Oracle Objects for OLE
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A90173-01


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CreatePlsqlDynaset Method Example

This example demonstrates the use of PL/SQL cursor in the CreatePlsqlDynaset method and Refresh method.

This example returns PL/SQL cursor as a dynaset for the different values of DEPTNO parameter.

Make sure that corresponding stored procedure (found in EMPCUR.SQL) is available in the Oracle Server.

and paste this code into the definition section of a form, then press F5.

Sub Form_Load ()

'Declare variables

Dim OraSession As OraSession

Dim OraDatabase As OraDatabase

Dim OraDynaset As OraDynaset

'Create the OraSession Object.

Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")

'Create the OraDatabase Object by opening a connection to Oracle.

Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase("ExampleDb", "scott/tiger", 0&)

' Create the Deptno parameter

OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "DEPTNO", 10, ORAPARM_INPUT

OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO").ServerType = ORATYPE_NUMBER

' Create OraDynaset based on "EmpCursor" created in stored procedure.

Set OraDynaset = OraDatabase.CreatePLSQLDynaset("Begin Employee.GetEmpData (:DEPTNO,:EmpCursor); end;", "EmpCursor", 0&)

'Should display KING

MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value

'Should display 7839

MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").Value

' Now set the deptno value to 20

OraDatabase.Parameters("DEPTNO").Value = 20

'Refresh the sqlstmt


'Should display JONES

MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("ENAME").Value

'Should display 7566

MsgBox OraDynaset.Fields("EMPNO").Value

'Remove the parameter.

OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove ("DEPTNO")

End Sub

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