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To Respond to an HTML E-mail Notification

Attention: An HTML-formatted e-mail notification always includes one attachment. The attachment is called Notification Detail Link and it provides a direct link to your notification in the Notification Details web page.

Note that your Web browser must support JavaScript and Frames to open this attachment. When you open the Notification Detail Link attachment, it automatically attempts to establish a web session with your web server. In doing so, it authenticates your access, verifies that your notification is still open, and displays a message if the notification is already closed.

You may respond directly to your notification from this Notification Details page, bypassing the need to process your response through the Notification Mailer. If you decide to respond from the Notification Details page, skip the remaining steps.

See: To View the Details of a Notification.

Note: If your workflow administrator has configured the Notification Mailer to use the Workflow Open Mail for Outlook Express message template, a link called "Click here to respond" will appear in place of the links for individual responses. The "Click here to respond" link provides access to your notification in the Notification Details web page.

Note that your Web browser must support JavaScript and Frames to open this link. When you choose the "Click here to respond" link, it automatically attempts to establish a web session with your web server. In doing so, it authenticates your access, verifies that your notification is still open, and displays a message if the notification is already closed. If you are disconnected from your network, however, you will not be able to use the link.

Once you have accessed the Notification Details page, you can respond directly to your notification from this page. In this case, you should skip the remaining steps.

Warning: Do not include any HTML-formatting in the e-mail response.

Note: Response templates generated from a response link in an HTML-formatted e-mail notification provide single quotes to enclose your response values, rather than the double quotes provided in plain text response templates. This use of single quotes accommodates e-mail applications that cannot process double quotes in the <A HREF="mailto:"> tag for the link but can accept single quotes.

Note: If you send an invalid response, the Notification System sends you an "invalid response" message. If you respond to a notification that has been canceled, you get a message informing you that the notification was canceled. Similarly, if you respond to a notification that was already previously responded to, you get a message informing you that the notification is closed.

See Also

To Respond to a Plain Text E-mail Notification Using Templated Response

To Respond to a Plain Text E-mail Notification Using Direct Response

To Respond to a Plain Text E-mail Notification with an HTML Attachment

To Reassign a Notification to Another User

HTML-Formatted E-mail

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