Oracle Objects for OLE
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A90173-01


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Quick Tour with Visual Basic

Employee Form
Batch Insert Form

This quick tour is designed to get you started with Oracle Objects for OLE for Visual Basic. We use an example employee database application to show you how to code basic database operations such as navigating through data, adding, modifying, and querying records. A more advanced section is also included on how to perform batch inserts using parameter arrays and SQL statement objects.

The entire code for this example application is provided in the ORACLE_HOME\OO4O\VB\SAMPLES\QT\ directory.

This quick tour covers the topics below. You can also learn how to code a particular function by clicking the button in the
Employee Form window.


About the Employee Database Application

Getting Started: Steps to Accessing Oracle Data


Navigating Through Data

Adding Records

Updating Records

Deleting Records

Querying the Database

Inserting Rows in Batch

Using the Connection Pool Management Facility

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