This is an illustration of the Add to Chart dialog.

Along the right side of the dialog are the Add, Cancel, Explain, and Help buttons.

When adding computers to monitor, the Browse button (identified by "...") at the top of the dialog is used to browse to the computer that you want to select.

Directly below the Computer field is the Object pull-down list where you can select the object you want to monitor, such as datafiles.

Directly below the Object field is the Counter window. Select the counter units (phyrds/sec or phywrts/sec) you would like to use.

To the right of the Object and Counter box is the Instance box where you can select an instance for the counter you chose.

Along the bottom is a row of pull down menus that you can use to specify the Color, Scale, Width, and Style of the line graph displayed in the Performance Monitor.

When you complete your selections, the Add button is used to finish the process.