Oracle Objects for OLE
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A90173-01


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CreateNamedSession Method Example

This example demonstrates the use of ConnectSession and CreateNamedSession to allow an application to use a session it previously created, but did not save. Copy this code into the definition section of a form. Then press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()

'Declare variables

Dim dfltsess As OraSession

Dim OraSession As OraSession

Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase

Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset

'Create the default OraSession Object.

Set dfltsess = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")

'Try to connect to "ExampleSession". If it does not exist

'an error is generated.

On Error GoTo SetName

Set OraSession = dfltsess.ConnectSession("ExampleSession")

On Error GoTo 0

'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.

Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)

'Create the OraDynaset Object.

Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset("select * from emp", 0&)

'Display or manipulate data here

Exit Sub


'The session named "ExampleSession" was not found, so create it.

Set OraSession = dfltsess.CreateNamedSession("ExampleSession")

Resume Next

End Sub

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