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PL/SQL Syntax

function Receive

    (p_subscription_guid in raw, 
p_event in out wf_event_t) return varchar2;


Receives Business Event System object definitions during subscription processing and loads the definitions into the appropriate Business Event System tables. This function completes the replication of the objects from one system to another.

WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.Receive() is defined according the the standard API for an event subscription rule function. Oracle Workflow uses WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.Receive() as the rule function for two predefined subscriptions, one that is triggered when the System Signup event is raised locally, and one that is triggered when any of the events in the Seed event group is received from an external source.

The Seed event group includes the following events:

WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.Receive() parses the event data XML document from the event message that was received and then loads the Business Event System object definitions into the appropriate tables.

Note: For the event, event group, system, agent, and subscription definition events, WF_EVENT_FUNCTIONS_PKG.Receive() calls the Receive APIs associated with the corresponding tables to parse the XML document and load the definition into the table.

Arguments (input)

p_subscription_ guid The globally unique identifier of the subscription.
p_event The event message.

See Also






Predefined Workflow Events

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