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PL/SQL Syntax

function Log

    (p_subscription_guid in raw, 
p_event in out wf_event_t) return varchar2;


Logs the contents of the specified event message using DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line and returns the status code SUCCESS. Use this function to output the contents of an event message to a SQL*Plus session for testing and debugging purposes.

For example, if you want to test a custom rule function that modifies the event message, you can use Log() to show the event message both before and after your custom rule function is run. Define three subscriptions to the relevant event as follows:

Next, connect to SQL*Plus. Execute the following command:

	set serveroutput on size 100000

Then raise the event using WF_EVENT.Raise. As the Event Manager executes your subscriptions to the event in phase order, you should see the contents of the event message both before and after your custom rule function is run.

Note: You should not assign Log() as the rule function for any enabled subscriptions in a production instance of Oracle Workflow. This function should be used for debugging only.

Arguments (input)

p_subscription_ guid The globally unique identifier of the subscription.
p_event The event message.

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