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Any Event

This event is raised implicitly when any other event is raised locally or received from an external source. You can define a subscription to the Any event to implement processing that you want to execute whenever an event occurs.

Attention: You must not change or disable the definition of the Any event. If you do, the Event Manager will not be able to perform error handling for event and subscription processing.

Internal Name
Generate Function None
Oracle Workflow provides three default subscriptions to the Any event. The first subscription can be triggered when an event is raised locally. To use this subscription, you must define the action for the subscription and enable it. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.

Subscription Property Value
System <local system>
Source Type Local
Event Filter
Phase 100
Status Disabled
Rule Data Key
Priority Normal

The second subscription can be triggered when an event is received from an external source. To use this subscription, you must define the action for the subscription and enable it. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.

Subscription Property Value
System <local system>
Source Type External
Event Filter
Phase 100
Status Disabled
Rule Data Key
Priority Normal

The third subscription sends the event message to the Default Event Error process in the System: Error item type and raises an exception when an event is received from an Error source (that is, when it is dequeued from the WF_ERROR queue). To use this subscription, you must enable it. The following table lists the properties defined for this subscription.

Subscription Property Value
System <local system>
Source Type Error
Event Filter
Phase 100
Status Disabled
Rule Data Key
Rule Function wf_rule.error_rule
Workflow Item Type WF_ERROR
Workflow Process Name DEFAULT_EVENT_ERROR
Priority Normal

See Also

To Define an Event Subscription

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