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procedure EnqueueInbound

    (itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
actid in number,
result in varchar2 default null,
attrlist in varchar2 default null,
correlation in varchar2 default null,
error_stack in varchar2 default null);


Enqueues the result from an outbound event onto the inbound queue. An outbound event is defined by an outbound queue message that is consumed by some agent.

Oracle Workflow marks the external function activity as complete with the specified result when it processes the inbound queue. The result value is only effective for successful completion, however. If you specify an external program error in the error_stack parameter, Oracle Workflow marks the external function activity as complete with an ERROR status, overriding the result value. Additionally, if a corresponding error process is defined in the item type, Oracle Workflow launches that error process.

Arguments (input)

itemtype The item type of the event.
itemkey The item key of the event. An item key is a string generated from the application object's primary key. The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type. The item type and key together identify the process instance.
actid The function activity instance ID that this event is associated with.
result An optional activity completion result. Possible values are determined by the function activity's Result Type.
attrlist A longlist of "value name=value" pairs that you want to pass back as item attributes and item attribute values. Each pair must be delimited by the caret character (^), as in the example, "ATTR1=A^ATTR2=B^ATTR3=C". If a specified value name does not exist as an item attribute, Oracle Workflow creates the item attribute for you, of type varchar2.
correlation Specify an optional correlation identifier for the message to be enqueued. Oracle Advanced Queues allow you to search a queue for messages based on a specific correlation value. If null, the Workflow Engine creates a correlation identifier based on the item type.
error_stack Specify an optional external program error that will be placed on Oracle Workflow's internal error stack. You can specify any text value up to a maximum length of 200 characters.

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