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Document Management Integration in Notifications

To access a referenced document management (DM) system document in a specific workflow notification, you can view the notification from the Detail Notification web page and select the document link to display the document in a DM integration screen. See: To Access a DM Document Sent by a Notification.

A notification may also require that you respond by attaching a document. In this case, select the paper clip icon that appears next to the field that requires a document response. Oracle Workflow displays a DM integration screen that allows you to search for a specific document to respond with. See: To Respond to a Notification with a DM Document.

Oracle Workflow provides you with a set of standard buttons for document management functions that are uniform across all document management systems. These buttons appear at the top of the DM integration screen. Once you select one of these buttons, Oracle Workflow presents you with your document management system's native user interface to complete the function, eliminating the need for you to learn a different UI to interact with your existing document management system. Some of the standard document management functions offered by Oracle Workflow include the ability to search for a document, check out/check in a document, and review a document's history.

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