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Transitions appear as arrows in your diagram and represent the completion of one activity and the activation of another. For an activity that completes with a result type of <None>, any transition that you draw from it simply appears as an arrow to the next activity, indicating that as long as the originating activity completes, the process transitions to the next activity.

For an activity that has a defined result type, you must associate the transition arrow that you create with one of the activity's possible results. The result that the activity returns when it completes then determines what the next eligible activity is, as defined by the results-based transitions that originate from the completed activity. For example, "Notify Approver" with a result of 'REJECTED' transitions to "Reject Requisition." See: Requisition Process Activities.

You can also create a <Default>, <Any>, or <Timeout> transition for an activity that has a defined result type. The Workflow Engine follows a <Default> transition if no other transition matching the completion result exists. The Workflow Engine follows an <Any> transition regardless of what completion result the activity returns. This allows you to include a generic activity in the process that the Workflow Engine executes in parallel with the result-specific activity. The Workflow Engine follows a <Timeout> transition if the notification activity times out before completion. See: Setting Up Background Workflow Engines.

Activities can have multiple transitions for a single result to create parallel branches.

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