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Send and Respond Message Attributes

Once you create a message, you can define as many message attributes as necessary for that message. Message attributes are listed beneath a message in the navigator tree.

The source (Send or Respond) of a message attribute determines how the message attribute is used. When you define a message attribute with a source of 'Send', you can embed the message attribute in the subject and/or body of the message for token substitution. In addition, you can attach the message attribute to the message when the notification is sent.

Each message attribute has a specific data type. The value of a 'Send' message attribute can be a constant or can be a value returned by an item type attribute of that same data type. To embed a message attribute in a message's subject or body for token substitution, specify the internal name of the message attribute using the format &MESGATTR within the subject or body text.

Note: You should not embed a message attribute of type Document in a message's subject, since Document message attributes cannot be be token substituted in the subject. For a DM Document message attribute, the attribute's display name will be substituted in the subject. All other types of Document message attributes embedded in the subject will be ignored.

You can, however, embed Document message attributes within the body of a message for token substitution.

A message attribute defined with a source of 'Respond' constitutes the response section of a message. A 'Respond' message attribute provides instructions that prompts a recipient for a response. When you define a 'Respond' message attribute, you must specify the data type of the attribute. You can also provide an optional default value for the response. The default value can be a constant or a value returned from an item type attribute of the same data type.

See Also

To Create a Message

To Define a Message Attribute


#FROM_ROLE Attribute

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