cause: Nothing was in the SQL buffer to run.

Action: Enter a valid SQL command.

SP2-0105 Illegal, or missing, entity name

Cause: File name was not specified in the GET or SAVE commands.

Action: Specify a file name and try again.

SP2-0107 Nothing to save

Cause: Nothing in the SQL buffer when attempting to save the content to a file.

Action: Enter a SQL command to save.

SP2-0108 The names CREATE, REPLACE, APPEND, and abbreviations may not be used

Cause: The file name specified was the word "file".

Action: Put the name in single quotes.

SP2-0109 Cannot append to file file_name

Cause: An attempt was made to append the content of the SQL buffer to a file and the file could not be written. Possible causes:

  • An error was encountered when creating the destination file.

  • A directory name specified in the SAVE statement was not found.

  • A system error made it impossible to open the file.

Action: Take the following actions

  • Check that the destination is valid and that there is sufficient space on the destination device.

  • Check the statement for a typing mistake in the directory name. Then issue the statement again after correcting the directory name.

SP2-0110 Cannot create save file file_name

Cause: An attempt was made to save the content of the SQL buffer to a file and the file could not be written. Possible causes:

  • An error was encountered when creating the destination file.

  • A directory name specified in the SAVE statement was not found.

  • A system error made it impossible to open the file.

Action: Take the following actions:

  • Check that the destination is valid and that there is sufficient space on the destination device.

  • Check the statement for a typing mistake in the directory name. Then issue the statement again after correcting the directory name.

SP2-0111 Cannot close save file file_name

Cause: The file was in use.

Action: Release the file from the other process.

SP2-0116 Illegal SAVE command

Cause: An invalid option was used in the SAVE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SAVE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0134 No symbols currently defined

Cause: No DEFINE symbols were defined.

Action: No action required.

SP2-0135 Symbol symbol_name is UNDEFINED

Cause: The specified symbol was undefined.

Action: Re-enter the DEFINE command with an assignment clause or a valid symbol or variable name.

SP2-0136 DEFINE requires an equal sign (=)

Cause: Expecting an equal sign after a symbol or variable name in the DEFINE command.

Action: Specify an equal sign after the symbol or variable name.

SP2-0137 DEFINE requires a value following equal sign

Cause: There was no value for the variable or symbol. SQL*Plus expected a value to be assigned to a symbol or variable name after the equal sign.

Action: Specify a value for the symbol or variable.

SP2-0138 DEFINE variable not added (no room)

Cause: Maximum number of variables that can be defined in a SQL*Plus session was exceeded.

Action: UNDEFINE any unused variables to make room for this variable and re-run the command.

SP2-0145 Udalnk is not 12345. Probably a link error

Action: The SQL*Plus executable is not linked correctly.

Action: Make a note of the message and the number, then contact the System Administrator to re-link SQL*Plus.

SP2-0146 Unable to allocate dynamic space needed (number_of_bytes bytes) - exiting

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Note the message and number, and contact the System Administrator.

SP2-0152 ORACLE may not be functioning properly

Cause: Unable to initialize a session to the Oracle instance.

Action: Make a note of the message and the number, then contact Database Administrator.

SP2-0157 Unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus

Cause: Unable to connect to Oracle after three attempts.

Action: Validate login details and re-try.

SP2-0158 Unknown command_name option "option_name"
SET NEWP[AGE] [1 | n | NONE]

Cause: An invalid option was specified for the given command.

Action: Check the syntax of the command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0160 Unable to open file_name

Cause: Possible causes:

  • The file was not found under the specified name in the specified location.

  • File lacked the necessary privileges to open the file.

  • A system error made it impossible to open the file.

Action: Take the following actions:

  • Make sure the file name specified is stored in the appropriate directory.

  • Make sure that the file has the privileges necessary for access. If it does not then change privileges accordingly.

  • Consult operating system documentation or contact the System Administrator.

SP2-0161 Line line_number truncated

Cause: The line in the file was too long.

Action: No action required or reduce the length of the line.

SP2-0162 Unable to close file_name

Cause: Unable to close the specified file as it was being used.

Action: Release the file from the other process.

SP2-0171 HELP not accessible

Cause: On-line SQL*Plus help is not installed in this Oracle instance.

Action: Contact the Database Administrator to install the on-line help.

SP2-0172 No HELP available

Cause: There is no help information available for the specified command.

Action: Contact the Database Administrator to install the help system.

SP2-0176 Option ? Is invalid

Cause: The option ? is not a valid in this command.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options for the command you used.

SP2-0187 Error in variable assignment

Cause: The assignment for the specified variable was incorrect.

Action: Refer to the ACCEPT command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" and correct the syntax.

SP2-0223 No lines in buffer_name buffer

Cause: There are no lines stored in the buffer.

Action: Enter SQL statements into the buffer.

SP2-0224 Invalid starting line number

Cause: The line number specified was incorrect.

Action: Check and make sure that the line number is correct and try again.

SP2-0225 Invalid ending line number

Cause: The line number specified was incorrect.

Action: Check and make sure that the line number is correct and try again.

SP2-0226 Invalid line number current_line_number

Cause: Invalid line number was specified.

Action: Re-enter with a valid line number.

SP2-0232 Input too long. Must be less than number_of_characters characters

Cause: The input value was too long.

Action: Reduce the size of the value and re-enter.

SP2-0233 Unable to obtain userid after number_of_attempts attempts. Retry command

Cause: SQL*Plus was unable to login after three attempts.

Action: Make sure the userid and password is correct and try again.

SP2-0240 Enter value for variable_name:

Cause: A substitution variable was used and SQL*Plus was unable to find a value for that variable.

Action: Enter a value at the prompt for the substitution variable.

SP2-0241 No room for symbol symbol_name:(not defined)

Cause: Unable to allocate memory for the symbol.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0244 Cannot issue a PRINT command within a PAGE break

Cause: The PRINT command is not allowed within a PAGE break.

Action: Check Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct syntax.

SP2-0245 Unable to allocate temporary storage for printing

Cause: Unable to allocate temporary storage for printing.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0246 Illegal FORMAT string column_ format_name

Cause: An invalid format was specified for the column.

Action: Specify a valid format for the column.

SP2-0249 variable_name not a valid variable type for printing

Cause: The specified variable is not valid for printing.

Action: Check the variable type before re-typing the command.

SP2-0253 Data item line_number (data_item_name) will not fit on line

Cause: The current line size setting is too small to fit the specified data item on a line.

Action: Increase the line size so that the item can be displayed.

SP2-0258 Could not create variable variable_name for column column_name

Cause: The specified variable could not be created for column - internal error or out of memory.

Action: Check memory usage.

SP2-0259 Could not create variable variable_name for COMPUTE INTO

Cause: The specified variable could not be created.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct option of the command you used.

SP2-0260 Computation for column column_name not uniquely qualified.
Could be for table table_name or table_name. Computation ignored

Cause: The specified column was not uniquely qualified in the statement.

Action: Check syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct option of the command you used.

SP2-0262 No room to allocate CCBDEF pointer array

Cause: An internal memory error occurred.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0263 No room to allocate COMPUTE block for column_name
ON page/report/column_name

Cause: Insufficient memory allocated to the COMPUTE block.

Action: Allocate more memory by closing other applications.

SP2-0265 option_name must be set ON or OFF

Cause: An invalid SET option name was specified.

Action: Re-enter with either ON or OFF as one of the SET options.

SP2-0266 Internal error: buffer (buffer_size) smaller than l (buffer_limit)

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0267 option_name option parameter_number (lower_range through upper_range)

Cause: A value for a parameter was out of the specified range.

Action: Check the limits of the parameter and enter a value that is within the limit.

SP2-0268 option_name option not a valid number

Cause: Non-numeric value (integer) was entered for a parameter.

Action: Enter a valid numeric value (integer).

SP2-0271 variable_name is not a buffer variable

Cause: The specified variable was not defined as a buffer.

Action: Make sure that the buffer variable name is correct and try again.

SP2-0272 character_name character cannot be alphanumeric or white-space

Cause: The specified character in the SET command cannot be alphanumeric or white-space.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct option of the command you used.

SP2-0277 entered_value value not valid

Cause: The value entered was incorrect.

Action: Re-enter with a valid value.

SP2-0281 option_name missing set option
[-M[ARKUP] \"HTML [ON|OFF] [HEAD text] [BODY text]

Cause: SET option was missing in the command.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0306 Invalid option

Cause: Invalid option was specified for the command.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0308 Cannot close spool file

Cause: The file is currently being used.

Action: Release the file from the other process.

SP2-0309 SQL*Plus command procedures may only be nested to a depth of

Cause: Maximum number of nested procedures or scripts was reached.

Action: Reduce the number of nested procedures or scripts.

SP2-0310 Unable to open file file_name

Cause: Unable to open the specified file.

Action: Check and make sure the file name is valid.

SP2-0311 String expected but not found

Cause: SQL*Plus was expecting a string at the end of the command, but could not find it.

Action: Retry the command with a valid string. Check the syntax in the Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options for the command you used.

SP2-0312 Missing terminating quote (quote_type)

Cause: The DESCRIBE command schema or object did not have a terminating quote.

Action: Close the opening quotation mark with the corresponding closing quotation mark.

SP2-0317 Expected symbol name is missing

Cause: SQL*Plus was expecting a symbol, but it was not specified.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options for the command you used.

SP2-0318 Symbol name beginning variable_name.. Is too long (max max_name_length)

Cause: Specified variable name exceeded the maximum name length.

Action: Reduce the size of the symbol name and re-enter.

SP2-0323 No room to add timing element - request denied

Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the TIMING command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0324 Operating system timing error error_option_number - request denied

Cause: The TIMING command failed to initialize due to a possible operating system error.

Action: Resolve the operating system error and try again.

SP2-0325 No timing elements to option_name

Cause: There are no timers recorded to SHOW or STOP.

Action: Check that timers were created with the TIMING command.

SP2-0328 No room to allocate title buffer

Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the TTITLE or BTITLE command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0332 Cannot create spool file

Cause: Possible causes:

  • Insufficient privileges to create a file.

  • A system error made it impossible to create a file.

Action: Take the following actions:

  • Change privileges to allow creation of the file.

  • Consult the operating system documentation or contact the System Administrator.

SP2-0333 Illegal spool file name: "spool_name " (bad character: `character_name')

Cause: An invalid filename was entered in the SPOOL command.

Action: Correct the filename and re-enter.

SP2-0341 Line overflow during variable substitution (>number_of_characters characters at line line_number)

Cause: The maximum number of characters was exceeded in the SQL buffer after the substitution variable has been expanded.

Action: Reduce the length in the substitution variable and try again.

SP2-0357 Out of temporary storage

Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0359 Memory exhausted

Cause: Unable to allocate memory while trying to run the command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0381 command_name is not available

Cause: The command specified is not implemented.

Action: Use the appropriate SQL*Plus command. Refer to Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for a list of commands and their correct syntax.

SP2-0382 The command_name command is not available

Cause: The command was not recognized, or it is disabled. This occurs if it is a command that does not have any meaning in SQL*Plus (such as a SQL buffer editing command), or it is not allowed for security reasons.

Action: Remove the command from the script. Refer to Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for a list of commands and their correct syntax.

SP2-0392 Cannot UNDEFINE the current edit buffer

Cause: The current edit buffer cannot be undefined.

Action: No action required.

SP2-0394 Illegal buffer name: buffer_name

Cause: An buffer name contained an illegal character, for example hyphen (-).

Action: Correct and remove the illegal character from the buffer name.

SP2-0395 Usage: SQLPLUS [[<option>] [<login>] [<start>]]
Where <option> ::= -H | -V | [[-M <o>] [-R <n>] [-S]]
-H displays the SQL*Plus version banner and usage syntax
-M <o> uses HTML markup options <o>
-V displays the SQL*Plus version banner
-S uses silent mode
-R <n> uses restricted mode <n>
<login> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_string>] | / | /NOLOG
<start> ::= @<filename>[.<ext>] [<parameter> ...]

Cause: A SQL*Plus command option was invalid.

Action: Check the syntax for the SQLPLUS command in "Starting SQL*Plus and Getting Help" in Chapter 7 of the SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference, for the correct usage.

SP2-0423 Illegal GET command

Cause: An invalid option was used in the GET command.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0425 value is not a valid number

Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not a number.

Action: Correct the entry and enter a valid number.

SP2-0426 Input truncated to number_of_characters characters

Cause: There was no carriage return at the last line of the SQL statement.

Action: Insert a carriage return.


Cause: An option to WHENEVER SQLERROR was invalid in SQL*Plus.

Action: Specify a valid option.

{ CONTINUE [ COMMIT | ROLLBACK | NONE ] | EXIT [ SUCCESS | FAILURE |WARNING | n | <variable> | :<bindvariable> | OSCODE ] [COMMIT | ROLLBACK ] }

Cause: An option to WHENEVER OSERROR was invalid in SQL*Plus.

Action: Specify a valid option.

SP2-0480 A missing FROM or TO clause uses the current SQL*Plus connection.
Usage: COPY FROM <db> TO <db> <opt> <table> [(<cols>)] USING <sel>
<db> : database string, e.g., hr/hr@d:chicago-mktg
<opt> : ONE of the keywords: APPEND, CREATE, INSERT or REPLACE.
<table>: name of the destination table.
<cols> : a comma-separated list of destination column aliases.
<sel> : any valid SQL SELECT statement.

Cause: Usage for COPY command was specified incorrectly.

Action: Specify a valid option.

SP2-0495 FROM and TO clauses both missing; specify at least one

Cause: The FROM and TO clauses were missing from the COPY statement.

Action: Specify at least one clause. Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0496 Misplaced FROM clause

Cause: The FROM keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0497 Misplaced TO clause

Cause: The TO keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0498 Missing parenthetical column list or USING keyword

Cause: A parenthetical list was missing in the column list or the USING keyword is missing in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0499 Misplaced APPEND keyword

Cause: The APPEND keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0501 Error in SELECT statement: Oracle_database_error_message

Cause: Invalid SELECT statement found in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0513 Misplaced CREATE keyword

Cause: The CREATE keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0514 Misplaced REPLACE keyword

Cause: The REPLACE keyword was in the wrong position in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0515 Maximum number of columns (max_num_columns) exceeded

Cause: An error occurred with the COPY command, maximum number of columns was exceeded in the command.

Action: Reduce the number of columns and try again.

SP2-0516 Invalid command_name name NULL encountered

Cause: Either COLUMN or ATTRIBUTE command used a null column name. Invalid column name specified in the command.

Action: Retry the operation with a valid column name.

SP2-0517 Missing comma or right parenthesis

Cause: A missing command right parenthesis was identified in the COPY command.

Action: Retry the operation with a comma or right parenthesis.

SP2-0518 Missing USING clause

Cause: USING keyword is missing in the USING clause of the COPY command.

Action: Specify the USING keyword before the query statement.

SP2-0519 FROM string missing Oracle Net @database specification

Cause: Missing connect string for the database that contains the data to be copied from in the COPY command.

Action: Re-specify the database. By omitting the FROM clause, the source defaults to the database to which SQL*Plus is connected. Include a FROM clause to specify a source database other than the default.

SP2-0520 TO string missing Net8 Oracle Net @database specification

Cause: Missing connect string for the database containing the destination table in the COPY command.

Action: Re-specify the database. By omitting the TO clause, the source defaults to the database to which SQL*Plus is connected. Include a TO clause to specify a source database other than the default.

SP2-0526 Misplaced INSERT keyword

Cause: The INSERT keyword is misplaced in the COPY command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COPY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0540 File file_name already exists. Use SAVE filename[.ext] REPLACE

Cause: The file specified already exists.

Action: Use the REPLACE option to overwrite the existing file, otherwise, specify another file name.

SP2-0545 SET command requires an argument

Cause: An argument was missing in the SET command.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0546 User requested Interrupt or EOF detected

Cause: Either end-of-file was reached, or CTRL-C was entered to cancel the process.

Action: No action required.

SP2-0547 option_name option value out of range (lower_value through upper_value)

Cause: An out of range was reached for the specified SET option.

Action: Check the limits for the option and re-try the operation.


Cause: Usage message for VARIABLE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the VARIABLE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0549 Usage: PRINT [:<variable> ...]

Cause: Usage message for PRINT command.

Action: Check the syntax of the PRINT command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.


Cause: Usage message for SHOW ERRORS command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SHOW ERRORS command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0552 Bind variable variable_name not declared

Cause: The specified bind variable was not declared.

Action: Check the search string to make sure that it is valid.

SP2-0556 Invalid file name

Cause: Missing file name or an invalid file name specified.

Action: Make sure that a file name was specified.

SP2-0559 EXEC[UTE] statement

Cause: Usage message of the EXECUTE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the EXECUTE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0560 Usage: DESCRIBE [schema.]object[.subobject|@db_link] [column]

Cause: Usage message of the DESCRIBE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the DESCRIBE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0561 Object does not exist

Cause: The specified object you tried to DESCRIBE does not exist in the database.

Action: Retry the command with a valid object name.

SP2-0562 Object does not exist in package

Cause: The specified object you tried to DESCRIBE does not exist in the package.

Action: Check and make sure that the object name is correct.

SP2-0564 Object object_name is INVALID, it may not be described

Cause: The specified object you tried to DESCRIBE is invalid.

Action: Re-validate the object.

SP2-0565 Illegal identifier

Cause: Invalid character used in the DESCRIBE command.

Action: Correct the character and try again.

SP2-0566 Illegal sub-object specification

Cause: Invalid sub-object specification in the DESCRIBE command.

Action: Correct the subject specification and try again.

SP2-0567 Illegal column specification for PL/SQL object

Cause: It is illegal to describe a column within an object in the DESCRIBE command.

Action: Remove the column specification in the DESCRIBE command and try again.

SP2-0568 No bind variables declared

Cause: There are no bind variables declared.

Action: No action required.


Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET SERVEROUTPUT command.

Action: Specify a valid option.


Cause: An invalid option was specified in the SET FLAGGER command.

Action: Specify a valid option.

SP2-0581 Object object_name is a package; use 'DESCRIBE package.procedure'

Cause: A package cannot be described as a stand-alone, it must be supplied with a sub-object, such as procedure.

Action: Use the DESCRIBE command to describe a sub-object within a package.

SP2-0582 Usage: [EXIT | QUIT] [SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n |<variable> | :<bindvariable>] [COMMIT | ROLLBACK]

Cause: An option to EXIT was invalid in SQL*Plus.

Action: Specify a valid option.

SP2-0584 EXIT variable variable_name was non-numeric

Cause: The specified EXIT variable is non-numeric.

Action: Check the syntax of the EXIT command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0590 A COMPUTE function must appear before each LABEL keyword

Cause: The function COMPUTE must appear before each LABEL keyword.

Action: Check the syntax of the COMPUTE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0591 Unable to allocate dynamic space needed (number_of_bytes bytes)
Try reducing ARRAYSIZE or the number of columns selected

Cause: Unable to allocate memory to process the command.

Action: Free up additional memory by: closing applications not required; reducing the size of the command, or statement; or by recoding the query to select fewer records.

SP2-0593 Label text must follow the LABEL keyword

Cause: Missing label text about the LABEL keyword in the COMPUTE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the COMPUTE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0594 Usage: SET COLSEP [" \" text]

Cause: Usage for SET COLSEP command.

Action: Specify a valid option.


Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET AUTO[COMMIT].

Action: Check the syntax of the SET AUTOCOMMIT command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0597 datatype _name is not a valid datatype _name format

Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not in the specified datatype.

Action: Correct the datatype and re-enter.

SP2-0598 value_name does not match input format "format_name"

Cause: The value entered in the ACCEPT command was not in the specified format.

Action: Correct the format and try again.

SP2-0599 Usage: SET EDITF[ILE] filename[.ext]

Cause: Required filename was missing after the SET EDITFILE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SET EDITFILE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0603 Usage: Illegal STORE command.
STORE [SET] filename[.ext] [CRE[ATE]|REP[LACE]|APP[END]]

Cause: An invalid STORE option was specified. Valid command clauses are CREATE, REPLACE or APPEND.

Action: Check the syntax of the STORE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0605 File file_name already exists. Use another name or STORE [SET] filename[.ext] REPLACE

Cause: The file specified in the STORE command already exists.

Action: Use the REPLACE option to overwrite the existing file, otherwise, specify another file name.

SP2-0606 Cannot create file file_name

Cause: The STORE command was unable to create the specified file. There may be insufficient disk space, too many open files, or read-only protection on the output directory.

Action: Check that there is enough disk space and that the protection on the directory allows creating a file.

SP2-0607 Cannot close file file_name

Cause: The STORE command was unable to close the specified file. Another resource may have locked the file.

Action: Check that the file is not locked before closing it.

SP2-0608 Object object_name is a remote object, cannot further describe

Cause: Unable to DESCRIBE the remote object.

Action: No action required.


Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET AUTOTRACE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SET AUTOTRACE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0610 Error initializing feature_name

Cause: Not enough memory to enable this feature.

Action: Free up additional memory by closing applications not required, or reduce the size of the command, statement or query output.

SP2-0612 Error generating report_name report

Cause: Unable to generate the report using AUTOTRACE.

Action: Make a note of the message and the number, then contact the Database Administrator.

SP2-0613 Unable to verify PLAN_TABLE format or existence

Cause: An AUTOTRACE command was issued when the current user did not have the appropriate privilege to execute it.

Action: Make sure AUTOTRACE has the privileges and the objects to run. Make a note of the message and the number, then contact the Database Administrator.

SP2-0614 Server version too low for this feature

Cause: The current version of the Oracle Server is too low for this feature.

Action: Use a higher version of the Oracle Server.

SP2-0617 Cannot construct a unique STATEMENT_ID

Cause: Unable to construct a unique statement ID in AUTOTRACE.

Action: Check that AUTOTRACE is configured and that you have the PLUSTRACE role enabled.

SP2-0618 Cannot find the Session Identifier. Check PLUSTRACE role is enabled

Cause: Unable to find the session identifier.

Action: Check and make sure that the PLUSTRACE role is enabled.

SP2-0619 Error while connecting

Cause: An error occurred while AUTOTRACE attempted to make a second connection to the database instance.

Action: Check that the database limit on number of active sessions has not been exceeded.

SP2-0620 Error while disconnecting

Cause: An error occurred while AUTOTRACE attempted to disconnect from the database instance.

Action: Check that the database is still available.

SP2-0621 Error ORA -error_number while gathering statistics

Cause: No data was found in the PLAN_TABLE while gathering statistics while using AUTOTRACE.

Action: Refer to the Oracle9i Error Messages for the specified ORA error message.

SP2-0622 Starting line number must be less than ending line number

Cause: The starting line number specified is larger than the ending number.

Action: Re-enter the starting line number with a smaller line number.

SP2-0623 Error accessing PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE.
Warning: Product user profile information not loaded!
Error in disabling roles in product user profile

Cause: These error messages are warnings that the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table has not been built in the SYSTEM account.

Action: The exact format of the file extension and location of the file are system dependent. See the SQL*Plus installation guide provided for your operating system. The script must be run as user SYSTEM.

SP2-0625 Error printing variable variable_name

Cause: Error encountered while printing the specified variable.

Action: Check and make sure that the specified variable is correct and try again.

SP2-0626 Error accessing package DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO

Cause: This message is followed by a successful login to the Oracle Server. The DBMS_APPLICATION package is used to maintain on-line information about a particular application logged onto Oracle. SET APPINFO could not be initialized.

Action: This package is created during the running of the CATPROC.SQL and should be available on all databases from Oracle 7.2. Check that your database is correctly installed.

SP2-0631 String beginning string_name is too long.
Maximum size is string_length characters

Cause: The string specified was too long.

Action: Reduce the size of the specified string and re-try the operation.

SP2-0640 Not connected.
PASSW[ORD] [username]

Cause: The PASSWORD command was issued when there was no connection to the Oracle instance

Action: Connect to the Oracle instance and re-try the operation; connect to the database before re-issuing the PASSWORD command.

SP2-0641 command_name requires connection to server

Cause: SQL*Plus was unable to execute the command because there was no connection to a database.

Action: Connect to a database and re-try the operation.

SP2-0642 SQL*Plus internal error state error_state context error_number.
Unsafe to proceed

Cause: An internal error occurred.

Action: Make a note of the message and the numbers, then contact Oracle Support Services.

SP2-0645 Operating System error occurred
Unable to complete EDIT command

Cause: An operating system error occurred with the EDIT command.

Action: Check that the file was created successfully, and verify that the device you are writing to is still available.

SP2-0650 New passwords do not match

Cause: The new passwords entered did not match.

Action: Re-issue the PASSWORD command and make sure the same new passwords are entered correctly.

SP2-0659 Password unchanged

Cause: The PASSWORD command failed to change passwords because:

  • No passwords were given.

  • The new passwords did not match.

Action: Re-issue the PASSWORD command and make sure that the new passwords are entered correctly.

SP2-0666 WARNING: SHIFTINOUT only affects shift sensitive character sets

Cause: The NLS character set used in this session does not contain shift sensitive characters. The SET SHIFTINOUT command is unnecessary.

Action: No action required.

SP2-0667 Message file facility<lang>.msb not found

Cause: The SP1, SP2, or CPY message file could not be found. SQL*Plus cannot run.

Action: Check the Oracle platform specific documentation to make sure SQL*Plus is installed correctly. This may occur because the ORACLE_HOME environment variable or registry equivalent is not set to the location of the Oracle software. Make sure this value is set correctly. Check that the SQL*Plus binary message files exists in the SQL*Plus message directory, for example $ORACLE_HOME/sqplus/mesg. Check the value of NLS_LANG environment variable or registry equivalent is correct.

SP2-0668 Invalid variable name

Cause: An invalid character was specified as part of the name.

Action: Specify the variable with valid characters.

SP2-0669 Valid characters are alphanumerics and '_'

Cause: An invalid character was specified as part of the name.

Action: Specify the variable with alphanumeric characters and '_'.

SP2-0670 Internal number conversion failed

Cause: A conversion request could not be performed because the string contained alphanumeric characters.

Action: Make sure that the string only contain numeric digits.

SP2-0675 COPY command not available

Cause: The COPY command is not available in this version of SQL*Plus.

Action: Make a note of the message and the number, then contact Oracle Support Services.

SP2-0676 Bind variable length cannot exceed variable_length units_of_variable

Cause: The length of the bind variable datatype was exceeded.

Action: Reduce the length of the bind variable datatype.

SP2-0678 Column or attribute type can not be displayed by SQL*Plus

Cause: The type specified is not supported.

Action: Rewrite the query to select the data with types that SQL*Plus supports.

SP2-0685 The date entered_variable is invalid or format mismatched format

Cause: An invalid date was entered or does not match the format.

Action: Enter a valid date or date format.

SP2-0686 Usage: DESCRIBE [schema.]object[@db_link]

Cause: Usage for the DESCRIBE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the DESCRIBE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0691 Expected SYSDBA or SYSOPER, not command_name

Cause: Attempted to use the CONNECT AS syntax and specified something other than SYSDBA or SYSOPER.

Action: Correct the syntax and issue the CONNECT command again.

SP2-0692 Usage: CONN[ECT] [login] [AS [SYSDBA|SYSOPER]]
Where <login> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_string>] | /

Cause: Usage for SQL*Plus CONNECT command.

Action: Check the syntax for the CONNECT command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0714 Invalid combination of STARTUP options

Cause: The specified options of the STARTUP command cannot be used simultaneously.

Action: Check the syntax of the STARTUP command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0715 Invalid combination of SHUTDOWN options

Cause: The specified options of the SHUTDOWN command cannot be used simultaneously.

Action: Check the syntax of the SHUTDOWN command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0716 Invalid combination of ARCHIVE LOG options

Cause: The specified options of the ARCHIVE LOG command cannot be used simultaneously.

Action: Check the syntax of the ARCHIVE LOG command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct usage.

SP2-0717 Illegal SHUTDOWN option

Cause: An invalid option was used in the SHUTDOWN command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SHUTDOWN command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0718 Illegal ARCHIVE LOG option

Cause: An invalid option was used in the ARCHIVE LOG command.

Action: Check the syntax of the ARCHIVE LOG command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0728 Specify log: [<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL]

Cause: This is a RECOVER DATABASE command prompt, prompting for the redo log files to be applied.

Action: Enter one of the above options.

SP2-0729 Cannot SET INSTANCE while connected to a database

Cause: There is a problem with the connection instance while issuing the SET INSTANCE command.

Action: Disconnect from the instance before re-issuing the command.

SP2-0733 Invalid connect string

Cause: Invalid connect string was specified.

Action: Check and make sure that connect string is correct.

SP2-0734 Unknown command beginning command_name ... - rest of line ignored

Cause: The command entered was invalid.

Action: Check syntax and re-enter.

SP2-0735 Unknown command_name option beginning option_name

Cause: An invalid option was specified for a given command.

Action: Check the syntax in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options of the command you used.

SP2-0736 Command line overflow while substituting into line beginning string_name

Cause: The maximum length of the command line was exceeded.

Action: Reduce the length of the data in the substitution variables used in the command.


Cause: Usage message for SET DESCRIBE command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SET DESCRIBE command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0738 Restricted command command_name not available

Cause: The command was restricted by the -RESTRICT command-line option for security reasons.

Action: Ask your systems administrator why SQL*Plus should be run with a "-RESTRICT" option.

SP2-0745 Usage: SET SQLPLUSCOMPAT[IBILITY] version.release.[update]

Cause: An invalid option was used in the SET SQLPLUSCOMPAT[IBLITY] command.

Action: Check the syntax of the SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBLITY command in Chapter 5, "Command Reference" for the correct options.

SP2-0746 command_option option out of range (lower through upper )

Cause: The specified value was not in the range.

Action: Specify a value in the range.

SP2-0747 PAGESIZE must be at least max_page_size to run this query with LINESIZE line_size

Cause: The PAGESIZE setting was too small to display the specified LINESIZE.

Action: Increase the PAGESIZE to at least match the specified LINESIZE.

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