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PL/SQL Syntax

function Success

    (p_subscription_guid in raw, 
p_event in out wf_event_t) return varchar2;


Returns the status code SUCCESS. This function removes the event message from the queue but executes no other code except returning the SUCCESS status code to the calling subscription.

You can use Success for testing and debugging purposes while developing code for use with the Business Event System. For example, if you are trying to debug multiple subscriptions to the same event, you can modify one of the subscriptions by replacing its rule function with WF_RULE.Success, leaving all other details for the subscription intact. When the subscription is executed, it will return SUCCESS but not perform any other subscription processing. This method can help you isolate a problem subscription.

Success() is analogous to the WF_STANDARD.Noop procedure used in the standard Noop activity.

Arguments (input)

p_subscription_ guid The globally unique identifier of the subscription.
p_event The event message.

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