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Event System Demonstration

The Event System Demonstration is an example of using events to transmit business documents between two systems. You initiate the demonstration process by entering a purchase order on one system. Oracle Workflow generates a purchase order XML document and sends this document to a second system. The second system processes the purchase order and sends back to the first system three XML documents representing a purchase order acknowledgement, an advanced shipment notice, and an invoice.

You can initiate this example process if you are using the standalone version of Oracle Workflow. If you are using Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, you should consider this process mainly as an example for explanation purposes and not for demonstration use. The files necessary to set up and run this demonstration are not provided with the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications.

Attention: For detailed information about runnable workflow processes that are integrated with Oracle Applications or Oracle Self-Service Web Applications, refer to the appropriate Oracle Applications User's Guide or online documentation. See: Predefined Workflow Embedded in Oracle Applications and Oracle Self-Service Web Applications.

Before running the Event System Demonstration, you must set up a Buyer system and a Supplier system to use in the demonstration.

Note: You can either set up two separate systems, or you can use the same system as both the Buyer and the Supplier.

Then you can initiate an Event System Demonstration process on the Buyer system from the Workflow Demonstrations web page. When you initiate the process, you must specify an order number, item number, item description, deliver date, total amount, and order requestor role for the purchase order.

When you submit the purchase order, the order information is inserted into a database table and a purchase order event is raised with the order number as the event key. Because a subscription to this event requires the complete event data, the Event Manager runs the Generate function for the event to produce a valid purchase order XML document.

Raising the purchase order event triggers two subscriptions to this event that have the source type Local. The first subscription adds a correlation ID to the event message. The correlation ID consists of the prefix PO followed by the event key (the order number). The second subscription sends the event to the Buyer: Top Level PO process in the Event System Demonstration item type. The Workflow Engine creates a new instance of this process with the correlation ID as the item key.

During the purchase order processing in the Buyer: Top Level PO process, a standard external Java function activity retrieves the name of the order requestor from the purchase order XML document, so that the process can send notifications to the requestor. The purchase order event message is sent to the Supplier system, and then the process waits to receive responses from the supplier.

When the purchase order event arrives at the Supplier system, two subscriptions to this event with the source type External are triggered. The first subscription changes the correlation ID in the event message to consist of the prefix SO followed by the event key (the order number). The second subscription sends the event to the Supplier: Top Level Order process in the Event System Demonstration item type. The Workflow Engine creates a new instance of this process with the new correlation ID as the item key.

During the purchase order processing in the Supplier: Top Level Order process, standard external Java function activities retrieve the item number and item description from the purchase order XML document. The process sends event messages containing the following XML documents back to the Buyer system:

On the Buyer system, these events trigger subscriptions with the source type External. For each event, there are two subscriptions: one that adds a correlation ID consisting of the prefix PO followed by the event key (the order number), and another that sends the event message to the Buyer: Top Level PO process, using the correlation ID to match the message with the running process to which it belongs. The process receives the event messages and notifies the order requestor when each one arrives. After all three response documents have been received, the process completes.

See Also

Installing the Event System Demonstration Data Model

Initiating the Event System Demonstration Workflow

The Event System Demonstration Item Type

Summary of the Buyer: Top Level PO Process

Buyer: Top Level PO Process Activities

Summary of the Buyer: Send PO to Supplier Subprocess

Buyer: Send PO to Supplier Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Buyer: Receive Supplier PO Acknowledgement Subprocess

Buyer: Receive Supplier PO Acknowledgement Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Buyer: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess

Buyer: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Buyer: Receive Supplier Invoicing Subprocess

Buyer: Receive Supplier Invoicing Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Supplier: Top Level Order Process

Supplier: Top Level Order Process Activities

Summary of the Supplier: Get Order Details Subprocess

Supplier: Get Order Details Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Supplier: Credit Check Subprocess

Supplier: Credit Check Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Supplier: Stock Check Subprocess

Supplier: Stock Check Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Supplier: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess

Supplier: Advanced Shipment Notice Subprocess Activities

Summary of the Supplier: Send Supplier Invoice Subprocess

Supplier: Send Supplier Invoice Subprocess Activities

B2B Purchase Order Event

B2B Purchase Order Acknowledgement Event

B2B Advanced Shipment Notice Event

B2B Invoice Event

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